NCBS Wildlife Biology and Conservation Program Coordinator Recruitment, Apply Now
Job Announcement: Program Coordinator
Master’s Program in Wildlife Biology and Conservation, National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore.
Date: January 31st, 2024
Job Description: Program Coordinator
The Master’s program in Wildlife Biology and Conservation at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, is seeking a Program coordinator to assist with the day-to-day delivery and running of this intensive academic program.
The Program, anchored and run at the NCBS campus in Bangalore, is a unique academia-NGO partnership with Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) and Wildlife Conservation Society-India (WCS-India). Teaching in the program includes three semesters of classroom lectures and field-based training in protected areas and different natural ecosystems across the country. In the fourth semester, students carry out field-based research projects in field sites across India. Faculty and resource people associated with the program are drawn from multiple institutions across the country.
The Program Coordinator will be based at the Wildlife Office in NCBS, Bangalore. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational and communication skills and strong administrative and account management skills. The job requires a lot of multi-tasking and efficient time management. The candidate will also have strong social and
interpersonal skills required to interact with students, faculty, and visitors to the program. An interest and passion for wildlife and conservation are highly desirable in this candidate; such a person will get the maximum professional and academic growth from interactions with the lively and vibrant community of wildlife professionals and academics who engage with the program, and the busy academic calendar of lectures, guest talks, discussions, and field trips.Candidates with a Master’s Degree in any subject, strong organizational, administrative, and communication skills, and a desire to contribute to conservation capacity building are encouraged to apply.
The Program Coordinator, under the supervision of the Program Director and Academic Fellow, will have the following responsibilities:
- Assistance in the compilation and screening of applications for admission to the course.
- Managing announcements/advertisements of the program across India and institutions outside India for new admissions/positions.
- Assisting in the processes related to the setting of the national entrance test.
- Developing and implementing classes/field schedules in consultation with the faculty.
- Coordination of student evaluations and maintenance of student records in coordination with the Dean’s Office, NCBS.
- Supervision of student compliance with the rules of NCBS.
- Organizing and assisting in field tours to different parts of India, sometimes also accompanying students on these trips as needed.
- Communicating with the forest departments for permits for study tours and research.
- Procuring reading material and equipment for the M.Sc. Program.
- Compilation of student feedback on courses and faculty.
- Assistance with documentation for reports to funding agencies/government departments.
- Organizing, and assisting with preparations for meetings of Program Committees.
- Maintaining and handling all accounts related to activities and expenses incurred by the program.
- Organizing/managing travel and stay requirements for faculty and students for course/research-related activities.
- Upgrading and updating the program website and social media handles with activities and outcomes along with outreach engagement opportunities with the wider conservation community.
Salary will be commensurate with age, experience, and qualifications.
How to Apply:
Please apply with:
- A letter of interest that outlines why you want this job and why you will be good at it.
- Your CV indicating qualifications and relevant experience for the job.
Apply with the above materials as attachments by email to [email protected]
Ensure that you TITLE your application email as: MSCWLJobApplicant _2024_YOURFULLNAME
Applications must be received on or before February 22nd, 2024 to receive full consideration.
— From the Office of the Wildlife Biology and Conservation Program National Centre for Biological Sciences GKVK Campus, Bangalore, 560065
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