Govt Sainik School PGT Biology Recruitment
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Govt Sainik School PGT Biology Recruitment – Applications Invited

(A residential School run by Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence)
Post- Dorasar, Dist-Jhunjhunu (Raj)-333021
Email – [email protected]
Website –


Sainik School Jhunjhunu, an institution functioning under Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence, invites applications from eligible candidates (Indian Citizens Only) for posts on contractual basis as mentioned below. Staff of Sainik School Jhunjhunu is neither an employee of Central Government nor of State Government.

PGT (Biology) (Contractual) 01 (UR)

Essential Qualification

Master’s Degree or equivalent (concerned subject) from a recognized University with at least 55% marks in aggregate And B.Ed or equivalent from a recognized University.


PG in concerned subject with min 55% marks or equivalent grade and integrated three year B.Ed, M.Ed.

Desirable Qualifications

  • Minimum five years teaching in Residential English Medium public School.
  • Proficiency in English communication skills, games, and co-curricular activities.
  • Knowledge of Computer Applications.

Note: The school administration reserves the right to increase, decrease, or cancel the vacancies for any category at any stage due to administrative/policy reason. All shortlisted candidates of respective categories will be required to report at Sainik School Jhunjhunu (VPO Dorasar, Dist Jhunjhunu) on the date and time published on the School website. Candidates should be prepared to appear in class demonstration test (along with lesson plan) of 20 minutes (if cleared the written exam) for Class XII of respective subject (for PGT) from NCERT book.

Pay / Salary: Only ₹ 71,400/- Per month

Age: Between 21 to 40 years as on 30 June2024

  • Other Conditions for Regular, Contractual / Temporary Staff
    • Sainik School Rules & Regulations in vogue and as amended from time to time and other direction(s) received from Sainik Schools Society, New Delhi will be applicable.
  • Procedure for applying. Procedure for applying is as following:
    • Desirous candidates should apply to the Principal, Sainik School Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) through offline mode only on the prescribed format available in “Recruitment” tab of School website along with self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials. In the absence of testimonials/certificate, the application will be rejected.
    • Candidate must mention their secured percentage in each exam starting from class 10th onwards while filling their application form and attach self-attested copies of marksheets and certificates of all these educational qualifications.
    • Candidate must submit two passport size photographs.
    • Candidate must attach crossed demand draft (non-refundable) of Rs. 500/- for Gen Category/OBC & Rs. 250/- for SC/ST category, preferably issued by the SBI drawn in favour of Principal, Sainik School Jhunjhunu payable at SBI Collectorate Branch- Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) (Branch Code No.32040).
    • SC/ST/OBC candidates must submit a valid caste certificate to avail reservation & fee concession. In the absence of certificate, the application shall be rejected.
  • Last date of receipt of applications. 1700 hrs on 14 June 2024.
  • Mode of Receipt of application
    • Candidates are required to send their application through Registered post/Speed post (by Indian Postal Services) only.
    • School will not be responsible for any postal delay.
    • APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “ ” (Specify the name of Post) must be written in Capital letters on the top of Envelope.
  • Mode of Call Letters
    • All information regarding firm date/schedule of recruitment process, etc will be notified on school website “”. For the latest update, candidates are required to visit the school website under the ‘Recruitment’ tab regularly. Details of exam date, time, and venue will be published on the school website only. It is the responsibility of candidates to visit the school website regularly for the latest info/updates, etc.
    • Candidates are required to submit their working email ID & contact No in clear handwriting which is mandatory for communication. The school reserves the right to dispatch call-up letter via email mode only, hence candidates need to furnish their legible and working email ID and mobile contact at the appropriate column of the application form.
    • It is the responsibility of the candidate to write a legible email ID, Contact details & Address. School will not be responsible for failure of communication due to non-legibility/wrong email address, Mobile No & postal address.
  • Exam/Test
    • Only short-listed candidates who fulfill eligibility criteria based on essential qualification(s) will be called for Written Exam, Skill test and Interview (as applicable). Skill test and Interview will be conducted only for those candidates who secure the minimum qualifying marks as decided by the recruitment board.
    • No TA/DA will be admissible.
    • Skill test for various posts will include work/test in their respective fields.
  • Any candidate found to be using unfair means during the selection procedure or trying to influence the procedure in an undue manner will be straight away rejected.
  • All documents in original will be physically verified on the day of the exam.
  • After the recruitment, all documents are subject to verification by issuing authorities/board/university. Legal action will be initiated against the person(s) found using fake/forged/tempered documents, which will also result in the termination of services.

Download the application format here

Editor’s Note: Govt Sainik School PGT Biology Recruitment – Applications Invited. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!