Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research
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Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Indian Nationals are encouraged to apply online for the CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. 100 fellowships up for grabs for FRESHERS PhD. A fellowship of Rs. 65,000 per month will be paid plus HRA and a grant of Rs. 3 lakh per annum to be offered. Check details below:


Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an ensemble of 37 state-of-the-art institutes, is one of the leading industrial and scientific research organizations. Over time, this exceptional organization has assisted India usher in a scientific milieu, creating and nurturing talent in a huge variety of S&T domain names, spawned several associations, many disciplines and above all have served as a nursery school and training ground for most of India’s talented scientists and technologists. CSIR annually publishes over 3800 papers in science journals and holds over 3000 patents.

“CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral research Fellowship Scheme” was commissioned to identify promising young researchers with innovative ideas and provide them with research and training opportunities in niche areas of basic science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. The scheme aims at facilitating their transition from mentored to the independent research career. CSIR plans to offer you one hundred

(100) such fellowships annually to promising fresh PhD holders for working in CSIR labs with state-of-art R&D facilities.


PhD degree holders within three years of the award of PhD degree, or people who’ve submitted PhD theses. Applicants who are about to submit a thesis will also be eligible to apply, however, their selection will be subject to the condition they would have submitted the thesis before the expiry of the validity of this award offer. Applicants must have research publications in high impact factor SCI journals.

Although CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is available to Indian nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), a certain number (up to 20 percent ) of fellowships can be offered to foreign nationals.


32 years, relaxable up to 5 years in the event of SC/ST/Physically handicapped and women candidates and 3 years in case of OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates.


2 years and extendable for maximum one more year based on exceptional performance and recommendation from the Director of the CSIR laboratory where working.


CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be paid a consolidated fellowship of Indian Rs. 65,000/- a month and House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible and a contingency grant of Rs. 3.0 lakhs per annum. 25 percent of this contingency grant may be used for domestic and global travel including per diem expenses.


Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format, available on the site:, any time of year. On the other hand, the selections will be made twice annually, in the months of June and December. Applications received two months prior to the scheduled interview date will be considered for the short list and call for an interview. Eligible candidates have to route their applications through the sponsoring CSIR lab.

Applications of the employed (Permanent/Temporary) applicants from external CSIR system Is Only Going to be considered provided that:

  1. Director of the sponsoring laboratory recommends the application, citing the motives of mutually benefitting the research in the CSIR lab vis-à-vis the organization of the applicant at which he/she is a permanent/temporary employee.
  2. Undertaking from the organization where employed that Extraordinary Leave (EoL) without pay will be granted for the whole tenure of this CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship if chosen.

Selections to the”CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” will be made dependent on the presentation of this proposed research project followed by an interview of short-listed applicants by specially constituted Committees. Applicants from abroad may also be considered in absentia if qualified. Selection of foreign nationals will be subjected to clearance by ISTADS, CSIR.


Accommodation may be provided by CSIR labs if available. CSIR rules on leased accommodation are being reviewed in the light of “Sixth Pay Commission” recommendations and will be made applicable as and when approved. CSIR Nehru

Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be entitled to Medical benefits According to the CSIR rules for Research Associates.


(i) Candidates that have worked for their PhD from a particular CSIR lab won’t be eligible for becoming a PDF at the exact same CSIR lab under this scheme.

(ii) Appointing CSIR lab will bear 20% of the yearly expenditure from its internal resources.

(iii) 20 percent of this fellowship amount will be compensated as a lump sum at the conclusion of 1st and 2nd year, respectively.

(iv) Selected candidates are expected to join within four months of the effective date of the award.

The rest of the rules and regulations will be applicable to CSIR Research Associates (could be observed at Further, in all matters, the decision of CSIR will be final.

List of CSIR labs and their R&D activities could be seen at For more information about CSIR labs, please see the web site of the individual lab.


Please read the instructions, given at (Annexure-I), carefully before filling the Application Form. The Application Proforma is given as (Annexure-II). Application received without attestation of the Director of the Sponsoring CSIR lab is going to be rejected.

Terms and Conditions of this Schemes (Please Click)

Proforma for joining of selected candidates (Please Click)

Duly filled application Ought to Be sent to:-

Mr S. A. Hasan
Principal Scientist
CSIR-Human Resource Development Group
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue
Pusa, New Delhi-110012

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Editor’s Note: CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme, Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research, CSIR Fellowships 2019, latest CSIR Nehru PDF Research Fellow 2019, check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media profiles for the latest in the life sciences industry.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. Are the candidates eligible to apply only in the mentioned CSIR labs on the CSIR website?

  2. I am 44 years old, is there any fellowship to do Post Doc for person like me.
    Prodip Kumar Sahoo, PhD.
    Independent Researcher.
    Former faculty, Hojai college (Zoology),Staff (Wildlife Trust of India ), Sr. Project Associate (ATREE).

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