ICAR-IIRR BSc & MSc Research Job Openings For Life Sciences
ICAR-IIRR BSc & MSc Research Job Openings For Life Sciences. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research job openings. BSc Botany, Biotech and life sciences jobs. MSc Agriculture
biotech, plant biotech, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant breeding, Genetics, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences jobs. Check the details below
This job expires in
(Formerly Directorate of Rice Research)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 30: Telangana
Phone No’s: 040-24591254 FAX: 040-24591217
F. No. IIRR/Biotech/ICAR NASF/22/01
Applications are invited for selection to the post of Senior Research Fellow (One post) and Young Professional I (One post) under ICAR-NASF Project on “Deciphering and deploying low phoshorus tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency in rice using targeted genomics approach” on or before 10/11/2022 in the prescribed format.
Post I
Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow
No. of Posts: 01
Age: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 31000/- + 27% HRA per month
- Master’s degree in Agriculture biotechnology/ plant biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology/Plant breeding/ Genetics/Bio-chemistry/Plant Sciences with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s degree
- Two years of research experience
Or - Master’s Degree in Agriculture Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/Plant breeding/Genetics/ Biochemistry/Plant Sciences with 3 years of Bachelor’s
degree and NET qualification - Two years of research experience.
Desirable: Research experience in gene cloning and rice tissue culture.
Post II
Name of the Post: Young Professional I
No. of Posts: 01
Age: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
Monthly Emoluments: Rs.25,000 per month Consolidated
- B. Sc. (Agriculture) / B. Sc. (Botany/ Biotechnology) / B. Sc. (Life Sciences)
Desirable: Research experience in the field of Agriculture/Plant Breeding / Plant Biotechnology/plant molecular biology. Experience in recording morphological data in rice research.
How to Apply
Eligible candidates may send their applications in the prescribed Pro-forma to the e-mail address [email protected] latest by 21/11/2022 along with the Application form (enclosed in word format), self-attested scanned copies of original certificates of educational qualifications, experience certificates, additional qualifications (if any) to be uploaded as a Single PDF File in the same order as mentioned here.
After the screening of the applications, the short-listed candidates will be informed about the details of the Virtual Interview (Date and Time) by mail.
Original documents will be verified at the time of appointment. If any candidate is found to have submitted false claims at a later stage, their candidature will be summarily rejected.
Terms & Conditions
- The above post is purely temporary initially for one year it may be extendable based on the performance and fund availability.
- If we receive a large number of applications, the applications will be shortlisted for interviews based on additional qualifications and experience.
- Original documents will be verified at the time of the interview.
- The interview of eligible, short-listed candidates will be held virtually on the prescribed date and time which will be communicated by mail.
- The candidates will have to send a soft copy of the filled-in application form duly signed as per the format annexed, along with the self-attested scanned copies of the original documents of the qualifications and a recent photograph pasted onto the scan application as a Single PDF File.
- The selected candidate will be required to produce all the original documents and medical certificates at the time of joining.
- Only the shortlisted candidates would be interviewed.
- Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of such candidates.
- Mobile Number and E-mail ID must be entered in the prescribed application form; therefore, the applicant must have a valid operative email and mobile number.
- No Objection Certificate from the present employer is a must if the candidate is already working.
- The decision of PI would be final and binding in all aspects.
Age limit: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
Click here to download the application format
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i m student of B.sc agriculture 4th year