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CSIR-NEERI Biotech & Microbiology Project Associate Recruitment

CSIR-NEERI Biotech & Microbiology Project Associate Recruitment. MSc Biotech/Microbiology candidates are encouraged to apply for a project associate vacancies at CSIR-NEERI. Check out all of the details on the same below:

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NEERI Vacancy Details

CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
CSIR Madras Complex,Taramani, Chennai 600 113. INDIA
E. mail: [email protected] URL: www.neeri.res.in/www.csircmc.res.in


For Engagement of Project Associate Level I and Sr. Project Associate under Sponsored Projects (ongoing & future need)

Post I

Job Title: Project Associate-I

No. of Positions: (05 nos)

Title of Project:

1.Testing and Research Development Facility for Fire crackers – Raw Materials, Compositions and Emissions (RACE)

Job Requirement: Knowledge in Materials Synthesis and Characterization based on XRD, XPS and various Microscopic techniques

2. Development of Low-cost Personal Protective Kits using Copper-based Nano-composites for Disinfection of Novel Corona in Ambient Environment.

Job Requirement: Knowledge in Materials Synthesis and Characterization based on XRD, XPS and various Microscopic techniques and hands-on experience in secondary metabolite extraction, bio-activity studies and molecular biology techniques

3. Restoration and rejuvenation of river bodies

Job Requirement: Analysis of water quality parameters, soil and sediment


Post II

Name of the Post: Senior Project Associate

No. of Posts: (01 nos)

Title of the Project: Assessment of water quality of Puliyanganu Eri, Palaar and Ponniyar river (Ranipet Dist. TN)

Duration: The engagement is purely on a temporary basis which may be extended or curtailed depending on the period of the sponsored project, satisfactory performance/ conduct of the candidate. The PAs will be working at CSIR-NEERI, Chennai. The engagement will be co-terminus with the project period. The engagement will not be an appointment in CSIR/NEERI, temporary or otherwise. It would certainly therefore not confer any kind of right/claim implicit or explicit for consideration for regularization/ absorption.

How to Apply for NEERI Vacancy:

Interested as well as qualified candidates, willing to undertake field visits and stay in the field according to the project requirement should send their bio-data in the prescribed format (annexed and additionally available at www.neeri.res.in) supported by the copies of documentary proof for date of birth, educational qualifications, experience, etc. to e-mail id: [email protected] on or before Dec 18, 2020, as well as also need to show the same (originals) at the time of online (virtual) interview for verification. Only the shortlisted applicants by the local screening committee will be called for the online (virtual) interview. Candidates who do not fulfil the prescribed educational qualifications need not apply.

No interim inquiries will be entertained in this regard.

Service conditions of Scientific / Technical manpower:

  1. DA & CCA: Scientific / Technical Manpower in projects are not entitled to DA & CCA
  2. House Rent Allowance (HRA): HRA is allowed to all categories, the percentage required for calculating HRA will be based on the remuneration
  3. Medical Benefits: The scientific/technical manpower will be entitled to medical benefits as applicable in the implementing institution
  4. Leave and other entitlements: The scientific/technical manpower are entitled to leave as per rules of the host institution. Maternity leave as per the Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time would be available to all categories. The travel entitlement is as per institute norms.
  5. Bonus, Gratuity & Leave Travel Concession: The Scientific / Technical manpower will not be entitled to these allowances.

For Post I

Fixed reimbursement:

i. 31,000 + HRA to scholars that are chosen through (a) National Eligibility tests– CSIR-UGC NET consisting of lectureship ( Assistant professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process via national level exams conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions.

ii. 25,000 + HRA for others that do not fall under (i) above

Educational Qualifications for NEERI Vacancy: Master’s Degree in Microbiology from a recognized University or equivalent

For Post II

Fixed reimbursement: Rs. 42,000/- + HRA

Educational Qualifications for NEERI Vacancy:

i. Master’s degree in Biotechnology and
ii. Four years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic institutions or science and technology organizations and scientific activities and services
Doctoral Degree in Biotechnology from a recognized University or equivalent

Job Requirement for NEERI Vacancy: Analysis of soil, water quality parameters and hands-on experience in handling of fluorescence spectrophotometer, AAS, GC, etc.

See Notification Below

Editor’s Note: CSIR-NEERI Biotech & Microbiology Project Associate Recruitment. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!