NABI Biotech Project Vacancies
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NABI Biotech Project Vacancies – Walk-in/Online Interview

NABI Biotech Project Vacancies. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

Walk-in/Online Interview for the temporary posts of Research Associate (1) Project Assistant (2), Junior Research Fellow (2) and Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow.

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) is an autonomous Institute under the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI aims at catalysing the transformation of the Agri-food sector in India by being a nodal organization for knowledge generation and translational science leading to value-added products based on Agri-Food biotech innovations for improved household nutritional security. Since its inception in 2010, NABI is involved in research activities for Bio-fortification, the development of designer crops for improved nutrition, providing sustainable and novel solutions for quality food and nutrition, and the development of evidence-based functional foods to counter malnutrition. The food and nutritional Biotechnology division at NABI requires the following research personnel purely on a temporary basis.

Post I

1.Project Title: “Exploring bioactive compounds and natural colorants from biomass for functional food development and therapeutic targets in non-communicable diseases.” (NABI core)

Principle Investigator: Dr. Shivraj Nile, Scientist-C

Positions: Research Associate (One position)

Duration: The RA fellowship

is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of 1 year only, and in exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the performance, the committee may recommend the up-gradation of RA Levels.

Essential Qualification: PhD in Life Science/Food Science/Pharmacy/Biochemistry with at least three research paper in peer-reviewed research publications in science citation indexed (SCI) journals in the area directly related to the project.

Desirable Experience:

  1. Strong research background related to natural products targeting gut microbiome and colon cancer biology.
  2. Practical experience on extraction and stability enhancement of natural bioactive
  3. Formulation of bioactive compound based nano materials for cancer and gut microbiome
  4. Developing various models for enhanced solubility, bioavailability and drug
  5. Experience on handling different cancer cell lines and animal models.
  6. Relevant research publications in peer-reviewed

Responsibilities: Selected individual will play an important role in advancing this research, particularly through planning, designing, and performing experimental work. This individual will work on designing and executing experimental protocols for the extraction, characterization, and functional evaluation of bioactive compounds and natural colorants from biomass. The role involves optimizing extraction methods (e.g., ultrasound-assisted or solvent-based techniques), performing chemical analyses using techniques like HPLC, GC-MS, and FTIR, and assessing the bioactivity of the compounds for therapeutic applications in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and cancer. Additionally, the candidate will contribute to formulating functional food prototypes, evaluating their stability and efficacy, and documenting research findings in the form of reports, manuscripts, and patents. Active collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and assisting in grant management and dissemination activities are also key aspects of the role.

Emoluments:- Rs. 58000/- per month plus HRA (As per DST OM No. DST/PCPM/Z-06/2022 dated 26.06.2023)

Age limit: 40 years (Relaxation is admissible in the case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions)

Contact Details:- Project Investigator: Dr. Shivraj Nile, Scientist-C, Email:- [email protected]; Contact no. +91 172 522 1265.

Post II

  1. Project title-“Microbiome big-data mining to discover novel patterns.(NABI CORE)

Principle Investigator:  Dr. Shrikant Mantri, Scientist-F

Position: Project Assistant (Two position)

Duration: The appointment will be initially for one year as Project Assistant or till the  termination of the project whichever is earlier. Continuation of appointment for the next year  will be on the basis of submission of progress report and further assessment. The appointment  is co-terminus with the project along with availability of funds. It will not exceed beyond  project.

Essential Qualification: – M.Sc in Bioinformatics/Biotechnology/Microbiology/Life Sciences/Sys. Biology & Bioinformatics with minimum 55% marks.

Emoluments: Rs. 20000/- per month Plus HRA as per project.(As per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-05/2019 dated 10.07.2020)

Age limit:-  28 years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions) .

Desirable Experience:  We seek an enthusiastic scholar with a Masters in Bioinformatics/Biotechnology/Microbiology/Life Sciences/Sys. Biology & Bioinformatics or closely related disciplines with  experience and interests in bioinformatics analyses. The project is focusing on multi-omics  big-data mining. Candidates are expected to have a solid foundation with the Linux/Unix  command line and basic programming skills.

Contact Details: – Project Investigator:  Dr. Shrikant Mantri, Scientist-F ,  Email: – [email protected]; Contact no. +91 172 522 1180

Post III

  1. Project title-“ Development of aptamer based lateral flow assay for onsite detection of bacteria(NABI core)

Principle Investigator:  Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal, Scientist-E

Position: Junior Research Fellow (One position)

Duration: The appointment will initially be for one year. Further up-gradation from JRF to SRF will be on the basis of the submission of a progress report and further assessment.

Essential Qualification: – Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: –

Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.

Emoluments: Rs. 37,000/- per month plus HRA

Age limit:-  28 Years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD as per GOI Instructions).

Desirable Experience:  The project envisages the development of an aptamer-based lateral flow assay for bacteria sensing. The candidate should be well-versed in aptamer synthesis, nanomaterial synthesis, biosensing.

Contact Details: – Project Investigator:  Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal, Scientist-E,  Email: – [email protected]; Contact no. +91 172 522 1243

Post IV

  1. Project title-“Identification and characterization of specific genes/metabolites linked with rancidity and their bioavailability patterns in landraces and elite cultivars of pearl millet for the development of nutri-rich products.(NASF funded project)

Principle Investigator:  Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal, Scientist-E

Position: Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow (One position)

Duration: Appointment is co-terminus with the project along with the availability of funds.

Essential Qualification: – Master degree in relevant subject with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having post-graduate degree in basic sciences with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualifications. as mentioned in OM No. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dates 13th July, 2015, OM No. Agril. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD 9th October, 2015 of the council, OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30th January 2019 and OM F.No. Ag. Edn.6/27/2014-HRD dated 30th July 2019.

Emoluments: 31000/- per month  plus HRA As per NASF/ICAR guidelines

Age limit:-  As Per ICAR guidelines 28 years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government instructions)

Desirable Experience:

  1. Experience in the gene/metabolite analysis through different techniques.
  2. Practical knowledge of bioavailability assessment, cell culture and molecular techniques, animal handling.
  3. Relevant research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Responsibilities: – Recruited JRF will work on the assessment of bioavailability patterns in different cultivars of pearl millet in in vitro and in vivo models.

Contact Details: – Project Investigator: Dr. Nitin Kumar Singhal, Scientist-E,  Email: – [email protected]; Contact no. +91 172 522 1243

Post V

  1. Project title-“Improvement of nutritional and processing quality of wheat(Own fellowship)

Principle Investigator:  Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist F

Position: Junior Research Fellow (One position)

Duration: 5 years

Essential Qualification:

  1. a) MSc/ MTech in any area of life sciences or an equivalent degree.
  2. b) 55% total marks or equivalent score in the qualifying degree (5% relaxation in marks will be given to SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy layer)/PWD as per GOI norms)
  3. c) In addition to the above, candidates applying for admission must qualify a national-level test for pursuing the Doctor of Philosophy program. Such tests include doctoral fellowship or admission eligibility tests conducted at the national level by recognized government agencies, such as the University Grants Commission (UGC), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), or any other government-recognized agency.

Emoluments: The selected student should have his/ her own fellowship from any of the recognized granting agencies as per funding agency norms.

Age limit:-  28 years (Relaxation is admissible in the case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions)

Desirable Experience:  Theoretical and general practical understanding of plant molecular biology-related techniques, bioinformatics, biochemistry, animal biotechnology, cell-culture, plant breeding and genetics.

Contact Details: – Project Investigator:  Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist-F, Email: [email protected]; Contact no. +91 172 522 1205

Application Procedure & Other Conditions

1. All interested candidates may appear for Walk-In-Interview at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute located at Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali, Punjab- 140306, on 07.01.2025 at 09:00 A.M. along with the duly filled application form available on the website (Phone No. 0172-5221245)

2. Incomplete application forms and applications that are not in proper format may be summarily rejected.

3. The applications should be submitted strictly as per the prescribed format that can be downloaded from the NABI website.

4. Candidates applying for more than one post can give their preference by writing different designations in the same application form.

5. Candidates should ensure that information mentioned in the application form is accurate. Once the application form is submitted, no further request regarding any changes/ information in the application form will be considered.

6. The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration at NABI from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM on 07.01.2025.

7. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates will not be interviewed.

8. All the candidates are requested to appear for a Walk-In interview with an application form, experience certificates, publications, and original degree certificates and transcripts.

9. Original mark sheets, certificates, award/fellowship, etc., must be produced for verification at the time of the interview, and attach one set of attested copies of the documents with the application form.

10. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

11. Canvassing in any form or bringing influence, political or otherwise, will lead to disqualification of the candidate(s).

12. Candidates should strictly adhere to guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and Centre Govt/State Govt on Covid-19.

13. In the event of special circumstances, candidates may request the project investigator (via email) to conduct their interviews online. Such requests must be submitted well in advance, preferably at least one week prior to the scheduled interview date. However, the final decision will be taken by the selection committee to ascertain the special circumstances and allow the candidate(s) for an online interview. The Institute reserves the right to conduct the interview in online/offline mode.

14. Interview results will be published on the NABI website.

Note: Permission for an online interview may be sought from the PI at least one week prior to the interview date, and a valid reason must be given for the same.

Download the application format here

Editor’s Note: NABI Biotech Project Vacancies – Walk-in/Online Interview. NABI Biotech Project Vacancies. NABI Biotech Project Vacancies 2025. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
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