IIT Hyderabad Biotech SRF Job For BTech & MTech Apply
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IIT Hyderabad Biotech SRF Job For BTech & MTech Apply

Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the
MicroReaction Engineering Lab,
Department of Chemical Engineering, IITH

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following position:

Name of post: Senior Research Fellow

Job Description: For the project entitled “Microfluidics for Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing” in the area of Droplet Microfluidics for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

Name of PI: Dr. Suhanya Duraiswamy

Name of the Laboratory: MicroReactionEngineering lab. Group website link: https://murelab.weebly.com/

No. of post: 01

Essential Qualification

  1. B Tech/MTech in Chemical Engineering/Biotechnology
  2. Minimum 65% marks (or CGPA/Grade of 6.50 or above)*
    (*institute may set higher cut-off marks for the shortlisting, if the number of candidates are high)
  3. Minimum 2 years of research experience as a JRF
  4. Minimum 1 publication

Desirable: Basic microbiology knowledge is desired but not essential. Candidate should be willing to work with microbes.

Consolidated Pay: As per the revised GOI norm + HRA. Accommodation will not be provided on campus.

Age requirement: Not more than 40 years on 1/6/2024.

Tenure of employment: Contract period initially for 6 months. Can be extended until the project closure upon satisfactory performance (Monthly fellowship will be released after monthly

progress review report).

Mode of application: Online.
Candidates are requested to visit IIT Hyderabad website and apply online through google form.
Candidates are requested to fill above form online and upload full CV (with the photograph), along with relevant documents).

Link of application form: https://forms.gle/wkng9T9Q1fMNyAQm6

Last date of application: 1 June 2024

Mode of selection: Short-listed candidates will be called for Online Interview.

Contact Email: [email protected]

Keywords: Job Posting, Senior Research Fellow, MicroReaction Engineering Lab, IITH. IIT Hyderabad Biotech SRF Job For BTech & MTech Apply. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Shekhar Suman is the Co-founder of BioTecNika Info Labs Pvt. Ltd. He is an Entrepreneur, Writer, Public Speaker, and a Motivational Coach. In his career, he has mentored more than 100,000+ students toward success in the Biopharma Industry. He heads the BioTecNika Group, which comprises BioTecNika.com, BioTecNika.org, and Rasayanika.com. An avid reader and listener who is passionate about BioSciences. Today Biotecnika is India's largest Biotech Career portal, with over 5 Million subscribers from academia & Industry. It's ranked among the top 50 websites worldwide in the Biology category.