Raman Research Fellowship
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Raman Research Fellowship 2020-2021 – Applications Invited

CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2020-2021 official notification is out. Raman Research Fellowships 2020-2021 notification. Raman Research Fellowships 2020 notification is out. Check out all of the details on the same below:

This call expires in :

-1802Days -16Hours -49Minutes -37Seconds

Anusandhan Bhavan 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001

Applications are encouraged from CSIR institutes for the award of Raman Research Fellowships for the year 2020-2021. The Raman Research Fellowships are granted to the CSIR researchers for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority technology areas. It’s tenable at foreign institutions / R&D Centres of Excellence. The whole cost is met by CSIR HQs.

The application proforma is provided at Annexure-I. The details regarding eligibility, terms & conditions may be seen at Annexure-II. Applications of up to two eligible meritorious candidates might be forwarded to ISTAD, CSIR after thorough careful evaluation. All applications will be returned to the concerned Institute if the number of nominations exceeds two.

The candidates need to submit 6 (six) copies of their application form. Additionally, an electronic copy of the nomination summary according to Annexure-III may be sent to the undersigned

([email protected]). 

The nominated candidates are expected not just to be meritorious but also be fully aware of the national agenda in Science and CSIR’s Vision. They’re expected to possess general awareness about our nation, its culture, history and present-day socio-economic and geopolitical issues.

The selection will be made via a mechanism of an interview by the duly constituted Selection Committee. The interviews will be held in CSIR HQs., New Delhi sometimes between March – June 2019. The exact time and date of this interview will be intimated to all the eligible candidates about a month beforehand.

The candidates are advised not to correspond directly but might feel free to make enquiries through ISTAG of their respective institutes/ Units/ Directorates.


The Fellowship is given to the CSIR Scientists for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority areas in reputed foreign institutions/R & D Centres of Excellence to improve their R&D skills/capability. The Fellowship is tenable abroad at CSIR expense.


Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic certifications (Postgrad in Engineering as well as PhD in Natural Science/ Technology/ Engineering) as well as research experience, presently working in high top priority areas, (FTT/ Mission mode projects/ NIMITLI projects/ major programmes of Institute) that have actually completed minimum 5 years of service in CSIR on the last day for invoice of the applications. The applicant should have made a commendable contribution to research/ innovation in the proposed area, which.
need to be of international level. Fellowship must not be sought for training or to carry out tests, etc. making use of facilities in the host institute. The RRF must be sought to even more improve the skills/capability and fill in technological gaps. The candidate ought to not be more than 45 years old as of February 15, 2020.

Fellowship Tenure: Two to Six Months (in one spell only).

Area: Applied research topics in the high priority technology areas of the Laboratory/CSIR as well as additionally any specific area under Basic Science of relevance and immediate importance.

Terms: During the Fellowship duration the Scientist will certainly be called “Raman Research Fellow”. The Fellow will be sent abroad on deputation terms.

Financial Terms:

  • International airfare to & fro by most inexpensive Economy class.
  • Fellowship @ US $ 2500/- per month.
  • US$ 1000/- lump sum towards contingency as well as preparatory expenses.
  • US$ 1000/- Supplementary grant for participation in Conferences/visiting institutions of excellence in the nation of placement.

Mode of Selection:

Through interview by a duly constituted Selection Committee to be comprised by the DG CSIR. The applicant has to provide at the time of the interview, letter of acceptance from the host-institution duly approved by the Director of the Institutes indicating the particular study work to be carried out abroad. The candidate can make Powerpoint presentation (up to 5 slides) for 7 minutes, first 4 minutes for the present research activities and remaining 3 mins for the suggested research work.


The chosen applicants shall execute a bond before proceeding abroad on Fellowship to serve the concerned Lab/Instt. for 3 years on his/her return.

Terms and conditions governing “RAMAN RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP”.

  1. The individual availing this fellowship would be called ‘Raman Research Fellow’.
  2. The Fellowship will be for a period of 2 to 6 months on deputation terms. It is granted for research as well as training in the specific areas of top priority identified by the CSIR (FTT/ Mission mode projects/ NIMITLI projects/ major programmes of Institute). The Fellow should not deviate his research topic throughout the tenure of the fellowship from the suggested subject of work as well as likewise needs to not alter the place of work without the prior written approval of CSIR.
  3. Extension of fellowship beyond the period mentioned in para 2 above shall not be generally considered unless there are exceptional circumstances validating such extension which can not be visualized at the time of sending the final plan of work. Such a request ought to be obtained in CSIR from the Fellow via his/her guide and Director, at least one month before expiry of the sanctioned period, indicating particular recommendation of his/her host institute and the Director of the Lab as well as verifying that the fellow has been submitting the quarterly Progress Report regularly on schedule.
  4. Guidelines governing payment of income, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF, Pension, etc. of the Laboratory/Institute to which the Fellow belongs, would certainly continue to be applicable throughout the fellowship period as well as will be the liability of the Lab./ Institute concerned.
  5. He/She will be qualified to air passage in the least expensive economy class both ways by Air-India only from his/her present place of duty to the area of training by the direct route. No other airlines can be utilized for this purpose other than in sectors where Air-India does not operate. In sectors where Air-India does not operate, air passage should be got booked via AirIndia and will be limited to Air India fares.
  6. The fellow will be entitled to fellowship in foreign exchange equivalent to US$ 2500/- (United States dollars Two thousand and five hundred only) monthly in the nation of study in the suitable currency depending upon the place of the training, based on RBI regulations. In addition to this he/she will be provided with an additional grant of US$ 1000/- for participation in Conferences/visiting institutions of excellence in the nation of placement. He/She will certainly also be entitled to US$ 1000/- as lump sum contingency to cover expenses which might be directly connected to his/her work. It will also cover the commission charged by the authorized Banks on the transfer of the foreign exchange to the Fellow’s account in a foreign country, visa fee, etc.
  7. The Fellow would be required to obtain his medical insurance done from an appropriate Indian Insurance Company prior to proceeding abroad. The expense on the medical insurance will be borne by the Fellow out of the Contingency amount granted.
  8. The Institution in which the fellow will certainly work do not generally charge any fee. The Director of the Institute presumably has to have made certain that no fee is payable in this case.
  9. The Fellow is expected to take appropriate measures to protect the IPR likely to be.
    generated throughout his/her stay at the host institution.
  10. The Fellow shall be required to execute a bond prior to proceeding on Fellowship to serve the concerned institute for Three years on return from fellowship.
  11. If the Fellow does not go back to India or gets job opportunities overseas on conclusion of the fellowship, the Institute will recover the whole expenditure from the fellow as well as remit it to the CSIR. In addition, the matter shall be taken up with host Institution as well as concerned Government through Indian mission abroad for suitable/legal action as considered fit.
  12. The Fellow will dedicate his/her entire time on his/her chosen area of specialization during the tenure of his/her fellowship, and will certainly not seek gainful employment somewhere else without the prior permission of CSIR.
  13. The Fellow shall send a quarterly Progress Report on his/her research activities overseas throughout the fellowship abroad within 15 days on expiry of each quarter as well as an in-depth Final Report on his/her return from abroad within a fortnight. The quarterly Progress Report or in the Final Report, as the case may be, will certainly be forwarded to CSIR right away along with ‘ Critical Appraisal’ of the exact same by the Director of the Institute.
  14. The institute will likewise send along with the Final Report, a statement of expenditure, duly certified by the F&AO of the laboratory indicating inter-alia, the name of the fellow, position held in Instt., period of fellowship, name of foreign Institute where fellowship was availed, Title of research, details of travel costs to & fro, Fellowship as well as Contingency expenditures ( in international currency along with Indian Rupees), income paid in India and any other payment made to him/her.
  15. The fellowship should start within the same financial year in which it is granted i.e.
    April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

View Notification, Annexures & Download Application Format From Below

Editor’s Note: Raman Research Fellowship 2020-2021 – Applications Invited. Check out more such notifications only on Biotecnika Times Newsletter – it is a free subscription service that you can sign up just once. You can also check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

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