Food Safety Jobs
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Food Safety Jobs at OSSC – Applications Invited

Food Safety Jobs at OSSC – Applications Invited. OSSC Recruitment 2021. Govt Food Safety Job 2021. Interested applicants can check out all of the details regarding the eligibility, scale of pay, job description, how to apply and more below:

Recruitment for 35 posts of Food Safety Officer on contractual basis under Commissioner Food Safety, Odisha,
Indicative Advertisement
(Post code-FS0/142 )(WEBSITE:

No.IIE-156/2020-4515 /OSSC

Date: 30.12.2020


  1. Date of activation of the Online Application for the post will be notified shortly. Applicants are advised to be in constant touch with the above website to apply for the post.
  2. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria according to terms & conditions in the detailed advertisement are needed to apply with Online Mode only after publication of the detailed advertisement in the web site of the Commission.
  3. If at any kind of stage of the recruitment process or afterwards, it is found that any type of info furnished by the applicant in his/her on line application is false/incorrect or the applicant has suppressed any kind of relevant information or the candidate or else does not fulfil the eligibility criteria for the post, his/her candidature for the post/ exam will be cancelled forthwith and also he may be debarred from appearing any kind of further recruitment examination conducted by OSSC either temporarily or permanently.
  4. PwD applicants have to follow the Advisory Notification published vide No. 3453/OSSC dt.24.10.2019 available in the Commission’s website to avail the benefits for PwD category.
  5. In-service contractual applicants claiming benefits will need to follow the Advisory Notification published vide No.3658/OSSC dt. 01.11.2019 available in the Commission’s website.

Name of the Position: Food Safety Officer

NO. OF VACANCIES: Total -35- UR-18 (W-3), SEBC-04 (W-2), SC-06, ST-07 (W-1)
Vacancy for the special category:- PwD-03 (W-I), Ex-Serviceman-01, Sports Person-01
PwD candidates of Category-I (Hard of Hearing) & Category-III (Dwarf, Acid Attack Victims, Leprosy Cured) are suitable to apply for the post.

Age: Candidate must not be below 21 Years and must not exceed 32 years of age as on 1st
January 2020 with usual age relaxation as per relevant rules for  SC, ST, SEBC, Women, PwD, Ex-servicemen & In-service contractual employees.

EXAMINATION FEES: The candidates other than SC, ST & PwD shall need to pay the non-refundable exam fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees 2 hundred) only with an online mode based on details to be mentioned in the detailed advertisement.


  1. This advertisement is indicative in nature and also provisional. The candidates are recommended to refer to the detailed advertisement to be published in the official web site of the Commission prior to filling up the online application.
  2. Mobile Phones/other communication devices/materials are not allowed inside the examination premises.
  3. Applicants are also advised that they should keep active their Email Id & Mobile No. registered in the on-line application till the conclusion of recruitment. It may be noted that no written correspondence, whatsoever be made for any type of communication.

The scale of Pay & Conditions of Service: The appointment to this post will be initially on a contractual basis carrying a remuneration of Rs. 16880/- per month(for I st year) as per Govt. in G.A. & P.G. Department Notification No. 19569/G.A. dated 12.09.2017 and Condition of Service will be guided by (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 & Food Safety Standard Rules-2011.


Minimum Educational Qualification:

The applicant applying for the post must have passed

(a) Degree in Food Technology/ Dairy Technology / Biotechnology/ Bio-Chemistry/ Microbiology from recognized University securing minimal 60% marks.

(b) Besides the candidate to possess adequate knowledge in computer application i.e windows, MS Office (Word, Excel & PowerPoint), MS Access & Usage of Internet services.

See Notification Below

Editor’s Note: Food Safety Jobs at OSSC – Applications Invited. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!