Biotecnika Times – TWAS NRF 2020, Rs. 75,000 pm Salary IIT Job
Table of Contents
Tata Medical Center Proteomics Vacancy – Biological & Life Sciences Apply
Govt TTCRC Cell Biology Jobs – PhD Proteomics Vacancy. Tata Translational Cancer Research Center Postdoctoral Fellow in Proteomics Job Opening.
TWAS-NRF Doctoral Programme 2020 – Apply Online
TWAS-NRF Doctoral Programme 2020 – Apply Online. South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) & DST NRF-TWAS Doctoral Fellowships Notification 2020.
Deputy CM of Karnataka Launches COVID-19 Detection Kit Developed at Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre
Honorable Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka and Minister of IT, BT and S&T, Dr. C N Ashwathnarayan visited Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre on 14th May 2020 and chaired the meeting regarding projects of COVID-19 diagnostics and therapeutics going on within the facility.
GBPIHED JRF / JPF Vacancy In Himalayan Biodiversity Project
GBPIHED JRF / JPF Vacancy In Himalayan Biodiversity Project. MSc candidates with a degree in botany are invited to appear for a walk-in-interview for a Junior Research
Fellow/Junior Project Fellow Job.
Life Science Job at IIT Kanpur – Scientist Post With Rs. 75,000 pm Salary
Life Science Job at IIT Kanpur – Scientist Post With Rs. 75,000 pm Salary. IIT Kanpur Recruitment. IIT Kanpur Job Openings.
Detailed Analysis of Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Favors COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Epidemiologists around the world are trying to predict how the coronavirus pandemic will unfold until a vaccine is available as scientists are racing to develop a vaccine to protect against COVID-19 infection.
N95-like Mask Designed by IISc ResearchersTwo researchers from IISc, Bengaluru claim to have developed a low-cost virucidal composite mask that provides the exact same level of protection as N95 masks that remain in short supply. |
IISC Researchers Develop Plant Virus-like Particles As Vehicles For Therapeutic AntibodiesAntibodies that originate from identical immune cells having a common origin are the monoclonal antibodies and they are used in immunotherapy to treat diseases. |
Ashwagandha Could Be COVID-19 Warrior ? IIT-Delhi StudyAcross the globe, Remdesivir, Favilavir, APN01, Ritonavir, Lopinavir, and Hydroxychloroquine are being tested in clinical trials. As of now, there is no therapy against COVID-19 that has been found to be effective. |
18 New COVID-19 Antibodies Discovered By US Army ResearchersNew ways to destroy the Coronavirus in a human body has been discovered by Army researchers of the United States, and the University of Texas, Austin. |
Novel Tool To Study How Cells Move By UNC ScientistsWhy do cells move, and how do they move? Why do some cancerous cells move slowly compared to healthy cells? The answer is not that simple as it involves processes and tiny proteins. |
Artificial Eye As Sensitive As Human Eye Developed By ResearchersThe US and Hong Kong researchers built a bionic eye device, called ElectroChemical EYE (EC-EYE) to help millions of people see again. It has many tiny sensors that mimic the function of photoreceptor cells in real eyes. |
IQVIA Life Science Clinical Research Coordinator Job VacancyLife sciences candidates are encouraged to apply for a Clin Research Coord position that is vacant and available at IQVIA. IQVIA Life Science Clinical Research Coordinator Job Vacancy. |
Pfizer Microbiology Investigation Lead Job – Apply OnlinePfizer Microbiology Investigation Lead Job – Apply Online. Pfizer is hiring Microbiology candidates for Investigation Lead – Microbiology vacancy. |
Novartis Life Science Regulatory Writer Job OpeningNovartis Regulatory Writer Job For Life Sciences – Applications Invited. BSc and MSc Life Science candidates apply online for an Associate Regulatory Writer position that is available at Novartis. |
AstraZeneca Life Science Job Opening – Applications InvitedLife Sciences candidates are encouraged to apply online at AstraZeneca for a Veeva Vault Consultant Vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates with life sciences background and relevant experience. |
IIT Kanpur Life Science Vacancy – MSc & MTech Apply OnlineIIT Kanpur Life Science Vacancy – MSc & MTech Apply Online. IIT Kanpur Recruitment. IIT Kanpur Job Openings. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below. |
Novozymes Food Tech / Biochem / Biotech Manager Job OpeningNovozymes Food Tech / Biochem / Biotech Manager Job Opening. Candidates with a university degree are eligible to apply. Bengaluru job vacancy for food tech/biochem/biotech candidates. |