CSIR NET Exam In First Attempt, CSIR NET Strategies
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A Complete Guideline For Cracking CSIR NET Life Science Exam In The First Attempt With Full Proof CSIR NET Strategies

CSIR NET is a well-known examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of CSIR (Council of Scientific & Industrial  Research) every year in the months of June & December. This exam identifies the aptitude of Indian nationals for LS/AP (Lectureship/Assistant Professor) or JRF (Junior Research Fellowship). This national level exam plays a vital role in Ph.D. & research-oriented candidates looking forward to their next big step in the career.

CSIR NET is quite hard to clear especially in the first attempt. In order to crack CSIR NET in the first chance itself, applicants need to prepare systematically, effectively, and smartly. This article describes the aforementioned CSIR NET preparatory strategies 2021  for Life Science in the first trial. All easy tricks and tips are delineated as well for beginners. The upcoming CSIR NET in June 2021 has a few months’ time. Use all your strength & efforts to reach the final target with flying colors.

Begin Your Preparation With CSIR NET 2021 Life Science Syllabus & Exam Pattern

7 Crucial Hacks To Clear CSIR NET Life Science Exam In The First Attempt 

Seven important tips are described here, check the details.

Get a thorough holistic understanding of the CSIR NET Life Science exam

This is really significant as the relevance of CSIR NET qualification will be realized with this understanding. The boost in proficiencies, development in career, and the reinforcement of academic achievements will offer the necessary incentive to become diligent & ardent in clearing CSIR NET in the first attempt. 

  • After confirming your eligibility, go through the procedure for the CSIR NET application, significant dates, and other details about the examination.
  • Clearly understand the marking pattern, time duration & the proper way to answer for scoring more.
  • Exam pattern is an extremely important aspect of the CSIR NET examination. Study the pattern well and keep abreast of the question types. It is ideal to practice with last year’s paper to clear your doubts.

Peruse & learn the CSIR NET syllabus

  • If candidates are focused on clearing the CSIR NET exam in the first attempt, examine and study the CSIR NET syllabus first. Point out the important sections with more weightage.
  • Enlist a comparative study according to your plus and minus.
  • Why learning a syllabus is vital? This knowledge will provide an easy way to pick out important topics and drop the less important ones, saving lots of time. This can rightfully keep you on track for success.

NOTE: Pin a printout of the exam pattern & syllabus on your desk. This will serve as a checklist. Ticking correspondingly after completing a topic several times will additionally offer a sense of confidence & accomplishment. This method is a wonderful approach to maintain an effective preparation within the time frame.  

 Devise a study plan & record notes and key points 

Unless & until one has a good preparatory plan, it is drastically hard to clear the CSIR NET examination in the first attempt. Based on reports, a major group of candidates who clear the CSIR NET exam in the first attempt obtained the notes devising the plan, where candidates make self-notes for clearer subject perception. 

Here are some benefits & advice for making notes:

  • The primary thing is to avoid shortcut means. Try not to skip the recommended books because questions from these references are majorly included in the paper.
  • Note down the key points of a chapter for future references instead of repeatedly reading these heavy books.
  • During the learning of fundamental concepts, prioritize in discerning the topic thoroughly and later memorizing hard to remember things.
  • Since is the syllabus for CSIR NET is large, it is difficult to complete the entire thing. Therefore, one needs to choose the key points and topics based on their question paper assessment and topics that cover the maximum syllabus.
  • Self-notes are the best way as they can be helpful for you to understand the concepts.
  • Notes can be improvised for easy recalling. For instance pictures along with the concept helps in quick recalling. This approach is quite helpful and will also be effective for last-minute revision since you have condensed points of the entire syllabus in your own language form.
  • Preparing notes additionally aids you in arranging the cardinal points in one paper or sheet. Numerous revisions of these notes will boost memory retention.
  • Remember to include boxes, bullets, flow-chart, and diagrams during note preparation to enhance memory power.

Choosing the right books & coaching

Select relevant books for each topic within Life Science Category. Ensure that the reference books cover the entire syllabus for the CSIR NET exam. There are multitudes of coaching centers both offline & online available nowadays for CSIR NET examination. Choose befitting coaching for acing the exam.

Handling difficult & easy topics

Take us of morning hours to study hard subject because, in the morning, your mind and brain will be fresh. Likewise, use noon hours to study easy topics which can be solved with short methods & tricks.

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Formula book

For numerical problems, keep a different notebook wherein candidates can write formulas & equations for easy remembrance.

Always revise

  • Revision is the key to qualifying for the CSIR NET examination. Remember to revise everything you have learned repeatedly. Your target should be a qualitative study instead of a quantitative study
  • An inconsistent revision pattern will result in confusion during the actual exam. Therefore revise multiple times. Start the day or end the day with revision. Revision solidifies the concepts in the brain.

Solve previous year papers

  • Prior to CSIR NET examination, applicants must be aware of the commonly asked question types. This can only be achieved by practicing many previous years or sample papers.  
  • Try to incorporate question banks from JNU, IISC, GATE, and so on apart from CSIR papers during practice sessions. This will facilitate boosting of the conceptual understanding and saves time during the actual exam for easy understanding of questions.
  • Applying this method can enable students to understand the twists & tricks behind the questions prior to the exam and can prevent silly errors. The previous paper analysis gives a better viewpoint of the pattern of questions and clarifies the concepts properly.

Time management & mock tests

When it comes to exam preparation, time management is extremely important. It is often observed that candidates studies well, however, fails to complete the paper because of lack of time. Hence during answering, remember to finish it quickly. For acquiring this quick pace, several mock tests can be done. 

During mock tests, solve the paper as if you are actually writing the CSIR NET exam. Answer within the time frame. Besides increasing the answering pace, enhanced accuracy and minimal mistakes can be achieved with a constant practice of these mock tests. 

Be optimistic

In addition to all the tips, another crucial aspect is the candidate’s attitude. Make sure to keep a positive attitude in all the success & failures. This is cardinal not in just the CSIR NET exam but in all other life matters. A positive outlook, high energy, hard work will steer one towards immense success, in spite of the obstacles encountered en route.

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CSIR NET Exam Preparation Tricks – Subject Wise CSIR NET Strategies

Subject-wise preparation tips for CSIR NET Life Science candidates are explained below. This includes general aptitude and life science. Any student can score 170 out of 200 if most of the problems are solved properly. Each subject has got different marking scheme. Therefore, a detailed analysis of each subject and its respective preparatory plan is described below. 

I. General Aptitude (Part A)

This part has a total of 30 marks. If one answers all 15 mandatory questions correctly, you get 30 marks from this part alone. However, it is impossible to always get correct answers for this section. Target a score less than the minimum mark in this part, for instance, 20.

Stick to these instructions to score 20 in this part.

  • Carefully peruse the questions and try to discern the actual meaning. Don’t misinterpret the question and answer wrongly.
  • Prepare yourself to face any level of difficult question wherein you’ll have to use your analytical & logical skills.
  • Answer the less time taking problems initially and later solve lengthy questions.
  • Try to utilize formulas & short hacks to answer numerical questions
  • Answering logical reasoning problems can be easy if students carefully use their presence of mind.
  • Make use of graphs or diagrams to answer general aptitude questions
  • Don’t waste your valuable time guessing. Solve the questions you are 100% sure. Since 0.5 is deduced for a wrong answer, stay focused.

NOTE: Bear in mind that accuracy & speed are the two important skills to ace in any competitive tests.

Weightage for general aptitude

Relevant Topics For Part-A
Topics Marks
Mental ability & logical reasoning 15-18
Numerical ability 10-15


II. Life Science

Candidates can score in total 70 & 100 marks from Part-B & Part-C respectively. For Part-B, there are 35 questions to attempt out of 50 with a negative marking of 0.5 for each wrong answer.  Whereas in Part-C, there are 25 questions to attempt out of 75 with a negative marking of 1. 

Mostly, question in Life Science subject is taken from biological sciences, chemistry, and physics. Students in bio-stream might find it difficult to answer questions from different fields than biology. Therefore, they are advised to start with biological questions first and then the others. 

NOTE: Adopt a learning method wherein imagination and visual aids are employed. These will augment student’s memory power, hence visualize the concepts in imagination during reading time.

Weightage for life science

Relevant Topics For Part B & C
Topics Marks
Developmental biology 15-35
Behavior & evolution (mostly in C section) 20-30
Fundamental process (Mostly in C section) 40-50
Methods in biology 25-40

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Key Points For Clearing CSIR NET Exam In The First Attempt

Here are some key points that should be kept in mind to implement a potent exam preparation for the future CSIR NET examination.

Students often fail to clear the CSIR NET exam even after understanding the subject thoroughly. Candidates should know that clearing the CSIR NET exam is not an insurmountable task. If a suitable CSIR NET strategy is applied with good-targeted efforts, this is a piece of cake. 

  • In order to clear the CSIR NET exam on the first attempt, candidates need dedicated efforts and good time management skills together with correct instructions.
  • There no easy ways to clear the CSIR NET exam. Honest and consistent hard work will assure that you score well for the exam.
  • You need to possess extensive knowledge of the subject as the CSIR NET exam doesn’t just simply examine the understanding level but also the logical reasoning. One should concentrate on an explicit understanding of the fundamental underlying principles & concepts.

NOTE: Bear in mind that there is no replacement for hard work. Comply with the smart CSIR NET strategies rather than counting study time, since this can substantially move you backward compared to the others in the race for CSIR NET.

How Biotecnika Can Help You?

Biotecnika offers the best CSIR-NET classes in India for all students. Biotecnika provides the most advanced & extensive professional coaching lessons which are supported by professional training employees. These adepts are always prompt to share their expertise & knowledge with the students and are proficient in their particular streams. Biotecnika has come up with the most avant-garde CSIR NET coaching strategies along with highly potent teaching modules.

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CSIR NET Exam In First Attempt, CSIR NET Strategies

Must-Read Articles By Biotecnika

Biotecnika Learning Platform-Check Out The Courses & Products

  1. BioTecNika e-Learner 2021
  2. ToughNet Question Bank
  3. CSIR NET Quick NET Revisor 2020 (QNR 2020)
  4. Koncept Cloud – Latest Study Tool Revolutionizing CSIR NET Revisions
  5. Konceptika Lite – 100 Flowcharts on 100 Important topics of CSIR NET Exam
  6. CSIR NET Koncept Wheel Book
  7. Jumbo Combo Course for CSIR NET & GATE

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Concluding Remarks

Hope this article was helpful for clearing the CSRIR NET exam on the first attempt. If at all you have any doubts, feel free to enquire in the comments section below. Do your preparation in a smart way with lots of revisions and you will definitely ace in the CSIR NET exam. Best wishes!

CSIR NET Life Science Strategies