Nanomedicine To Treat Covid-19 By Indian Scientists
A safe and cost-effective nanomedicine that promises treatment for many diseases by altering oxidative stress in the body has been discovered by Indian scientists.
Since the nanomedicine can increase or decrease reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body, depending on the situation, the nanomedicine developed by scientists at the SN Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS) in Kolkata also holds potential in the treatment of Covid-19.
The department of science and technology (DST) said the ability for controlled enhancement of ROS in mammals raises hopes of a new potential for the application of nanomedicine in controlling virus infections, including Covid-19.
The institute is now looking for sponsors to start clinical trials for the Reduction and Oxidation processes (Redox) healing of several diseases as they have completed the animal trails.
Citrus extract, like from lemon, is combined with nanoparticles extracted from manganese salt in this medicine. A balance of reduction and oxidation processes (Redox) in our body’s tissues is found to be maintained by the artificially made nanomedicine.
Redox reactions are essential for many processes, such as generating energy in cells, and they add or remove oxygen from cells. It can also generate
harmful products like ROS in cells, which can instantly oxidize proteins, fat and nucleic acids as well as accelerate the aging process.However, ROS or oxidative stress is naturally generated by our immune cells to kill bacteria, viruses, and infected cells in our body. Thus, immune cells can perform their functions more efficiently during a controlled increase of ROS or oxidative stress. That’s how nanomedicine could help treat viral infections like Covid-19.
Nanomedicine finds application in curing diseases, including neonatal jaundice, by enhancing oxidative stress. The institute has recently shown that nanomedicine can add up oxidative stress resulting in the break down of bilirubin (the toxic molecule causing jaundice). This could offer a cure for hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice).
The nanomedicine brought down bilirubin levels within two and a half hours and was found swift and safe in an animal trial on mice.
Scientists added that nanomedicine’s ability of controlled enhancement of oxidative stress in mammals offers a potential application in controlling virus infections like the Covid-19.
The researchers injected Lead (Pb) ions to increase oxidative stress (ROS) and liver damage, and then they tested the efficacy of the developed nanomedicine in balancing oxidative stress.
The oxidative stress due to lead exposure was reduced when administered with the nanomedicine. It also helped in reversing the damage of the organ by removing toxic ions from the liver. ChemMedChem recently highlighted this work in the front cover.
DST claimed that the local administration of hydrogen peroxide is also a recommended way of surviving Covid-19. In order to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 by breaking down the viral structure, applying hydrogen peroxide chemical through a nebulizer is advised.
However, replacement of the chemicals by nanomedicine would be beneficial as the direct application of hydrogen peroxide may lead to several complications like oxidation of normal cells. The nanomedicine might be helpful to treat Covid-19 if succeeded in trials.
The journal Nature referred to this work as a new front in redox medicine in March this year and said it holds promise for optimized therapeutic efficacies.
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