Hike in Research Fellowship From February 2019 Confirmed?
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Hike in Research Fellowship From February 2019 Confirmed?

The nation lately saw the wrath of our researchers & scientists of India who have been vehemently protesting since past several months demanding for at least 80% hike in the fellowship. In a ray of hope – Final fellowship hike announcement is likely to be made in February 2019 by the government.

As per The Hindu reports – two senior officials of the government have released a statement that the decision on Hike in fellowship will be released mostly by the first week of February 2019. Also, the hike range could lie in between 25-50%.

Earlier on January 16th, around 2000 researchers from IIT’s, various CSIR labs & other universities were detained by the Delhi police while they were protesting in front of MHRD.

Shekhar Mande, Director-General, CSIR in a statement said that the demand of the researchers are legitimate and the matter is being discussed with the finance ministry. The results of which may be out in a day or two.

The hike an

nouncement is estimated to be released before the Budget/Vote-on-Account (Feb 1). As per scientists who were a part of the hike discussion meeting the hike percentage will be above norms. “It could be from 25-50% but not an 80-100% hike as demands were being made. Currently, financial advisors of various ministries are examining the required budgetary increases,” the scientist said.

Upon analysis of the increments in fellowships in past, it has never exceeded 60% which was way back in 2006. Detailed increment analysis can be viewed below:

Year of Hike in Fellowship Fellowship Amount Percentage Increase

Year 1999

Rs 5000

Year 2006 Rs. 8000-10000 60% Increase
Year 2007 Rs. 12000-14000 50% increase
Year 2010 Rs. 16000-18000 33% increase
Year 2014 Rs. 25000-28000 56% increase
Year 2019 ? ?

While the entire research community of India awaits for this long pending announcement, bit and pieces of news pertaining to hike in fellowship is being released from the government’s end. Hopefully, First Week of February 2019 will bring a ray of hope for the researchers who have been demanding for their rights.

Only time will tell whether February 2019 will be a Fantastic February or a Frustrating February for the researchers.

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