The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA. It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology in our country.
Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following vacancies shall be filled purely on temporary basis at NIV Bangalore Unit, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Disease Premises, Near NIMHANS, Someshwarnagara 1st Main, DharmaRam College Post, Bangalore – 560 029, India renewable annually under Non-Institutional ad-hoc projects as indicated below
Job Title: Technician C [Lab.]
No of Posts: 6
Location: NIV Bangalore Unit
10+2 in Science subjects with either Two years Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology[DMLT] Or One year Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology[DMLT] & One year experience in Virology
B.Sc. Microbiology / Biotechnology/MLT
M.Sc. Microbiology /Biotechnology/Virology.
Work experience in diagnostic laboratory/Cell Culture/ ELISA / PCR / sequencing.
Knowledge of computer application/report preparation.
* B.Sc degree shall be treated as 3 years experience
Salary: Rs.24,500/-
How to Apply:
Interested candidates possessing the required qualification may fill application found at and, in the attached prescribed format and send by post as well as by email to [email protected]. No documents /testimonials required at the time of sending application by email. After scrutiny, eligible candidate’s names will be displayed on web site & are required to appear for the written test / interview with all original documents & one set of attested copies.
Deadline: 28 March 2016