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Advertisement for JRF/SRF in DBT- BIRAC funded Project

    Applications are invited for the post of JRF / SRF in a BIRAC, New Delhi sponsored research project entitled Selection and Vegetative propagation of Superior clones of Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.) for mass multiplication and large Scale planting Sanctioned letter no  BIRAC: SBIRI Ref no. BT/BIPP0931/35/15 dated 21.01.2016 to be started from 1st April 2016 and the project is collaborative with Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree breading, Coimbatore.


  1. JRF – The candidate should be M.Sc., I or II class (55%) in Botany / Biotechnology / Life sciences degree.
  1. SRF– The applicant should have two years of research experience, as evidenced by published papers in SCI journals.


JRF / SRF fellowship and accommodation / HRA is admissible as per the norms of DBT-BIRAC rules.

Application procedure and conditions

The upper age limit for JRF and SRF shall be 28 and 33 years respectively as on day in which the application is made. Applicants should note that the appointments to be made in the project are purely temporary and initially only for a period of one year but extendable if work is found satisfactory on year to year basis

for a period not exceeding 2 years or till the completion of the project.

Send your resume with full particulars of name, age, qualifications, address, experience or any other relevant information should reach the undersigned either by post or email to [email protected] or [email protected] on or before 10.04.2016. The candidates will have to appear for an interview with all original certificates and the date of interview will be intimated later or mail.

The selection will be made purely as per the DBT-BIRAC and Company Guidelines subject to approval by DBT-BIRAC. No TA & DA will be paid for attending the interview

Place : Hyderabad

Mr. V. Phanindranath, Sr.GM
Project Coordinator
Shivashakti Biotechnologies Ltd.
S.R. Nagar – Hyderabad – 500038, Telangana State

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