Indo-German (DBT-BMBF)
Joint Call for Proposals in the area of Biotechnology: 2015- 2016
Within the agreement of Indo-German cooperation in S&T of 1974, the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and Forschungszentrum Julich BMBH (FZJ), Federal Republic of Germany, has agreed for cooperative programme in biotechnology.
The purpose of the programme is to stimulate new collaborations, e.g. the preparation of joint projects under national funding programmes. The programme facilitates bilateral cooperation in biotechnology between the scientific communities of India and Germany by way of Joint research projects which will encompass Bilateral workshops/seminar and exchange visits of scientists.
Nodal Implementing Agencies :
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi and the Project Management Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-PT, European and International Cooperation), Bonn are the nodal implementing agencies from the Indian and German side respectively.
Areas of cooperation
Proposals in mutually identified priority areas are:
- Biotechnology for reuse of biodegradable urban solid waste
- Biotechnology for reuse of biogenic raw materials in agriculture
Evaluation and selection criteria
- Relevance to German and Indian national programmes and multinational programmes (e.g. EU-programmes)
- Preparation of new projects in applied fields of mutual benefit and justification for collaboration
- Quality and originality of research approach
- Qualification of applicant and availability of infrastructure
- Expected results and outcomes
- Proposals should include young scientists
Who can apply?
Scientists/faculty members working in regular capacity in universities, national R&D laboratories/ institutes/universities and private R&D institutes/companies can apply under this programme. Indian private companies must have DSIR recognized R&D laboratories and shall have 51% of Indian equity.
Private Sector: Partners from all kind of private sectors are welcome, but financing is limited:
a) For Indian scientists from the private sector, only local hospitality in Germany as part of the exchange visit is available from the German side;
b) For German scientists from the private sector, only travel costs are available for small and medium size enterprises (for definition of SME ref. to 2003/361/EC) as well as local hospitality in India will be borne by themselves.
Project duration
2 years, extendable by one year with prior approval by DBT and BMBF.
Processing :
Joint research projects are required to be submitted to both the nodal agencies by DEADLINE. Unilaterally submitted projects shall not be considered. Jointly agreed collaborative research project on specific formats would be received by the respective Secretariat of the Programme. On German side, the International Bureau of BMBF requests electronic applications (+ 1 paper version with signatures) in English or German using the following website:
On Indian side five copies and soft copy of the English version of the joint project alongwith Indian cost proforma detailed in Annexure-A must be submitted. In addition, Indian Companies are required to submit audited statement of last three years. The projects should be submitted to the nodal persons whose contact details are given below. All received proposals are peer reviewed and processed independently by both sides.
Kind of support available
Financial support is available from the respective nodal agencies from the two sides for the exchange visits and research funds under the approved projects (Indian component of research funds to Indian researchers by DBT and for German researcher by BMBF) as per the financial terms given below. However, the funds are released by DBT on annual basis after reviewing the progress report submitted by the Indian Principal Investigator (PI). Investigators from Indian institutes are provided financial support for equipment, manpower, consumables, etc as detailed in Annexure-A. In case of eligible Indian companies 50% of the contribution in cash should be reflected in the budget.
The sending side (DBT or DLR-PT) covers the total cost of travel (economy class) of the visiting personnel (except private sector in case of DBT) between places of work in India and Germany, VISA fees, airport taxes and overseas medical insurance. Funding by DLR-PT to German experts travelling to India covers the costs for international flights (economy), travelling to the German airport, and VISA only. Other travelling costs, e.g. insurances and departure taxes (if applicable) are borne by the sending institute or company.
Allowances*: The receiving side shall provide living expenses (except private sector in case of DBT), connected with the agreed programme of the visit. In general, visits should not exceed 3 months.
Expected project outcomes
It is expected that the funded cooperation enables the partners to develop applicable scientific results which can be published and/ or could be commercialised and may lead to formation of joint ventures. All publications, patents coming out of these projects, need to be jointly authored by both Indian and German scientists. All necessary approvals from Indian point of view as well as EU, if applicable, from German point of view, needs to be obtained by PIs before undertaking the project.
Time table :
- Deadline for submission of completed applications – 15th April, 2016
- Proposed commencement of Projects – 1 st September, 2016
How to Apply:
On Indian side five copies and soft copy of the English version of the joint project alonqwith Indian cost proforma detailed in Annexure-A must be submitted. In addition, Indian Companies are required to submit audited statement of last three years.
Dr. Shailja V. Gupta Joint Director
Department of Biotechnology Ministry of Science and Technology Block – 2 ,CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi – 110 003, INDIA
Tel : + 91 (0)11 2436 3748
Fax : + 91 (0)11 2436 2884
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Dr. Sanjay Kalia Scientist `D‘ Department of Biotechnology Ministry of Science and Technology Block – 2 ,CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi – 110 003, INDIA E-mail: [email protected]
All received proposals are peer reviewed and processed independently by both sides. It is expected that all jointly selected projects are likely to receive support from 1 st September, 2016.