--Must See--

"text-align: center;">Government of India

National Medicinal Plants Board

Ministry of AYUSH

Room No. 309, 3rd Floor,

AYUSH Bhawan, ‘B’ Block, GPO Complex, INA,

New Delhi-110023

Sub: Filling up the posts of following five “Consultant”.

Applications are invited for following posts in the National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH:-

The applications for engagement of following five Consultant are hereby invited from suitable candidates, initially for a period of one year, which may be further extended depending on requirement and performance, on monthly consolidated fee of Rs. 40,000/- per month.

Position I

  • Job Title : Consultant In-Situ Conservation
  • Salary : Rs 40,000/-pm
  • Eligibility : i.) M.Sc. Botany/ Forestry / Agriculture / Taxonomy / Pharmacognosy. ii.) Two years’ experience in Taxonomy Pharmacognosy. iii.) Desirable Ph.D in concerned discipline and experience in Survey / Agro forestry / Collection and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants.

Position II

  • Job Title : Consultant In-Situ Resource Augmentation
  • Salary : Rs 40,000/-pm
  • Eligibility : i.) M.Sc. Botany/ Forestry / Agriculture / Taxonomi / Pharmacognosy. ii.) Two years’ experience in Taxonomy Pharmacognosy. iii.) Desirable Ph.D in concerned discipline and experience in Survey / Agro forestry / Collection and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants.


Position III

  • Job Title : Consultant Ex-Situ Conservation
  • Salary : Rs 40,000/-pm
  • Eligibility : i.) M.Sc. Botany/ Forestry / Agriculture / Taxonomy / Pharmacognosy. ii.) Two years’ experience in Taxonomy Pharmacognosy. iii.) Desirable Ph.D in concerned discipline and experience in Survey / Agro forestry / Collection and Cultivation / Conservation of Medicinal Plants


Position IV

  • Job Title : Consultant Engaging Eco-Task Force for Rehabilitation for critical Medicinal Plants habitats
  • Salary : Rs 40,000/-pm
  • Eligibility : i.) M.Sc. Botany/ Forestry / Agriculture / Plant Science. ii.) Two years’ experience in Survey of Medicinal Plants of High Altitude. iii.) Desirable Ph.D in concerned discipline and experience in Forestry / Must have the capacity in physical endurance with proof / Cultivation / Conservation of Medicinal Plants


Position V

  • Job Title : Consultant Collection / Compilation of Raw Material Data
  • Salary : Rs 40,000/- pm
  • Eligiblity : i.) M.Sc. Botany/ Forestry / Taxonomy / Pharmacognosy. ii.) Two years’ experience in Taxonomy Pharmacognosy. iii) Knowledge of Computer in Analysing Data Statistically iii.) Desirable Ph.D in concerned discipline.

How to Apply :

pplication in prescribed format (enclosed) duly filled along-with all relevant documents should be forwarded to CEO, National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Room No. 309, 3 rd Floor, B-Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News, Hindustan Times and The Times of India. The maximum age limit for applying for the post of should not be more than 45 years.

The appointment will under no circumstances confer any right on the candidate for regular appointment in NMPB. Candidates will be required to produce all certificates/testimonials in original during the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/joining, irrespective of selection. NMPB reserves the right to either call all the applicants or short-listed ones for interview or even cancel / withdraw this advertisement without giving any reasons thereof.

Last date to Apply :

Download Application Form

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