--Must See--

tyle="text-align: center;">Applications for the Post of Junior Research Fellows

Project Title : “Programme Support on “Functional Analysis & Validation of Picrosides Biosynthetic Pathway and Development of Gene Markers for Elite Chemotypes of Picrorhiza kurroa”

Funded By : Project funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India under the category of Centers of Excellence & Innovation in Biotechnology.

Eligibility: Post-graduate degree in biological sciences with NET qualification or graduate degree in professional course with NET or post-graduate degree in a professional course (M.Tech) with at least 60% marks in all examinations. Research experience in molecular biology is highly desired.

Fellowship: Rs 25,000/- fixed/month + 10% HRA for year I and II; Rs 28,000/- fixed/month + 10% HRA for year III onwards.

How to Apply: 

Interested candidates send CV mentioning qualifications, co-curricular activities, research experience, etc., to the Head, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics at the address given above ([email protected]) within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

Note: The selected candidates can register for Ph.D. programme in the University. The research will aim at pathway validation through genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, gene silencing, genotyping by sequencing, gene markers, etc.

No TA/DA, if called for interview.

Last Date to Apply : 30th April

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