CPPRI was established in 1980 as an autonomous body under the administrative control of Dept. of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India. CPPRI aims to make itself a centre of excellence with focus in the area of Technology Transfer and make Indian Paper Industry sustainable and globally competitive.
Applications are invited to engage the following manpower on purely temporary and contractual basis under its XII Five year plan Schemes and Cess/sponsored projects
1. Name of Post: Sr. Research Fellow(SRF)
- No of Posts:1
- Qualification and Experience: M.Sc. in Bio-technology. Candidate should have an experience of 4 years in R&D institution relating pulp & paper/Paper Industry
- Emoluments: Rs. 16000/- P.M. Consolidated +HRA
2. Name of Post: Sr. Research Fellow(SRF)
- No of Posts: 1
- Qualification and Experience: Post Graduate with 4 years experience in field survey, data collection, compilation & analysis related to pulp & paper sector.
- Emoluments: Rs. 16000/-P.M. Consolidated +HRA
3. Name of Post: Jr. Research Fellow(JRF)
- No of Posts: 5
- Qualification and Experience: M.Sc. in Chemistry
- Emoluments: Rs. 14000/-P.M. Consolidated ,+HRA
4. Name of Post: Jr. Research Fellow(JRF)
- No of Posts: 1
- Qualification and Experience: M.Sc. in Biotechnology/Microbiology
- Emoluments: Rs. 14000/-P.M. Consolidated ,+HRA
5. Name of Post: Jr. Research Fellow(JRF)
- No of Posts: 1
- Qualification and Experience: B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering
- Emoluments: Rs. 14000/-P.M. Consolidated .+HRA
How to Apply
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper (A-4 size). Application may be addressed to
The Director, Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute,
Post Box No. 174, Himmat Nagar, Paper Mills Road,
Saharanpur-247001 (UP).
The envelope must be superscribed with the post applied for. Application duly signed and affixed with a recent PP size photograph addressed to the Director as mentioned above, should specifically contain the following details in chronological order. Self attested copies of all the testimonials in support of age, qualification & experience must also be attached with the application
Deadline: 29 March, 2016