Apply for the JRF post @ IITKGP
The motto of IIT Kharagpur is “Yoga Karmashu Kaushalam” . The motto literally translates to “Excellence in action is Yoga” essentially implying that doing your work well is (true) yoga. It is sourced to Sri Krishna’s discourse to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita. This quote in its larger context of Gita urges man to acquire equanimity because such a soul endowed with the mind of equanimity allows him to shed the effects of his good and evil deeds in this world itself. Equanimity is the source of perfection in Karmic endeavors while leading to Salvation..
Position Title: Junior Research Fellow
Project Title: Establishing a resource bank of exhaled breath metabolites in respiratory diseases & exploring the feasibilty of these molecules as potential diagnostic markers (EBM)
Reference Number: IIT/SRIC/R/EBM/2016/51, DATED 22nd March, 2016
Number of vacancies: One
Consolidated Compensation: Upto Rs.16,400/-p.m. (dependin
g upon qualification & experience)Coordinator / PI: Dr. Koel Chaudhury, School of Medical Science & Technology
Department / Centre / School: School of Medical Science & Technology
Qualifications: M.Sc (Life Sciences or Allied subjects) / B.Tech (Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering) / B. Pharm.
Relevant Experience: If selected, the candidate will be stationed in Kolkata and will be working in the collaborating clinical Institute.
How To Apply:
Interested eligible persons may apply on plain paper, giving full bio-data along with attested copies of testimonials to:
The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of West Bengal, BikashBhawan, 4th Floor, Kolkata
on or before 15th April, 2016.
Last Date: 15 Apr 2016