ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 – AIEEA(PG) & AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D)
The ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 notification has been released. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) All India Entrance Examinations (AIEE) for admission to PG & PhD Courses. Each of the exam details has been linked below. Click the relevant and applicable one for you and check the details below:
This Call Expires In –
Inviting Online Applications for Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) [AIEEA(PG) and AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D)] Entrance Examinations -2024
The National Testing Agency (NTA) is established by Ministry of Education, MoE (Earlier known as Ministry of Human Resource Development-MHRD) as an independent/ autonomous, self-reliant and self-sustained premier testing organization.
National Testing Agency (NTA) has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the ICAR Entrance Examinations [AIEEA (PG) & AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D)]-2024 for admission to the Post Graduate and Doctoral Degree Programmes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (lCAR) for the academic session 2024-25, as per details given below.
The schedule of Examination activities is as follows –
Online Submission of Application Form through Website (https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/) |
11.04.2024 to 11.05.2024 (Upto 05.00 PM) |
Last date for successful transaction of fee through credit/debit card/Net banking /UPI | 11.05.2024 (Upto 11.50 PM) |
Correction in particulars of application form on the website only |
13.05.2024 to 15.05.2024 |
Date(s) of exam | 29.06.2024 |
Mode of exam | Computer Based Test (CBT) |
Pattern of exam | Objective type with Multiple Choice questions |
Medium | English only |
Duration | 2 hours |
Information about the eligibility, scheme of exam, exam cities, exam timings, exam fee, procedure for applying etc. are contained in the Information Bulletin hosted on the website of NTA https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/
Candidates who are desirous of applying for the exam may go through the Information Bulletin and apply online at https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/ only during the period from 11.04.2024 to 11.05.2024 and also pay the applicable fee, online, through the payment gateway using Debit/Credit Cards/Net Banking/UPI.
For any queries or /clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011-40759000/011-6922770 or write to NTA at [email protected]
Information Bulletin for
ICAR AIEEA (PG) – 2024
All India Entrance Examination
for Admission to
Master Degree Programs
Online submission of Application Form | 11.04.2024 to 11.05.2024 (upto 05:00 P.M) |
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/NetBanking/ UPI | 11.05.2024 (upto 11:50 P.M ) |
Fee Payable by candidates
General/Unreserved |
1200 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC)-(NCL)* & UPS**/ EWS*** | 1100 |
SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender | 625 |
Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable | |
Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only (No corrections shall be allowed after 15.05.2024) |
13.05.2024 to 15.05.2024 |
Downloading of e-Admit Cards from NTA website | Will be announced later on NTA website |
Date of Examination | 29.06.2024 |
Duration of Examination | 120 minutes (2 hours) |
Timing of Examination | As indicated on Admit Card |
Centre, Date and Shift of Examination | As indicated on Admit Card |
Display of attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys | Will be announced later on NTA website |
Websites | https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/ www.nta.ac.in |
Declaration of Result on NTA website | Will be announced later on NTA website |
Schedule for Online Counselling | Will be announced by the ICAR on www.icar.org.in after the declaration of result |
*Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes(NCBC), Government of India website www.ncbc.nic.in. Only the candidates falling in thislist may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list
OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must not choose OBC(NCL).
** Candidates of Remote and Underprivileged States must check their eligibility before applying.
***As per the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated January 17, 2019 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the OM No. 12-4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 regarding implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions.
2. Candidates can apply for AIEEA (PG)-2024“Online” on the website: https://icar.nta.nic.in/.
3. The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted.
4. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.
5. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin on NTA website. Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
6. Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only.
7. Instructions for filling Online Application Form:
- Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read them carefully to ensure your eligibility.
- Follow the 3 steps given below to Apply Online:
Step-1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email Id and Mobile No.
Step-2: : Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb), Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4 kb – 30 kb) and Thumb impression (file size: 3 kb-30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format
Step-3: Pay fee using Canara/HDFC Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated - All the 3 Steps can be done together or at separate times.
8. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website and check their e-mails/SMS regularly for the latest updates.
9. Candidates shall appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the date and shift indicated on their Admit Card issued by NTA.
10. Any request to change the Examination Centre, Date, Shift and Subject provided on the Admit Card will not be considered under any circumstances.
1. The final submission of the Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 and step-4 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
2. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances.
3. The entire application process of AIEEA (PG)-2024 is online, including uploading of scanned images, Payment of Fees, and Printing of Confirmation Page. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page, Sponsorship Certificate/ Declaration by the Employer of the Candidate (By In-Service Candidate) to NTA/ICAR through Post/ Fax/ E-mail/By Hand.
AIEEA (PG) 2024
Students for 30% seats in Master degree programmes in AUs are admitted through AIEEA (PG). All (100%) seats of the four ICAR-DUs namely, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) and Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) and CAUs, viz. RLBCAU, Jhansi and Dr. RPCAU, Pusa are also filled up through the same examination. Further, not more than 40% candidates from any one state shall be admitted in any agricultural university in a particular subject and category
ICAR AIEEA (PG)-2024 examination for the academic session 2024-25 will be conducted at 89 cities (Annexure-I) all over the country enabling the participation of a large number of candidates seeking admission in Master degree programmes in AUs in different disciplines of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary, Animal Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Community Science (erstwhile Home Science), Fisheries, Dairy Science and other allied sciences. For postgraduate studies, ICARPG Scholarship shall be awarded to limited candidates based on merit in this examination as per their overall merit-rank and seat availability in different disciplines. Also, the eligible admitted students may be awarded NTS(PG).
Candidates declared eligible for registration and choice filling for counselling by ICAR will only be considered for allocation of subject and the Agricultural University. There is no provision of direct nomination for admission through ICAR in any Master degree programme without qualifying in ICAR AIEEA (PG).
Filling of ICAR All India Quota (AIQ) seats in PG programmes will be permitted in Agricultural Universities / Institutes under the ICAR-AU system.
Major Subject Groups and Sub-Subjects for Master Degree Programmes
Master Degrees are awarded by Agricultural Universities in 81 Sub-Subjects under 20 Major
Subject-Groups(Annexure-III). Candidates should select one Major Subject Group for appearing in the Entrance Examination, based on compatibility with their own subject at graduation (UG) level (Annexure-IV). The sub-subject choices, with in the Major Subject-Group (in which the candidate qualifiesthe entrance examination), will be available atthe time of online counseling.
University-Wise and Sub Subject–Wise Number of Seats Available for Admission
Tentative number of seats available for admission through ICAR AIEEA (PG)-2024 in different Disciplines /programs of relevant Agricultural Universities under ICAR-AU system for the academic session 2024-25 is given at Annexure-XXII. However, final number of seats will be displayed on ICAR website www.icar.org.in at the time of online counseling. During academic year 2023-24, total number of ICAR AIQ seats available for admission in different PG programs under ICAR AU system was 4629.
Syllabus for the Test
The Question Papers for the test shall be based on the syllabus prescribed by the ICAR, which is available at the website: https://icar.org.in/content/icar%E2%80%99s-aice-jrfsrf-pgs-2020-examination.
Candidates must ensure their subject or discipline-specific criteria before selecting subject or discipline for admission as given under Section 3.3.
General Eligibility Criteria to appear in AIEEA (PG)- 2024
- In order to appear in ICAR-AIEEA (PG)-2024, an Indian national candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility requirements for the examination as well as admission as detailed in the Information Bulletin. Applying for AIEEA (PG)-2024, appearing in the examination and qualifying the same does not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility. The applicant for a particular Subject must satisfy the eligibility criteria as specified in this Information Bulletin (or its amendments/corrections from time to time).
→ No certificates (other than PwBD/Category certificate, as applicable) are required to be uploaded along with the online application at the time of online submission.
→ The documents/certificates etc., shall be verified directly at the time of admission in the admitting university. In case the candidate is found not-eligible at any stage, his/her candidature would be summarily rejected and admission will be cancelled.
Filling of ICAR All India Quota (AIQ) seats in PG programmes will be permitted in Agricultural Universities / Institutes under the ICAR-AU system. - Candidate should note that for admission to Master’s degree programmes through entrance examination conducted by NTA, only the candidates having passed graduation with four/six (12+4/10+6 B.Sc. Ag./B.Tech.) / five years (B.V.Sc. & AH) / 5½ years (B.V.Sc. & AH) degree programme will be eligible.
- Equivalence of Degrees will be decided by the admitting university only, as per the UGC Public Notice No.F9-3/2016(CPP-II) dated 19th July, 2016.
- The candidates having Bachelor’s degree with 3 years’ duration will not be considered for admission through ICAR AIEEA (PG)-2024 in AUs under ICAR-AU system except in few courses at three ICAR-Deemed to be Universities (DUs), viz. IARI, IVRI and NDRI for which the eligibility criteria of the concerned ICAR-DU, including admission of graduates having passedwith 3 years’ degree, would prevail for admission.
Age Limit:
Indian Nationals not below 19 years as on 31.08.2024 are eligible to appear in the examination. No relaxation is permissible regarding the minimum age limit
Examination Cities for AIEEA (PG) 2024
The Examination Cities where the AIEEA (PG)-2024 will be conducted are given in Annexure- I. While applying, candidates have to select any four cities of their choice for AIEEA (PG)-2024. The efforts will be made to allot city of examination to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application form. However, due to administrative reasons, a different city of nearby area may be allotted.
- NTA reserves the right to allot a candidate to a nearby exam city, other than the one opted by him/her, if need be, depending on administrative exigencies.
- NTA reserves the right to cancel/ merge any exam city/centre, if need be, depending on administrative exigencies.
- The Examination City Centre, once opted, shall not be changed.
The decision of the NTA regarding allotment of Centre, Date and Shift shall be final. No further correspondence or request shall be entertained in such case.
Applying Online and Submission of Application Form:
The online submission of Application Form for AIEEA (PG)-2024, uploading of scanned photograph and signatures may be made at website www.nta.ac.in, https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/. The candidates should complete all the required details while filling up the online form. On submission of details and required fee, a Confirmation Page with Application Number shall be generated. Candidates are required to take print out of Confirmation Page and keep it for reference.
In order to appear in AIEEA (PG)-2024, the candidates are required to apply online as per procedure detailed below. Before filling and submitting the online form, candidates should download the Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form; and read them carefully. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website. Application Forms not complying with the instructions are liable to be rejected.
Candidates must keep the following information ready before filling online Application Form:-
- Govt Identity Details like Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits)/Election Card (EPIC No.)/Passport number/Ration Card Number/ Bank Account Number/PAN Number/ Other valid Govt Ids.
- Address for communication, Mobile Number, email id, etc.
- Scanned images of the latest Photograph (size of 10 kb to 200 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only.
- Scanned image of Signature (size of 4 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only
- Scanned image of Thumb impression (Male-Left, Female-Right, size of 3kb to 30 kb) in
JPG/JPEG format only. - Bank Account details for payment of Fee, for uploading as part of the submission of online application.
Replica of Application Form or Format:
The Replica of the AIEEA (PG)-2024 Application Form is available at Annexure-VII.
Four Steps to Complete the Application Process:
Application Form may be submitted in four simple steps:
Step 1: Register for Online form submission using unique e-mail ID and Mobile No.
Step 2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb), Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb), and candidate’s thumb Impression (between 3 kb to 30 kb) in JPG format.
Step 3: Pay fee using Canara/HDFC Bank Payment Gateway through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net-Banking / UPI (Annexure-VI) and keep proof of fee paid. In case, the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.
- Download, save and print copies of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee and keep copies safely for future reference.
- All the 3 Steps can be done together or in separate sittings.
- The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step 3 is not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
- No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances.
- There is no provision to upload any certificate/marks sheet etc., with the application.
- The entire application process is online. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA/ICAR through Post/ Fax/E-mail By Hand.
Fill Out The Application Form – AIEEA-(PG)-2024
Information Bulletin for
All India Entrance Examination
for Admission to
Doctoral Degree Programs &
Award of JRF/SRF (Ph.D)
Online submission of Application Form | 11.04.2024 to 11.05.2024 (upto 05:00 P.M.) |
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/NetBanking/ UPI | 11.05.2024 (upto 11:50 P.M.) |
Fee Payable by candidates
General/Unreserved |
1900 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC)-(NCL)* & UPS**/ EWS*** | 1800 |
SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender | 975 |
Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable | |
Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only (No corrections shall be allowed after 15.05.2024) |
13.05.2024 to 15.05.2024 |
Downloading of e-Admit Cards from NTA website | Will be announced later on NTA website |
Date of Examination | 29.06.2024 |
Duration of Examination | 120 minutes (2 hours) |
Timing of Examination | As indicated on Admit Card |
Centre, Date and Shift of Examination | As indicated on Admit Card |
Display of attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys | To be announced later |
Websites | www.nta.ac.in, https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/ |
Declaration of Result on NTA website | To be announced on the NTA website later |
Schedule for Online Counselling | To be announced by the ICAR on www.icar.org.in after the declaration of result |
*Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes(NCBC), Government of India website www.ncbc.nic.in. Only the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must not choose OBC(NCL).
** Candidates of Remote and Underprivileged States must check their eligibility before applying.
***As per the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated January 17, 2019 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the OM No. 12-4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 regarding implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions.
2. Candidates can apply for AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D.)-2024 “Online” on the website: https://icar.nta.ac.in.
3. The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted.
4. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.
5. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin on NTA website. Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
6. Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only.
7. Instructions for filling Online Application Form:
- Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read them carefully to ensure your eligibility.
- Follow the 3 steps given below to Apply Online:
Step-1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email Id and Mobile No
Step-2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb) and Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb) and Thumb impression (file size: 3kb-30kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
Step-3: Pay the fee using SBI/ICICI Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and the amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated. - All the 3 Steps can be done together or at separate times.
8. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website and check their e-mails/SMS regularly for the latest updates.
9. Candidates shall appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the date and shift indicated on their Admit Card issued by NTA.
10. Any request to change the Examination Centre, Date, Shift and Subject provided on the Admit Card will not be considered under any circumstances.
1. The final submission of the Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 is not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
2. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances.
3. The entire application process of AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D.)-2024 is online, including uploading of scanned images, Payment of Fees, and Printing of Confirmation Page. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page, Sponsorship Certificate/ Declaration by the Employer of the Candidate (By In-Service Candidate) to NTA/ICAR through Post/ Fax/ E-mail/By Hand.
All India Competitive Examination-(AICE)-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.) 2024
- ICAR JRF/SRF (Ph.D.)-2024 Examination will be conducted in 72 Subjects at 89 Cities (Annexure-I) all over the country enabling participation of a large number of candidates seeking admission to Doctoral degree programmes in AUs in different disciplines of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary, Animal Sciences, Agril. Engineering, Community Science (erstwhile Home Science), Fisheries, Dairy Science and other allied sciences.
- Admissions to 30% seats [100% seats of Dr. RPCAU Pusa & RLBCAU, Jhansi and ICARDeemed to be University (DU), viz. ICAR-IVRI, IARI, CIFE and NDRI] will be granted under the ICAR-AU system.
- Further, not more than 40% candidates from any one state shall be admitted in any agricultural university/subject under a particular category.
- ICAR JRF/SRF (Ph.D.) shall be awarded to limited number of candidates based on merit in this examination as per their overall merit-rank and seat availability in different disciplines. The other candidates who are declared / notified as qualified for counseling will be eligible as per their merit rank and availability of seat for admission to Ph.D. degree programme, without fellowship, in the specific subject in the AUs. The above eligibility conditions will also apply to in-service candidates.
- Candidates declared eligible for registration and choice filling for counseling by ICAR will only be considered for allocation of subject and the Agricultural University.
- There is no provision of direct nomination for admission through ICAR in any Doctoral degree programme without qualifying in ICAR AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.).
Subjects for ICAR AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.)
University-wise and Subject-wise Number of Seats Available for Admission
The Question Paper for the Test shall be based on the Syllabus of Subjects as prescribed by the ICAR, available at website: https://icar.org.in/content/icar%E2%80%99s-aice-jrfsrf-pgs-2020-examination
Age Limit:
Indian Nationals of at least 20 years of age as on 31.08.2024 are eligible to apply for the
examination. No relaxation is permissible regarding the minimum age limit.
Examination Cities for AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D.)- 2024
The Examination Cities where the AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.)-2024 will be conducted are given in (Annexure- I). While applying candidates have to select any four cities of their choice for AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.) 2024. The efforts will be made to allot city of examination to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application form. However, due to administrative reasons, a different city of nearby area may be allotted.
- NTA reserves the right to allot a candidate to a nearby exam city, other than the one opted by him/her, if need be, depending on administrative exigencies.
- NTA reserves the right to cancel/ merge any exam city/centre if need be, depending on administrative exigencies.
- The Examination City Centre, once opted, shall not be changed.
The decision of the NTA regarding allotment of Centre, Date, and Shift shall be final. No further correspondence or request shall be entertained in such case.
Applying Online and Submission of Application Form:
The online submission of Application Form for AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.)-2024, uploading of scanned photograph and signatures may be made at website www.nta.ac.in, https://exams.nta.ac.in/ICAR/. The candidates should complete all the required details while filling up the online form. On submission of details and required fee, a Confirmation Page with Application Number shall be generated. Candidates are required to take printout of Confirmation Page and keep it for reference.
In order to appear in AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.)-2024, the candidates are required to apply online as per procedure detailed below. Before filling and submitting the online form, candidates should download the Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form; and read them carefully. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website. Application Forms not complying with the instructions are liable to be rejected.
Candidates must keep the following information ready before filling online Application Form:-
- Govt Identity Details like Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits)/Election Card (EPIC No.)/Passport number/Ration Card Number/ Bank Account Number/PAN Number/ Other valid Govt Ids.
- Address for communication, Mobile Number, email id, etc.
- Scanned images of the latest Photograph (size of 10 kb to 200 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only.
- Scanned image of Signature (size of 4 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only
- Scanned image of Thumb impression (Male-Left, Female-Right, size of 3kb to 30 kb) in
JPG/JPEG format only. - Bank Account details for payment of Fee, for uploading as part of the submission of online application.
Replica of Application Form or Format:
The Replica of the AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D.) – 2024 Application Form is available at Annexure-VI.
Four Steps to Complete the Application Process:
Application Form may be submitted in four simple steps:
- Step 1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email Id and Mobile No
- Step 2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb) Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb) and candidate’s thumb impression (between 3 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
- Step 3: Pay the fee using SBI/ICICI Bank Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net-Banking/UPI(Annexure-V) and keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.
- The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-2 and Step-3 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
- No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances.
- There is no provision to upload any certificate/marks sheet etc., with the application.
- The entire application process is online. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA/ICAR through Post/ Fax/E-mail/By Hand.
Fill Out The Application Form – AIEEA-(PhD)-2024
For any queries or /clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011 4075 9000 or write to NTA at [email protected].
Editor’s Note: ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 – AIEEA(PG) & AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D). ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Notification. Official ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Official Notification. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Syllabus. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Eligibility. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Application. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 NTA Notification. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Notice. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 News. ICAR Entrance Examinations 2024 Updates. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram.