PhD Program at Max Delbruck
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PhD Program at Max Delbruck Center, Apply for Fully-funded PhD positions

Apply for our PhD program

Call opens: January 15, 2024 – Application deadline: March 03, 2024

Fully-funded PhD positions in Biomedical Sciences

Are you passionate about discovering the basis of health and disease, and applying your findings to answer clinically-relevant questions? Are you interested in one of the following topics?

Topic 1: Genes, Cells and Cell‑based Medicine
Topic 2: Molecular Processes and Therapies
Topic 3: Integrative Biomedicine

We are committed to meet today’s challenges in biology and medicine and realize that excellent science requires outstanding researchers. If you aspire to be one of them – we are looking forward to your application!

We offer:

  • An excellent scientific, international and collaborative learning environment
  • Individualised PhD supervision & mentoring
  • Support of the thesis committee
  • Advanced scientific, research-related & methods training
  • Access to state-of-the-art infrastructure & core facilities
  • Regular lectures, journal clubs & seminar series
  • Participation in one of our specialised research programs
  • A structured program for personal & career development
  • Participation in PhD symposia, retreats & social activities
  • Travel grants for external courses & conferences
  • Active alumni network

Students may, in addition, join our MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program in Medical Systems Biology, iNAMES – MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from NAno to MESo

, or become associated with the interdisciplinary HEIBRiDS Data Science School.

Who are we looking for?

To apply, a master’s degree (or equivalent) in in biology, biotechnology, medicine, molecular medicine, chemistry, computer science, data science, engineering, mathematics, physics or a related field, is required. You should hold or expect to obtain your degree not later than four months after the onsite interview week in Berlin (see below for the exact interview dates). Please check further details of your Eligibility for application here.

Details on the Recruitment process can be found here. Please make sure to check the FAQ section, as well.

Available projects

A list of participating group leaders and available projects, with detailed project descriptions, is available on our application portal upon registration.

How to apply? 

Calls for applications for central MDC recruitment are open twice a year, for Spring and Fall recruitment round. Applications are accepted exclusively via our online Application portal. Email applications for the central recruitment rounds can unfortunately not be accepted. Detailed information about the application process, including Application manual, are available here

For the individual PhD vacancies potentially offered outside of the central Recruitment calls, please contact the scientific group leaders of your interest directly or follow the announcements in the Open PhD positions section.

For approximate timeline of the central Recruitment process, please see below. Please note that these are approximate dates, and they may vary from year to year. For the exact dates, follow the announcements on our page.


PhD researchers are fully funded through an initial 3-year employment contract with the MDC. Salaries are competitive to national standards, according to 65% TVöD 13 (monthly net payment of approximately 1800 EUR). Health and social insurance are included in the contract. In many cases, contracts are extended for an additional year. All PhD researchers are expected to complete their doctoral research and thesis in 4 years. The university tuition fees per semester are approximately 350 EUR, and include public transportation ticket.


Editor’s Note: PhD Program at Max Delbruck Center, Apply for Fully-funded PhD positions. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!