UGC Announces Penalty For Publishing Research Paper In De-Recognised Journals
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UGC Announces Penalty For Publishing Research Paper In De-Recognized Journals

The Indian Higher Education Regulator – University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked all universities and colleges in the country to appoint and promote faculty members based on its new list of approved journals. The body has de-recognized names of all predatory papers.

The List is called as the UGC-CARE (Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics) list. Around 800 verified and genuine journals have been included in the list after rigorous quality checks.

It has been compiled by a team of experts including scholars and subject experts from various academic councils. The previous list had over 5,000 journals, and nearly 88% of them were found to be predatory by the UGC. Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics is a government-appointed body.

The education regulatory body sent a notice to all universities on 16th September’19 asking them to appoint and promote faculty using the new UGC Journal Publishing list as a reference point.

According to the official press release, The UGC Journal Publishing list is valid from 14th June 2019. The UGC has asked the universities to follow the new list for appointing and promoting faculty strictly.

For appointments in universities, the

academic credentials of faculty members are determined based on the journal in which their research paper has been published.

UGC Vice-Chairman Bhushan Patwardhan said that appointments and promotions were given based on the number of papers published by a candidate. The quality of the papers was not taking into consideration. This resulted in the appointment of sub-standard researchers in colleges and universities. The UGC Journal Publishing rule will now focus more on the quality of researchers being appointed in the Universities.

Mr. Bhushan added that only those who have published their papers in the new list of approved journals would be promoted and appointed in the universities. Occasionally if it is noticed that some good research paper has been published in an unrecognized journal by mistake, it will be reviewed by an expert committee appointed by the UGC.

According to the UGC Journal Publishing Rule, faculty members who have published their research papers in de-recognized journals might be denied promotion if the quality of their papers is found to be below the benchmark set by the UGC.

The new list was created after the UGC received complaints about the low quality of academic research. This also affected faculty appointment in educational institutions.

In 2018, academicians from Savitribai Phule Pune University conducted research. They found that over 88% of the journals in the previous UGC-approved list were predatory.

They conducted extensive checks on the already UGC Approved List. The academicians analyzed 1009 journals after excluding 327 indexed in Scopus/Web of Science. According to the report, about 34.5% of the 1009 journals were disqualified under the essential criteria. They were found to have incorrect or non-availability of critical information such as an address, website details, and names of editors.

Another 52.3% of them provided false information such as incorrect ISSN- International Standard Serial Number. This is meant to identify a serial publication. Some of the Journals had False claims about impact factor, including had credentials of editors.

Mr. Patwardhan, one of the authors of the research, added that over 88% of the journals assessed by them were found to be of low quality.

The paper had suggested that the UGC-approved list needed severe re-consideration. The UGC has considered this suggestion and came up with this new UGC Journal Publishing list.

Do you think this move by the UGC will help escalate the research quality in Indian Universities? Do share your opinions in the comment section.


Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra is a Science enthusiast and eager to learn something new each day. He has a degree in Microbiology and has joined forces with Biotecnika in 2019 due to his passion for writing and science.


  1. आदरणीय सर / मैडम
    मुझे जनरल रिसर्च पेपर पब्लिश करने के लिए साइड बताइए जो जी यूजीसी से संबंधित है ! धन्यवाद

  2. आदरणीय सर /मैडम
    मुझे यूजीसी से संबंधित वेबसाइट चाहिए जिससे में पेपर पब्लिश कर सकूं !

    • Of course it will increase the quality of research. Kindly display the list of UGC Approved journals subject / Area wise due to which any one can access easily.

  3. Yes it is good step by ugc… But still need lot to vast improvement to have quality in the research

  4. It is a good move. But lot needs to be done to improve the quality of research. Quality and updated knowledge of Guides also play an important role to improve the quality of research. Majority are not doing any research activity after receiving Ph.d degree. You can see the difference by comparing the quality of professors in IIT, NIT and in any Deemed Universities.
    Research lost quality bcz of Ranking by MHRD on the basis of number of papers published by any Deemed University. Happy to see that, at least now, it is realised that
    Ph.d is not like any other degree. Quality of work is paramount. Both Guide and Student are equally responsible for quality research.
    All professors must publish quality papers in reputed journals as first author. This will help to upgrade their knowledge.
    Quality Professors are KEY to Quality Research.Please look in to this.
    Salary should be fixed based on experience and quality of research. But not on the basis of degrees.
    Bring variable component in salary for in corporates. This will improve their involvement in research. No one will be interested to spend time in research, if they are receiving a salary of more than 1.5 lakhs per month.
    If you take all these steps, then we can expect some quality research in India.

  5. Ugc make rules but don’t implement . Private University are given Ph.d degree without any rules. Guides don’t have requisite qualifications. KSOU + Ph.d candidates are guideing Ph.d student.very horrible.No checking rules.

  6. Dera Sir
    The main question is what is the status of the papers already published in UGC approved journals ? As appointments and promotions that recently have been given on that basis.
    Further the statement “Occasionally if it is noticed that some good research paper has been published in an unrecognized journal by mistake, it will be reviewed by an expert committee appointed by the UGC” Other face of this statement that what if some papers of bad quality have been published in present list of Journals ? who will check?
    According to me, the publication which has been made in de-recognised Journal after the date of new list and the date from which that Journal has been de-recognised (including all previous modifications to UGC journal lists) should not be considered for promotion or new appointments.
    Also All previous lists with date of notifications and modifications since 2015 should be made available on UGC portal instead of removing all archives.

    I hope all will agree to this ..

  7. Worthless attempt by ugc the whole attempt is focus on research paper quality..They should publish free for research scholars and related persons on their own platform’s..The criteria now is only get published in ugc care journal which is not a big deal.

  8. Every day new new rule by the UGC. UGC believes mere inclusion of a journal in the so called CARE list brings quality. Many standards less journals some how in scopus still in CARE list. They get publish it by money. Enternally PAID.. externally NON PAID. brokers hiding in diff corners of the country help to publish papers

  9. First UGC has to provide listed journals in easily searchable format. I spent days to know about the details. It’s cumbersome. Savitribhai pule university is providing access only after registration. It is tough to search and some time we miss approved journal too.

  10. I am trying to publish my research paper in UGC approved journal but no one journal science and mathematics related is UGC approved..

  11. Ugc ne kiya sahi aur kiya wrong soch smzke kiya hoga I strongly agree with this new rules. But one thing hum jo 2015,16,17 ugc approved journals me paper publish kiya uska kiya hoga….job v man chahe ugc rules change kr sakta hai pr mujhe lagta hai 2019 Jun ka phle jo ugc approved journals me publication krwaya usko valid matlb consideration kiya jay… Thanks.

  12. Publishing a research paper not mandatory.. For a faculty.. Next PH.D can. Be awarded on the basis of work not publication. Next only CARE list.. What all these rubbish changing rules.?? IN India top to bottom. System is corrupted. Standard less papers get published in PAID scopus. And those journals are in CARE.

  13. Including mere a scopus journal in. CARE does not ensure quality.. UGC system in. Not transparent….

  14. If only Journals performance is the criteria, why not even one Indian institution is in the top 200 universities of the world. UGC should first learn to set its home in order, and not live in a fools paradise by dictating rules for the Teachers, How many of the UGC members have papers of H Index or Scous! Let them show their credentials before dictating on others.

  15. What steps to be taken when the publisher is denying to remove the publication????
    Kindly help..

  16. That’s an excellent idea and also the need of the day. But a huge nation like India needs more space for publishing research papers. So, the quality checking assignment may be offered to some more institutes. Prof. Baskaran

  17. Previous list was also UGC list. Why a person should be penalized for publishing in those UGC approved journals? Why people who approved previous list should not be held responsible? Who shall take responsibility that this shall not happen again?

  18. Plz send me list of UGC approved journals about Culture, Tribal Studies and Folklore subject’s

  19. There are still some universities which are putting no.of publications as one of the cretaria for short listing the candidates for interview. The central university of rajasthan does not even follow the UGC guidelines for screening applications for assistant professors.

  20. I am trying to publish my research paper in UGC approved journal but no one journal social science (Commerce)related is UGC approved..

  21. I request ,uGC authority plz share UGC approved journals and also list of derecognized journals

  22. As per UGC rules 2018, research publications should be in the peer-reviewed or UGC listed journals. All the journals including disqualified journals by UGC and other worst journals are mentioned in their journal web site it is peer reviewed journal and they are giving peer reviewer certificate. The Journals are taking advantage of peer review statement. Researcher also publishing in the peer reviewed journals. When taking about quality journal publication, Why UGC provided this loop hole.

  23. What about the promotion and/or appointments were done based on quantity of papers rather than quality? By the earlier UGC journal list, a lot of authors intentionally published in low quality journals to get the promotion/award research degree too. What about the deserved candidates having less number of quality papers and not getting any promotion and/or appointments? Shall UGC take action like demotion of those people? If it happens, lot of undeserved candidates can be found in leading universities also. Then, we can expect good quality of research papers from existing faculty/research scholar. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

  24. UGC CARE list has included most of journals from other countries….. Question is …maximum journals from India has no such standard as of other countries…it’s surprising for all of us…we need to stop paid journals in India for maintening quality….. my point of view is that paper published in UGC approved journals should be considered in appointments, promotions, published before announcing the CARE list of journals…….

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