DBT-Research Associateship
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DBT-Research Associateship in Biotech & Life Sciences 2019

Official Notification For DBT – Research Associateship 2019 September Call, DBT RA Program 2019 September has been released on the DBT official website. Indian Nationals can apply for the award of “DBT-Research Associateship” 2019 (September Session) for pursuing research in frontier areas of biotechnology & applied biology.

This call expires in :

-1957Days -17Hours -55Minutes -45Seconds


The Associateship is tenable in any Research Institution/Universities including non­profit R&D Institutions within India. The Programme is sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and the Associateships are awarded under it.

About the Fellowship:

The Department of Biotechnology has introduced the aforesaid program. The Secretary, DBT requested Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore to coordinate and administer the implementation of the said programme. The Institute is successfully getting it done through the Society for Innovation and Development. The programme got started in December 2000 at a total project cost of Rs. 465.00 lakhs. The programme is intended only for Indian citizens. The purpose of the fellowship programme is to train scientists in frontier areas of research in Biotechnology at such institutions in India which are engaged in major biotechnological research



  1. The applicants should hold a PhD degree in Science, Engineering or M.D. or M.S. degree in any area of medicine with research interests in Biotechnology and Life Sciences and a good academic record.
  2. Those who have already submitted the Ph.D./M.D./M.S., thesis are also eligible to apply.
  3. The applicants should preferably be below the age of 40 years, and 45 years in case of women candidates.
  4. Persons already employed are also eligible to apply. However, their applications should be routed through their employers.

Number of Fellowships:

Up to 75 Fellowships would be awarded every year. Depending on the success and utility of the programme, the number of fellowships to be awarded per year would be revised.

How to Apply:

A hard copy of the Application with necessary documents should be Speed-posted to: The National Program Coordinator, DBT-Research Associateship Program, Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, New Biological Sciences Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012.

For DBT-RA Fellowship (National)

Write “Application for DBT-RA Fellowship (National)’’ on the envelope. Detailed information and relevant application format may be obtained from:

The last date for receiving the completed application at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is October 3, 2019.

For DBT-RA Fellowship (North-East)

Write “Application for DBT-RA Fellowship (North-East)’’ on the envelope. Detailed information and relevant application format may be obtained from:

The last date for receiving the completed application at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is October 3, 2019.

Click here for More Information

Click here to Download Application Format (Word Doc)

Click here to download the mentor consent letter template

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Editor’s Note: DBT Research Associate Associateship 2019 Life Science & Biotech, North-East DBT-RA Associateship 2019, Research Associate Associateship 2019, DBT-Research Associate 2019, DBT Research Associateship 2019, DBT Research Associate 2019. Make sure you check out our Podcast, Newsletter, YouTube channel and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the biosciences industry.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. Can a msc medical microbiology student pursuing phd also apply for this program?

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