DBT - Indo US Genome
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DBT – Indo US Genome Editing (GETin) Studentship / Fellowship Program

Indian nationals are encouraged to apply for the Student Internship, Overseas Fellowship and Visiting Fellowship at DBT India – Indo U.S. Science & Technology Forum, IUSSTF Genome Engineering/Editing Technology (GETin). Check out all of the details on the same below:

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Genome Engineering/Editing Technology Initiative Program

Acknowledging the importance of strategies & methods in genome modification, as modern-day necessary tools for research and development, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. Of India alongside the lndo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) announces a fellowship program between Indian Institutes and premier U.S. Universities, in important areas of Genome Engineering/ Editing Technology (GETin).

The program is open to individuals whose research work has an interface with
Genome Engineering / Editing Technology studies.

The Program is envisaged to:

  • Provide an opportunity to best and brightest Indian scientists and students to gain access and exposure to world-class research facilities in leading U.S. institutions;
  • Promote research and capacity building
  • Encourage and motivate outstanding students to take up research as a career path;
  • Create attractive avenues for skilled overseas researchers to pursue R&D in Indian or to mentor Indian scientist (s); and,
  • Pave way for the next generation scientists and technologists from India to interact with American peers, at the frontline area of Genome Engineering / Editing Technology; consequently assisting build long-term R&D linkages and collaborations.

Program Modules and Qualification:


  • Indian citizens currently pursuing PhD on a full-time basis in various forefront disciplines of biotechnology (agriculture, health sciences, bioengineering, biomedical, fundamental biology or allied fields) in a public-funded R&D Laboratory / S& T Institute / recognized academic institute /University/ College in India.
  • For a period of up to 6 months
  • Age: Up to 32 years as on 31 December 2019
  1. Guidelines
  2. Terms and Conditions


  • Indian citizens with PhD in Life Science, Biotechnology, Engineering or Technology, holding a regular position in public-funded R&D Lab / S&T Institution / recognized Universities/ Colleges in India.
  • For a period of up to 5 weeks to 12 months
  • Age: upward to 45 years as on 31 December 2019
  1. Guidelines
  2. Terms and Conditions


  • U.S. Faculty or Foreign Postdocs currently working in the U.S. (for at least two years) in a field having an interface with Genome Engineering/ Editing Technologies.
  • Applicant should have Ph.D., M.D, M.S or equal degree with an outstanding track record as evident though publications and other recognitions
  • For a period of 2-3 months
  • Age: Up to 60 years as on 31 December 2019
  1. Guidelines
  2. Terms and Conditions


• Monthly Stipend
• Contingency Allowance
• Airfare
• Health Insurance

How to Apply:

For proposal guidelines and format visit: Website: www.iusstf.org or write to [email protected], For program information contact:

Contact Details:

Dr. Onkar N. Tiwari
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road. New Delhi-110003

Dr. Chaitali Bhattacharya
lndo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum
Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road, New Delhi-110001

View Brochure Below

Editor’s Note: DBT – Indo US Genome Editing, DBT IUSSTF Fellowship, Indian Student Internship, Overseas Fellowship, Visiting Fellowship, IUSSTF GETin Program 2019, DBT India Fellowship, DBT India Student Internship. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter – and subscribe to it, you can also follow us on all of our social media. And also check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. I done my M.sc with zoology .. i want to work as jrf ..so is it any project for me ??

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