Exercise Isn’t The Best Way To Lose Weight! Agree or Disagree?
Voice of Biotecnika – Episode 23
Hold On! My new year resolution is to lose weight, I have already paid the fees for my gym, and now you are saying that exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight? – This is what most of you must be thinking now!
Surprising! Yet this is true. The best way to lose weight is not exercising.
Welcome to another episode of Voice of Biotecnika! In this episode, our speaker will unravel certain misconceptions revolving around the strategies to lose weight. She will basically highlight why and how irrespective to the huge myriad of benefits that we incur from exercise, it still doesn’t help us to lose weight. There is another major factor influencing weight loss and that is what we eat that has a bigger impact on your waistline.
While most of you must have read or heard about this topic, we would urge you to listen to the podcast below – which will definitely make you rethink about this topic all over again and might fasten the process your weight loss regime.
Exercise alone is not solution. It is a part and parcil of the tools for weight reduction.