Results:ARS-2017 (Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board) Mains Exam
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lign: center;">Results:ARS-2017 (Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board) Mains Exam

The results for the ARS-2017 Mains Examination has been released. The PDF containing the results has been posted below. All the applicants can check out the results of the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board 2017 Mains Examination below:

Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-I. Pusa, New Delhi-110012

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) had conducted ARS- 2017 Mains Written Examination on 24.06.2018. The provisional list of candidates qualified for viva-voce under 29 disciplines is being uploaded on ASRB’s website

The viva-voce dates will be notified separately. Candidates may regularly check the Board’s website for requisite updates. The Interview / Viva-voce call letters will be issued to the qualified candidates through their e-mail address given in the application form. Besides, SMS will also be sent on their registered mobile number. Kindly note that no information ? viva-voce call will be made by post. If any candidate fails to receive the viva-voce e-mail 10 days prior to the date of viva-voce of the respective discipline, he/ she may contact the Examination-II Section, ASRB on phone no. 011-25846166 and 25848172 Extension 202 or e-mail to [email protected]. Further instruction/information regarding viva-voce will be issued in due course.

The appearance of a candidate in the viva-voce will be purely provisional. If at any stage, the Board finds that the candidate does not fulfil any of the prescribed eligibility conditions, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected. The candidates are also advised to go through the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the ASRB’s Notification for ARS-2017 Examination [No. 1(16)/2017-Exam.II dated 24.01.2018]. If the candidates do not possess the required relevant documents/ certificates (in original) in support of their eligibility, they shall not be allowed to attend the viva­voce.

The candidature of Ms. Baban Preet Kour (Roll No. 1140300281; Discipline: Agricultural Microbiology-03) and Sh. Parkash Verma (Roll No. 1114303592; Discipline: Agronomy-43) are provisional subject to production and verification of all relevant original documents.

The candidates are advised to regularly visit the ASRB & ICAR’s websites i.e. and All the information/updates related to ARS Viva-voce will be uploaded on the above-mentioned website only.

The candidates are advised to notify changes in their address, if any, to the Board immediately through e-mail, Fax or letters forthwith.

While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the result, if at any stage, any discrepancy comes to the notice of ASRB, the Board reserves the right to rectify the same and no claim whatsoever will be entertained if any person/candidate is affected in the process.

View Results Below:

Editor’s Note: Check out the PDF above for more details on the results, download it and share it. Results : ARS-2017 (Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board) Mains Examination, ARS-2017 Mains Examination, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board 2017 Mains Examination. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter for more details.

Diluxi Arya
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