TIGS Non-Medical Research Jobs
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TIGS Non-Medical Research Jobs – Bioinformatics & Life Sciences Apply

Project Research Scientist – II and Project Technical Support – III – funded by ICMR

(Job Code – 26)

TIGS is a program-driven research institute with a focus on solving pressing societal challenges. We are seeking applications from enthusiastic candidates to join as Project Staff in the ICMR-funded multi-institutional extramural project titled “Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) monitoring at the ICMR VRDL Centres through hospital wastewater surveillance and customization of indigenous AMR detection assays.”
Website: www.tigs.res.in

Total number of positions: 04

  • Project Research Scientist – II: 1 position
  • Project Technical Support – III: 3 positions

Age limit:

  • Max 40 years: Project Research Scientist – II (non-medical)
  • Max 35 years: Project Technical Support – III (non-medical)

Duration: Initially for one year. Extended up to 2 years.

  • If you are interested in applying for the above research position, please submit a cover letter with CV, list of publications (if any), email, phone number, and contact details of 2 referees at [email protected].
  • (All applicants must list Job code i.e., JC – 26(A) for Project Research Scientist – II position & JC – 26(B) for Project Technical Support- III position, in their application to be considered)

Application Deadline: February 03, 2025

Positions open

Position: Project Research Scientist – II (non-medical)
Number of Positions: 1
Job Code: JC – 26 (A)

Minimum Essential Qualification:

  1. First Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees, with three years of experience or PhD in the field of life science/biology/genomics/genetics/bioinformatics or related.
  2. Second Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degrees, with PhD and three years of experience in the field of life science/biology/genomics/genetics/bioinformatics or related.
  3. For Engineering/IT/CS: First Class Graduate Degree of Four Years with three years of experience in the field of life science/biology/genomics/bioinformatics or related.

Desired Experience:

  • PhD in genomics/microbiology/bioinformatics.
  • Prior experience in handling metagenomics data, metagenomic sequence analysis, and data visualization.
  • Proficiency with Python and R.
  • Knowledge and prior experience in research related to antimicrobial resistance and pathogen surveillance.
  • Good communication, analytical, and management skills.
  • Expected to coordinate the project-related research activities with a network of collaborating laboratories and organize meetings.
  • Prior experience in project management and coordination would be an added advantage.
  • Good organizational skills.
  • Enthusiastic and positive attitude towards societally relevant research.

Position: Project Technical Support – III (non-medical)

Number of Positions: 3

Job Code: JC – 26 (B)

Minimum Essential Qualification:

  1. Three years graduate in relevant subject field + three years of experience or PG in the field of life science/biology/genomics/genetics/bioinformatics or related.
  2. For Engineering/IT/CS: First Class Four Years Graduate Degree + Three years of experience in the field of life science/biology/genomics/genetics/bioinformatics or related.

Desired Experience:

  • Basic understanding of antimicrobial resistance and pathogen surveillance.
  • Enthusiastic and positive attitude towards societally relevant research.

Position 1:

  • Master’s degree in bioinformatics.
  • Experience handling metagenomics data and data visualization.
  • Familiarity with Python and R.

Positions 2 and 3:

  • Master’s degree in microbiology/life science or related.
  • Experience of working in a BSL-2 setup.
  • Prior experience in molecular biology, including nucleic acids extraction, RT-PCR, and data analysis.

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!