Sun Pharma MSc & MTech Jobs
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Sun Pharma MSc & MTech Jobs – Biotech, Biochem Apply For R&D

Post I

Grade: R&D – Biotechnology Executive / Sr. Executive

Function: Immunogenicity

Qualification: M.Sc/M.Tech in Biotechnology/Biochemistry

Experience: 2-6 years

Brief JD:

  1. Responsible for study sample analysis for all pipeline products.
  2. Isolation of PBMC from whole blood and maintenance of commercial cell lines.
  3. Data compilation, QC & Statistical analysis of data.
  4. Preparation of standard operating procedures (SOP), method development reports (MDR), and analytical test procedures (ATP).
  5. Responsible for operating and maintaining analytical laboratory in compliance with GLP regulations.
  6. Responsible for the operation and maintenance of Flow Cytometry, Multiplex, ELISPOT, and other instruments.

Post II

Grade: R&D – Biotechnology (Molecular Biology & Cell Line Development)

Role: Manager / Sr. Executive

Qualification: PhD / Master’s in Biotechnology

Experience: 6-10 years

Brief JD:

  1. Hands-on work experience in mammalian cell culture/microbial cell culture and molecular biology areas.
  2. Experience in therapeutic protein expression and purification using E.coli/yeast expression systems.
  3. Well-versed with molecular biology techniques, including molecular cloning, primer designing, expression vector generation, characterization, and related molecular biology techniques.
  4. Experience in the generation of stable monoclonal cell lines for mAb/therapeutic protein production.
  5. Experience in single-cell cloning, fed batch study, cell bank preparation, and characterization is preferred.
  6. Candidate is expected to have good communication skills, work as per SOP, design experiments/troubleshoot any arising problems, and maintain proper experimental documentation records in LNB and ELN-specific formats.

Post III

Grade: R&D – Biotechnology (Analytical Development)

Role: Executive

Qualification: M.Sc/M.Tech in Biotechnology/Biochemistry

Experience: 1-4 years

Brief JD:

  1. To develop HPLC-based methods for protein and peptide products.
  2. To design and implement integrated strategies, linking appropriate analytical tools, to perform a qualitative and quantitative assessment of product-related variants and impurities. Develop and apply novel sample preparation with emphasis on RP-HPLC, SEC-HPLC, CEX-HPLC, etc.
  3. Responsible for designing advanced workflows to measure and characterize process-related impurities at different stages of product development such as Host Cell Protein (HCPs), Host Cell DNA (HCD), and Leachable.
  4. Responsible for preparation and review of method development reports (MDR) and analytical test procedures (ATP).
  5. Responsible for operating and maintaining analytical laboratory in compliance with GLP regulations.

Please share your resume at: [email protected]

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. Hi Sir ! I am a student of biotech engineering of VIT Vellore need a one month internship in your company I will be thankful to your company if u will give me a chance

  2. I finished my in clinical biochemistry.i have working experience in college

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