AIIMS Delhi Non-Medical Project Vacancy – Applications Invited
Advertisement for the position of Sr Research Fellow (Non-Medical) in a SERB funded project
Subject: Recruitment for the post of a Sr Research Fellow (SRF) for a SERB funded project “To investigate the role of an inflammatory response in the pathogenesis of Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and to identify the different MDS subtype-specific novel transcripts associated with its progression into Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)”
Number of posts: One
Stipend/Salary: As per SERB guidelines
Essential Qualifications: MSc Life Sciences, Biochemistry
Desirable Qualifications: Specialization in Human Genetics
Age: Upto 30 years
Project Duration: 24 months
How to Apply:
Interested candidates may submit their CV to [email protected] on or before Jan 24th, 2025.
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be informed for the interview by email. No TA/DA will be provided to candidates called for the interview.
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