WiSLP 2024 Call For Applications – Apply Online
DST is collaborating with British Council on the Women in Space and Allied Sciences Leadership Program (WiSLP) under UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI). The programme aims to empower Women in the leadership and governance roles in the area of scientific research. This program is designed for scientists working in the field of space and allied science and technology areas in various Institutions. It aims to develop a women leadership development framework to support institutions in strengthening their gender-inclusive practices and policies, specifically around science and research for women scientists specially working in above mentioned under-represented areas. Mentoring and training workshops will provide pathways for rising the ladder and attaining leadership position in science and research careers. Applications are invited from scientists with promising research credentials from various scientific and technical Indian institutions etc. The 4 days fully residential programme will be held at various locations of the country.
Women in Space and Allied Sciences Leadership Program (WiSLP)
General Instructions
DST is collaborating with British Council on the Women in Space and Allied Sciences Leadership Program (WiSLP) under UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI). The programme aims to empower Women
in the leadership and governance roles in the area of scientific research. This program is designed for scientists working in the field of space and allied science and technology areas in various Institutions. It aims to develop a women leadership development framework to support institutions in strengthening their gender-inclusive practices and policies, specifically around science and research for women scientists specially working in above mentioned under-represented areas. Mentoring and training workshops will provide pathways for rising the ladder and attaining leadership position in science and research careers.Applications are invited from scientists with promising research credentials from various scientific and technical Indian institutions etc. The 4 days fully residential programme will be held at various locations of the country.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Regular employed women Scientists (early and mid-career) with Age range of 35 – 50 years working in S&T institution.
- Area of research interest needs to be related with space and its allied sciences.
(For example: Solar physics, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, Remote sensing, space weather, Earth observation, Navigation system, Satellite communication, Atmospheric science, Space physics, Rocket propulsion, Space based applications, global climate change, disaster management, environmental modeling, satellite data, Space biology and medicine, Artificial intelligence for space, material science and space technology etc.)
Selection criteria:
A selection committee will select candidates on the basis of factors including recognized leadership potential, demonstrated initiative and excellent performance in academics & research. Justification given by candidate for the training would also be one of the factors for identifying the potential candidates for training.
Duration: 4 Days training.
Type of support: Travel (To and Fro up to max limit to Rs. 14000 shortest route economy class), and accommodation.
Where to apply: The proposals should be submitted at DST portal https://onlinedst.gov.in/ within 15 days.
Last date for applying online is Feb 2 2025 11:59PM (IST)
Editor’s Note: WiSLP 2024 Call For Applications – Apply Online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebo