Annamalai University International Conference
--Must See--

Annamalai University International Conference on Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis: Genomic Integrity and Implications to Human Health | Registrations Open

Annamalai University International Conference Registrations Open

Annamalainagar – 608 002
(A State University Accredited with “A+” Grade by NAAC)

47th Annual Meeting & Golden Jubilee Year of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI-2025)

International Conference on
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis: Genomic Integrity and Implications to Human Health
January 29-31, 2025

Pre-Conference Workshop on
Environmental Mutagenesis & Carcinogenesis
January 28, 2025

Organized by
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

It is with great pleasure we invite researchers, academicians, health professionals,  and those who are all involved in Environmental and Health related facets desire to be part  of the “International Conference on Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis: Genomic  Integrity And Implications to Human Health” as well as “47th Annual Meeting & Golden  Jubilee Year of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI)” to be convened at  Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India from January 29-31, 2025. EMSI founded in 1975, promotes scientific education and research in mutagenesis. The  Society is an affiliate of the International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis &  Genomics Society (IAEMGS

) and the Asian Environmental Mutagen Society (AEMS). Every  year, the EMSI conference provides a scientific forum for exchanging ideas and information  on mutagenesis at the experimental and clinical levels with an emphasis on human health  and environmental safety. The Society is completing 50 years in 2025; hence, this  conference will celebrate the ‘Golden Jubilee’ of the Society with a special emphasis on  human health.


Annamalai University, one of the largest Universities in terms of disciplinary diversity  and student enrolment, is also one of the oldest universities in South India. Sprawling over  a vast and sylvan campus of 1000 acres, the University houses about 50 Departments of  Study under Eight Faculties. Founded by the legendary philanthropist and farsighted  visionary, Rajah Sir Annamalai Chettiar in 1929. Annamalai University is playing a key role in  social, cultural, and economic uplift of the people across the rungs of society for nearly a  century. Annamalainagar, the University Town, is located just to the east of Chidambaram,  the Abode of the Cosmic Dancer, Lord Nataraja. 

The Department of Biochemistry, Annamalai University was started in 1994. In a  short period, it made rapid growth in both teaching and research. The department runs a 2-year M.Sc. in biochemistry, a 2-year M.Sc. in Biotechnology, and a 5-year integrated  course in M.Sc., Biotechnology. In addition to this, it offers an M. Phil and Ph.D. program.  The Biochemistry (2 Years) and Biotechnology (5 Years) courses have been updated with the  inclusion of all the latest topics available and in line with UGC guidelines. To date 2018  students have been awarded M.Phil. degrees and 310 awarded Ph.D. degrees. This  Department is a DST-FIST and UGC-SAP-assisted Department. 


The conference is an amalgamation of researchers from diverse areas, including  biology, chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, and those engaged in public health and biodiversity  conservation. This conference includes keynote, plenary, invited lectures, oral and poster·  presentations, and socialization. The meeting will bring the world’s most eminent and  enthusiastic researchers on the same page to discuss and explore the latest developments  on the conference theme. The International Conference on Environmental and Molecular  Mutagenesis: Genomic Integrity and Implications to Human Health is a platform for  discussing the different mutagens and their impact on human health. This conference is an  interdisciplinary conference where recent physical, chemical, and biological methods  developed to understand the advanced techniques in environmental mutagenesis and  toxicology and their impact on human health will be discussed.  

Chief Patron : Prof. RM. Kathiresan, Vice Chancellor, Annamalai University
Patron : Prof. P. Singaravel, Registrar, Annamalai University
Vice-Patron : Dr. S. Sriram, Dean, Faculty of Science,Annamalai University
Chair Person : Dr. S. Manoharan, Professor & Head, Dept. of Biochem. & Biotech.
Conveners : Dr. N. Rajendra Prasad, EMSI – 2025
Dr. T. Manivasagam, EMSI – 2025

The conference is intended to meet the following objectives: 

  • Knowledge sharing and networking among researchers working in the fields of  environment and genetics 
  • Facilitating collaborations among different institutions/universities within India and  overseas 
  • To train the younger generation on advanced techniques in environmental  mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and toxicology 


  • Dr. Siegfried Knasmüller, MUV, Austria
  • Dr. Suresh V. Ambudkar, NIH, USA
  • Dr. Mike Routledge, LU, UK
  • Dr. R. C. Sobti, PU, India
  • Dr. Nallasivam Palanisamy, MSU, USA
  • Dr. K.B. Sainis, BARC, India
  • Dr. M. Prakash Hande, NUS, Singapore
  • Dr. Sabine Langie, UM, Netherlands
  • Dr. Awadhesh Jha, UP, UK
  • Dr. Bani Bandana, MGMIHS, India
  • Dr. Helga Stopper, UOW, Germany
  • Dr. Manjunatha R. Kini, NUS, Singapore
  • Dr. Roberta Bulla, UT, Italy
  • Dr. Yasir Hasan Siddique, AMU, India
  • Dr. Sudin Bhattacharya, CNCI, India
  • Dr. Puthen Veettil Jithesh, HBKU, Qatar
  • Dr. Ruth Morse, UWE Bristol, UK
  • Dr. Masamitzu Honma, NIHS, Japan
  • Dr. Devashish Rath, BARC, India
  • Dr. M.S. Mustak, MU, India
  • Dr. Ramendra P. Pandey, UPESU, India

  • Dr. Amaya Azqueta, UN, Spain
  • Dr. Satwinderjeet Kaur, GNDU, India
  • Dr. H. P. Gurushankara, CUK, India
  • Dr. Vinay Jain, BARC, India
  • Dr. Anthony M Lynch, GSK, UK
  • Dr. Subha Bhaasu, UOM, Malaysia
  • Dr. Sathees C. Rhagavan, IISC, India
  • Dr. Nandjee Kumar, MU, India
  • Dr. Birajalaxami Das, BARC, India
  • Dr. A.K. Murugan, KFHSRC, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Georg Wultsch, MUV, Austria
  • Dr. Chandramathi, UOM, Malaysia
  • Dr. V. Thirunavukkarasu, BU, India
  • Dr. Sutapa Mukherjee, CNCI, India
  • Dr. Radha Saraswathy, VIT, India
  • Dr.MuhammedAbdulLatiff,UTHM,Malaysia
  • Dr. Medha Rajappa, JIPMER, India
  • Dr. N. Senthil Kumar, MZU, India
  • Dr. Arunkumar Dhayalan, PU, India
  • Dr. Regina Martinek, HUN-REA, Hungary
  • Dr.MohammedJafferPinjar,AIIMS,India


The major research area to be covered in the conference: 

Gene-environment interactions and their impact on human health. Mechanisms of resistance to environmental carcinogens and drugs. Epigenetic changes, genotoxic effects, and population genomics.

Nanotoxicology: genotoxicity risks related to novel man-made nanomaterials.

Molecular effects of environmental pollutants, chemical mutagens and pesticides.

DNA damages, repair mechanisms in the genome instability and mutagenesis.

Environmental carcinogenesis, cancer epidemiology, and exposure biomarkers.

Oxidative stress, cellular signaling pathways and environmental toxicity.

Occupational exposure, respiratory disorders, inflammation and immunosuppression

Environmental pollutants on plant and animal health and ecotoxicology.

Non-ionizing and ionizing radiation mediated genotoxicity, biomarkers, and  radioprotection.

Natural medicinal compounds, dietary phytochemicals and synthetic molecules for  chemoprevention. Nutrigenomics in the prevention of environmental carcinogenesis.

Synthetic small molecule inhibitors in the mitigation of environmental mutagenesis.

Sequencing technologies, proteomics, and transcriptomics studies to assess  environmental mutagenesis and cancer risk.

Predictive algorithms, machine learning, and AI tools in the diagnosis of mutagenesis  and carcinogenesis.

New developments in genotoxicity testing of chemical agents. Technologies for  assessing the hazards and risks associated with genotoxic substances.  Guidelines, Policies and international programs on chemical safety and mutagenicity  testing. 

The conference will provide opportunities for the delegates to exchange their novel ideas  and experiences with international experts. Thus, the conference will surely be a platform  for the discussion and presentation of new advances in the area where discussion will carry  on the Environmental mutagens and their role in genetic instability and their impact on  Human Health. The organizing committee is confident that participants will benefit from the  high-value scientific program. The conference’s scientific program includes: 

Plenary lectures by eminent speakers from India and abroad 

Invited talks from senior faculty from various institutes  

Oral/Poster presentations by young researchers 

Annamalai University International Conference Registrations Open


Abstracts are invited for the oral and poster presentation categories. The category in which  the contributions are made has to be indicated in the registration form. The acceptance of  the abstract for oral/poster presentation will also be intimated to the participants by email. 


The abstract must be written in the English language. A structured abstract is  required and it should be organized into the following four required sections: Background,  Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The abstract must contain the title of the paper, name,  complete mailing address, phone, fax, and email of the first author and name, affiliation,  city, and state of additional authors. The abstract should be submitted as a Microsoft Word  Doc file. Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12. The abstract must be a maximum of 300 words.  Using abbreviations should be avoided, and the references should not be cited in the  abstract. Abstracts must be submitted directly to the conference email id:  [email protected]

Last date for abstract submission is 25th November, 2024



Only selected abstracts will be allowed for oral/Poster presentations. The abstract  may have multiple authors, but only the presenting author will be allowed for the  competition. For Candidates will be given 7 minutes for their presentation followed by 3  minutes of discussion. Posters will be fit onto the poster boards with poster orientation size  3ft × 4ft (length × height). Please do not increase the size or change the orientation of the  poster. Best oral and Poster Presentation awards will be selected and given to the young  researchers depending on their presentations. The awards are decided at the end of the  conference and each winner will receive prizes with certificates of appreciation during the  valedictory ceremony. 


Travel awards will be given to selected candidates based on the merit and scientific  content of their presentations.  



Interested Researchers shall register and submit abstracts online. 

Registration Fee  Indian Nationals (INR)  Other Country (USD)
Conference  Workshop  Conference  Workshop
EMSI Life Member  2500  1500  250  150
Non-EMSI Member 


3500  2000  350  150
Doctoral Scholars / Postdoctoral  students 2500  1000  200  100
Postgraduate  students
1500  500  100  50
Industrial Delegates  4500  2500  300  200


Registration fee includes food, conference abstract and kit. The registration fee does not include guest house/hostel accommodation. 

Annamalai University International Conference Registrations Open


The registration fee shall be paid through Demand Draft (DD)/electronic transfer.  The DD should be drawn in favour of the “The Registrar, Annamalai University” payable at  Annamalai Nagar/Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. 

Account name  The Registrar, Annamalai University
Account number  621201159623
Bank  ICICI Bank, Annamalai Nagar
IFSC code  ICIC0006212




Upon prior requests, accommodation will be arranged in the University guest house/hostels.  

Please visit the Annamalai University Guest House webpage link for more information. 

Type of Room  Rent Per Day*
A/C Suite  Rs. 2,500/-
A/C with T.V  Rs. 1,500/-
A/C  Rs. 1,200/-
Non A/C  Rs. 600/-

*Sharing basis available


Last date for abstract submission is 25th November, 2024


Editor’s Note: Annamalai University International Conference Registrations Open. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
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