tyle="text-align: center;">BSc Life Science Project Job at MACS-ARI Pune – Apply Online
Particulars Description
1. Position/s & No. Project Technical Assistant (1 No.)
2. Funding Agency, Title, Period of the Project & Post Code DST, New Delhi Sponsored Project (SP-336) : “Candidate Chikungunya virus vaccine To test efficacy of E2 protein-loaded PLGA-PEG nanoparticle as a candidate vaccine in adult and aged mouse model” Period up to: 31/03/2025 Post Code: DST/SP-336/TA/2024
3. Name of the Principal Investigator Dr. Yogesh Karpe Dr Virendra Gajbhiye
4. Group/ Division Nanobioscience
5. Qualifications
Essential: BSC in Life Science or equivalent subject.
i) Master Degree in Life Science or equivalent subject with experience on handling laboratory animals.
ii) Experience in handling laboratory animals as per the CPCSEA guidelines.
6. Monthly stipend ₹ 20,000/- + HRA (as applicable)
7. Age limit (as on date of interview) Upto 50 years as on closing date of advt.
8. Last date for receipt of Online Application 24th July 2024 (Wednesday)
9. Display of the shortlist of candidates for online interview 26th July 2024
10. Day, Date & time of Interview Monday, 29th July 2024, 10:00 a.m. onwards
Note: No T.A. is admissible for attending the interview and the selected candidate will have no right for appointment against any ARI or funding agency’s post/s.
How to Apply:
- Candidates fulfilling above conditions may apply online application link (http://arijob.ourlib.in) and attach with self-attested scanned certificates, recent Passport size photograph, caste certificate issued by competent authority (for reserved category), receipt of online payment of fees {if applicable} on or before 24th July 2024.
- Non-refundable application fee of ₹100/- (except SC/ST/Divyang/Women Candidates) to be paid online through https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/ (Steps to follow: Educational Institutions → Category → Agharkar Research Institute-MACS→ Payment Category→ Other→ Enter Necessary fields / details etc.). Candidates should attach the receipt of online payment of fees and indicate the online receipt number in the application form. The Institute is not responsible for any incomplete/pending/failed transactions of online application fee payments, and they may contact the concerned bank in this regard.
- The prescribed essential qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of same will not entitle the candidate to be called for interview. The Institute reserves the right to select a suitable candidate.
- In the case of deserving and exceptionally qualified candidates, desirable qualifications are relaxed at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
Editor’s Note: BSc Life Science Project Job at MACS-ARI Pune – Apply Online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook