NIMHANS Project Vacancies With Rs. 56,000 pm Pay – Life Sciences, Biotech & Biochem Apply
NIMH/PROJ/ICMR/DVS/NOTIF./2024-25 18.06.2024
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of “Project Research Scientist I (Non-Medical)” and “Project Technical Support III” on a contract basis for the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) funded project entitled “Establishing the Role of Relative Exchangeable Copper in the Clinical Practice for Managing Patients with Wilsons’s Disease. A Multi-centric Study” under Dr. D.V. Seshagiri, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and the Principal Investigator, NIMHANS.
Post I
Name of the Post: Project Research Scientist I (Non-Medical)
No of post: 01 (One)
Essential Qualifications: First-class post-graduate degree, including the integrated PG degree. Second-class post-graduate degree, including the integrated PG degree with a PhD (Biochemistry, Laboratory Medical Science, Chemistry, Pharmacy, life sciences, and biotechnology).
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in the analysis of metal/trace elements. Handling high-end equipment Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer and Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometer will be preferred. Research experience should be supported by publications.
Age limit: 35 Years
Emoluments: Basic Pay of Rs. 56,000/- + HRA 27% per month
Duration of the project: Four years. Initial appointment will be made for a period of 6 months, which will be extended depending upon the candidate’s performance.
Post II
Name of the Post: Project Technical Support III
No of post: One
Essential Qualifications: Three years Graduate with three years experience or a post-graduate degree (Biochemistry, Laboratory Medical Science, Chemistry, Pharmacy, life sciences, and biotechnology).
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in handling biological specimens (blood, urine, stools) for laboratory analysis. Experience in trace elements analysis.
Age limit: 35 years
Emoluments: Basic Pay of Rs. 28,000/- + HRA 27% per month
Duration of the project: Four years. Initial appointment will be made for a period of 6 months, which will be extended depending upon the candidate’s performance.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may apply by emailing their 1. Resume (format specified in Annexure I), 2. Certificates of qualification and age proof, 3. Experience certificates, and 4. Testimonials to [email protected]. In addition to the email, candidates must fill out the online link for the application.
NOC should submit at the time of the interview from the Principal Investigator, if working in projects (Extramural/Intramural) at NIMHANS.
The email subject line should be “application for the post of ——– and the notification number.
Candidates who apply should invariably mention the Notification No. Date, email ID, Contact No. & Postal Address and the resume should be in the format available in Annexure I, failing which the application will not be considered.
The last date for receipt of applications along with the relevant documents is within 21 days from the date of notification on the NIMHANS website, and applications received after the last date will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
Download the application format here
Keywords: National Institute of Mental Health, Neuro Sciences, ICMR project, Research Scientist, Technical Support, Bengaluru, NIMHANS job vacancy. NIMHANS Project Vacancies With Rs. 56,000 pm Pay – Life Sciences, Biotech & Biochem Apply. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook