IISc Presents IMMUNOCON 2024 - The Conference Platform of the Indian Immunology Society, Register Now!
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IISc Presents IMMUNOCON 2024 – The Conference Platform of the Indian Immunology Society, Register Now!


17th  to  20th  October, 2024 at J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bengaluru

The conference platform for scientists, researchers, and professionals of the Indian Immunology Society to exchange knowledge, collaborate on research, and promote advancements in the immunology field.


Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Bengaluru, the science and innovation capital of India!

On behalf of the Indian Immunology Society and the organizing committee of the annual conference, we are delighted to extend a cordial invitation to attend the fifty-first annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society (IMMUNOCON-2024) which will be held at the iconic J.N. Tata Auditorium Complex of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru from 17th-20th October 2024. The only time this meeting was hosted in this city was in January 1993. Therefore, we consider it a privilege and honour to be given the responsibility of hosting this prestigious academic event at the Indian Institute of Science, a premier institution of higher learning in India.

The theme `Newer beginning in immunological munificence’ was deliberately chosen for IMMUNOCON-2024 to address the fact that post completing fifty years, we need to take fresh guard and restart a new chapter in our growth

as a Society. Keeping this aspect in mind, the scientific committee of the conference has ensured that speakers are representative of various institutions all over our country. In addition, gender balance among the speakers has been kept in mind. Focussed talks and a panel discussion on Immunology teaching and research have also been planned. These are, in addition, to awards and orations, oral and poster presentations, technical sessions. We are happy to note that several international speakers have readily accepted to deliver talks and we thank them. It is important for us expose our students to the latest advances in research and knowledge in the rapidly expanding field of Immunology. We are confident that the deliberations by the galaxy of eminent international and national faculty will inspire the immunology community and ensure a memorable experience.

For the benefit of young and budding immunologists, a few pre-conference educational events are planned. On 14th and 15th October, 2024, a continuing medical education (CME) will be held in NIMHANS, Bengaluru. On 16th October, 2024 a ‘Hands on workshop on Flowcytometry’ conducted by the Tech-Experts will be held in the Department of Biochemistry, IISc, Bengaluru. Further, the technical sessions and an industry exhibition during the event will encourage interactions and foster ‘academia-industry’ partnership. The social events will create opportunities for delegates to intermingle, exchange ideas, develop collaborations and long term relationships.

Bengaluru is a wonderful city to live and we encourage you to visit the city and its surrounding areas before or after the meeting. As you will notice, it is a bustling city and it is a far cry from the “pensioner’s paradise” label that it had several years back. Kindly walk around the idyllic and green campus at the Indian Institute of Science which is closely associated with the history of Indian science. The Institute was established in 1909 and it is honour to host the meeting in the iconic institute which is representative of indian science. The Tata statue was inaugurated in 1923 and is symbolic in many ways: the dolphins, for example, represent travel. After all, it was during one of his travels that the idea of a science institute was suggested to Sir Jamshedji Tata from Bombay. Indeed, we plan to take a walk to this statue post the meeting.

We look forward to your presence and participation in this remarkable event and hope that you will return with some of the most cherished memories, enhanced knowledge and inspiration for future endeavours.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly welcome you all to ‘IMMUNOCON-2024’ at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.

Highlights of Immunocon-2024@IISc, Bengaluru

  • Plenary talks by distinguished faculty.
  • Talks on various aspects of immunology: B cell responses, Clinical immunology, Host responses to infections, Immunomodulation, Immunological aspects in Bioengineering, Inflammation, Systems Immunology, T cell biology, Tumour immunology, Viral immunology etc.
  • Talks by several young scientists with many speaking for the first time in an Immunocon!
  • Awards to Senior Scientist, Mid-Career Scientist, Teachers and Academia-Industry Partnership.
  • Poster presentations on three days from 13:30 to 15:30 allowing sufficient time for interactions. Also, there are several awards for best posters by students.
  • Prof. G.P. Talwar young scientist talks by selected students.
  • Participation by companies working in areas of cell biology, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry etc.
  • Panel discussion on “Contemporary roles of Immunology teaching and research in academia and industries”.

Abstract Submission & Poster Presentation Guidelines

Click here to upload your Abstract


Students are encouraged to submit posters and register post acceptance. However, poster submission is not essential for registration.

Please review the guidelines for Poster Presentation and Oral Paper on the provided page thoroughly.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Below are few important guidelines:

  • Registration is mandatory for participation in Poster session and abstract publication in the Abstract book.
  • Selected poster will be given a number. The organizing committee will inform the presenter of the date of poster presentation.
  • The poster will be a physical poster with size A0 (3 feet in width and 4 feet in height).
  • Poster structure: Title – Author Details – Background – Objective(s) – Brief Methodology – Results – Conclusions – Acknowledgements.
  • Please bring along your poster during the meeting and put it up at the designated date and time during the meeting.
  • The presenter must wear an official conference badge while presenting the poster.
  • Use of high resolution images is strongly recommended.
  • Posters will be displayed full day but the judges will review during the scheduled Poster Session (13:30 to 15:30 on 17th – 19th October 2024). Please be present for interactions during these timings on the designated date of your poster presentation.
  • Awards for the best posters will be announced at the concluding session on 20th October 2024 and the winners will get gifts and a certificate.

Top posters will be selected for oral talks

Oral Paper Guidelines

  1. The total time allotted will be 10 minutes. 08 minutes for presentation and 02 minutes for discussion.
  2. The judges will strictly adhere to the timings and the audio-visual system will automatically switch off after 08 minutes.
  3. Presentation should focus on the scientific content and results of the study, depicted with appropriate graphs and charts.
  4. Personal laptops will not be allowed. Presentations must be loaded in pen drives and submitted to preview room at least 1 hour prior to scheduled time for oral presentation.
  5. Ensure that the videos in the presentation are working by previewing it with audio-visual personnel.
  6. Presenter should be registered for the conference to be eligible for oral presentation and for the abstract to be included in the e-abstract book.

Poster Presentation Schedule

17th Oct. 2023, 13:30 – 15:30 Hrs
18th Oct. 2023, 13:30 – 15:30 Hrs
19th Oct. 2023, 13:30 – 15:30 Hrs


Immunocon-2024 Awards

G.P. Talwar Young Scientist Awards

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

Two awards are given annually to young researchers (below the age of 35 years) based on the selection criteria as specified in the SOP / Guidelines. Please refer to SOP of Awards for eligibility criteria and application/nomination procedure.

The nomination should be submitted through the Head of the Department or through the Research Supervisor of the candidate. It should include a copy of the CV of the candidate, list of papers published (if any) and an abstract of the work to be considered for the Award.

The Award carries a Certificate, a Medal and a Cash prize of Rs.10,000/- each.

The nominations should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for IIS-Awards’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: [email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS G.P. Talwar Young Scientist Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

IIS Senior Scientist Award

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

This award is given to an Eminent Scientist (above 50 years of age) for outstanding and significant contributions in any area of Immunology. The individual should have been actively engaged in the field of his/her research over a number of years and should have shown sustained activity.

If selected for the Senior Scientist Oration award, the awardee will be informed at least 2 weeks before the annual meeting of the Society. The awardee will be requested to deliver an oration of 30 minutes duration during the IIS Annual Conference. The Award carries a Certificate of Honour, a Medal and Cash Prize of Rs.30,000/-.

The nominations (self-nomination is accepted) should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for IIS-Awards’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: [email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS Senior Scientist Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

IIS Mid-Career Scientist Award

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

The Award is to recognise the outstanding contributions of a Mid-Career Scientist between the age group of 35-50 years (as on the date of announcement of award that year) in basic and applied Immunology research and education. The work must have been done entirely in India.

Please refer to Guidelines of Awards for eligibility criteria, application procedure and selection procedure. The Award carries a Certificate, Medal and Cash Prize of Rs.15,000/-.

The nominations (self-nomination is accepted) should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for IIS-Awards’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: [email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS Mid-Career Scientist Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

Nomination Application Form

Student Travel Bursaries
(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

Eligibility and guidelines for travel grant to attend 51st Annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society meeting.

  1. The applicant should be a member of the Indian Immunology Society from last two years (as of the 17th October 2024).
  2. The applicant should be below 35 years of age.
  3. The applicant should be a registered Ph.D candidate/ Project fellow/ Research assistant/ Project assistant etc. (Instructors/ Assistant Professor/ Faculty/ Scientist/ Research Scientist/ Project Scientist etc. are not eligible).
  4. A recommendation letter from the mentor/Reporting authority that the applicant has no other sources of funding to attend the meeting.
  5. The applicant must have an abstract submitted to the meeting.
  6. The travel grant winner will be eligible for reimbursement of registration fee and III AC return fare from official place of work to Bengaluru.
  7. The applicants are eligible to get a maximum of Rs 10000 (ten thousand only) towards travel and Registration.
  8. If the number of eligible candidates are less than the budgeted number of grants (travel + registration), the IIS will give “registration alone” reimbursement to local candidates.

Documents to be sent with travel grant application

  1. Cover letter with complete address of place of work and name of the railway station travelling from to Bengaluru. (If the candidate decides to travel by air, he /she will be reimbursed the III AC return fare as calculated from Nearest Railway station of place of work to Bengaluru along with the registration fee).
  2. Proof of registration.
  3. Proof of abstract submission (Attach copy of abstract as well).
  4. Brief CV.
  5. Proof of age.

Note: Bind all documents in one single file in PDF format and email them.

The IIS secretariat Email: [email protected] & Copy to the treasurer (IIS) Email: [email protected]

Documents to be submitted for reimbursement after the meeting

  1. Cover letter
  2. Original bill of registration
  3. Copy of train ticket or Original Boarding pass if travelling by air.

IIS Teacher Award
(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

1. Polyfeenolix-IIS-Best Immunology Teacher Award

The IIS best Immunology teacher award sponsored by Polyfeenolix Research Laboratory (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar will be conferred upon one or two teachers from the senior category (above 50 years of age) . The award will consist of a cash award of Rs. 50,000 (Fifty thousand rupees), a pure gold medal, a shawl of honor, a citation about the awardee’s contributions and the cost of air travel, from the place of work of the awardee to Bengaluru and back by cheapest economy class air ticket.

The Polyfeenolix-IIS-Best Immunology Teacher Award is open to all including the IIS Life members and will be given to an Eminent Teacher (above 50 years of age) for outstanding and significant contributions to the teaching in any area of Immunology. The individual should have been actively engaged in the Immunology Teaching and research (MSc Program with Immunology as a Subject) over a number of years and should have shown sustained activity.

If selected for the Polyfeenolix-IIS-Best Immunology Teacher award, the awardee will beinformed at least 2 weeks before the annual meeting of the Society.

The nominations (self-nomination is accepted) should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for Polyfeenolix-IIS-Best Immunology Teacher Award’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: [email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS Teacher Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by Teacher’s Day, 5th September, 2024.

IIS Golden Jubilee Oration Award
(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

IIS Golden Jubilee Oration Award: A special award instituted by IIS to commemorate its 50th Year. This award is sponsored by Intrust-Consulting LLP, and a Life Member of IIS.

The IIS-Golden Jubilee Oration Award is open to all including the IIS Life members and will be given to an Immunologist of global acclaim (No age bar) for outstanding and significant contributions to the research/ teaching/ industry in any area of Immunology and relevant to public health. The individual should have been actively engaged in the profession over a number of years and should have shown sustained activity.

Please refer to Guidelines of Awards for eligibility criteria, application procedure and selection procedure

If selected for the Golden Jubilee Oration Award, the awardee will be informed at least 2 weeks before the annual meeting of the Society. The awardee will be requested to deliver an oration of 30 minutes duration during the IIS Annual Conference. The Award carries a Certificate of Honor, a Medal and Cash Prize of Rs.50,000/-.

The nominations (self-nomination is accepted) should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for Golden Jubilee Oration Award’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: i[email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS Golden Jubilee Oration Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

Nomination Application Form

Translational Immunol & Acad-Industry Award
(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

The Prof. & Mrs. Narinder K. Mehra Award for Translational Immunology and Academia-Industry Partnership is established to recognize Indian Immunologists who are making significant contributions to the crucial field of medical innovation on a global scale.

This award will be open to all Indian Immunologists promoting the much needed area of medical innovations globally.

The recipient of the award will be honored with a citation along with a cash prize of One Lakh Rupees (1,00,000).

Please visit the IIS website (www.indianimmunologysociety.org) for further details and application procedures.

Travel Awards
(To attend 51st annual meeting of the IIS, at J.N.Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bengaluru)

Awards Announced by Immunocon – 2024 Organising Committee

Eligibility and Guidelines for Travel Award

  • The applicants will be awarded on first come first basis.
  • The applicant should be below 35 years of age (submit proof).
  • The applicant should be a registered Ph.D. candidate/ Project fellow/ Research Assistant/ Project Assistant/ Project Associates/ Research Associates (RA) etc (submit ID card).
  • Instructors / Asst Professor/ Faculty/ Scientist/ Research Scientist/ Project Scientist etc are not eligible.
  • The applicant must submit a recommendation letter from the mentor/Reporting authority that the applicant has no other sources of funding to attend the meeting.
  • The applicant must be registered for the conference.
  • The applicant must have an abstract submitted.
  • The applicants are eligible to get a maximum of Rs 5000 (five thousand only).
  • The travel award will be paid on the last day of the conference.
  • The award money will be handed over to applicant only.

The application may be submitted to the organising committee of IMMUNOCON-2024 at e-mail [email protected] including subject as “IMMUNOCON-2024 Travel Awards”.

Please refer to guidelines of awards for eligibility criteria, application and selection procedure.

Poster Presentation Awards

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

About 10-12 posters will be awarded during the final concluding session on 20th October 2024.

The 4 best posters will receive a special award from FEBS Journal. Students should ensure that they are present.

In front of the posters during their allocated date during the 14:00-15:30 poster sessions on 17th-19th October 2024.

Also, students are encouraged to stay until the final session for the announcement of the prizes.

The nominations should be submitted on the prescribed form ‘Application/Nomination Form for IIS-Awards’ before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: [email protected] with CC to [email protected] including the subject as “IIS Poster Presentation Award”.

The selected awardee’s name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

Please refer to Guidelines of Awards for eligibility criteria, application and selection procedure.

Pre-conference activities

14-15th October 2024, Continuing Medical Education (CME) at NIMHANS, Bengaluru.
Please contact Prof. Shripad A. Patil for registration details and enquiries ([email protected])

16 October 2024, Flow Cytometry Workshop at the Dept. of Biochemistry, IISc, Bengaluru. Please contact Dr. Kesavardana Sannula for registration details and enquiries ([email protected])

Click here for more details

Early bird registration and abstract deadline: 15th August 2024

Late registration and abstract submission deadline: 15th September 2024



Prof. Dipankar Nandi




Prof. Shripad Patil, NIMHANS



Prof. Uday K Ranga, JNCASR



Dr. Taruna Madan

President, IIS




Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!