BECIL Life Sciences Vacancies Available
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BECIL Life Sciences Vacancies Available – Apply Online

BECIL Life Sciences Vacancies Available – Apply Online. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

(A Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting)
(A Mini Ratna Company)
Head Office: 14-B, Ring Road, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002, Phone: 011-23378823
Corporate Office: BECIL Bhawan, C-56/A-17, Sector-62, Noida-201307
Phone: 0120-4177850, Fax: 0120-4177879 Website:


Applications are invited for empanelment of following manpower purely on outsource basis for deployment in a Central Government Hospital (Delhi & NCR)

Post I

Name of the Position & Posts: PCM (10)

Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences with full time Post Graduate Qualification in Hospital (or Healthcare) Management from a recognized University.

At least one year experience in a hospital after acquisition of the aforementioned qualifications.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Management of the patient care coordinators.
  • Ensure that the PCCs are in full attendance and ensure replacement/ alternative in case of absenteeism.
  • Act as the first point of escalation for any issues that are reported by PCC’s.
  • Management of patient movement from waiting area to respective OPDs in batches.
  • Overall management of process implementation

Age Limit: Not more than 40 Yrs. on the date of joining.

Salary: Rs.30,000/-

Post II

Name of the Position & Posts: PCC (07)

Essential Qualification & Experience: Full time Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences (preferred) or Bachelor’s degree in any field

Experience: At least one year experience in a hospital after acquisition of the aforementioned qualification.

Age Limit: Not more than 35 years on the date of joining.

Salary: Rs.24,440/-

Post III

Name of the Position & Posts: Research Assistant (02)

Qualification: M.Sc in Biological science/Life science

Salary: Rs.29,565/-

  1. Selection will be made as per the prescribed norms and requirement of job.
  2. Preference will be given to local candidates and who have work experience in the same/similar department.
  3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test/ document verification / personal interaction /joining the duty on selection etc.
  4. Application must be submitted ONLINE only for the above post.
  5. For applying, please visit the BECIL’s website Go the ‘Careers Section’ and then click ‘Registration Form (Online)’. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before applying and making online payment of fee. The instruction (How to Apply) for filling up the ONLINE Application/ Registration is attached for reference. Registration fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance. Therefore, candidate/ applicant must ensure their eligibility (age, qualification, experience etc.) before applying for the post. BECIL will not take responsibility for wrong application/ ineligible condition.
  6. Candidates will be informed via email / telephone for their Skill Tests/Interview/Interaction and further On-site performance check.
  7. Candidates must review their application forms carefully before final submission. BECIL will not accept any request for changes to be made in the information submitted by the candidates wrongfully.
  8. Only shortlisted candidates as per above eligibility criteria will be called for interview/skill test/On site performance check etc. So please mention your complete educational qualification and work experience details in online application form. Mere filling the registration form will not confirm your suitability/selection for the post.
  9. Candidates are requested to take printout of their Application Forms after online submission and retain with them for future reference.
  10. BECIL will not be responsible for any typographical errors (i.e Email IDs, Mobile Number etc.) in the application forms submitted by applicant.
  11. Candidates are requested to upload all the documents in support of their claim regarding educational qualification & experience etc. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.
  12. The candidates are advised to download copy of their application form submitted online on or before the closing date of application. BECIL shall not entertain any request in this regard.
  13. The client will be sent approximately three times the number of candidates in respect to the number of vacancies advertised in all posts Except MTS where the number of candidates will be sent six times in respect of the number of vacancies.

Disclaimer: Terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only. In case of any ambiguity, decision of BECIL will be final and binding on candidates.

In case of any doubt/help please email as below:

  • For technical problem faced while applying online: [email protected]
  • For queries other than technical: 0120-4177860

The last date for submission of application forms is 19.06.2024.


Keywords: BECIL job openings, healthcare management, life sciences, biological science, network administrator, network support engineer. BECIL Life Sciences Vacancies Available – Apply Online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!