JNCASR Non-Medical Project Scientist With Rs. 56,000 pm pay – Apply Now
Advt. No. MBGU-HAL-11
Applications are invited for temporary position of Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) sanctioned in the sponsored project titled “Longitudinal follow up of an HIV-1 pediatric cohort following ART discontinuation and the evaluation of clinical parameters and latent reservoir properties” under the Principal Investigator Prof. Udaykumar Ranga, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru,560 064.
Name of the Post: Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)
(Remuneration Rs.56,000/- plus 27% HRA With NET/GATE etc).
Essential Qualification: First Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree. Second Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree with PhD. For Engineering/IT/CS-First Class Graduate Degree of Four Years
Desirable Qualification: Candidates experienced in basic molecular biology and cell culture techniques will be preferred.
Max. Age limit: 35 years
No. of Posts: 1
How to Apply:
Interested candidates are required to send scan copy of duly filled in Template (available on website) along with scan copies of original testimonials in support of educational qualification, age, experience, publication, etc with brief resume to Prof. Udaykumar Ranga, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit through email [email protected] latest by 28th May 2024.
Instructions to candidates:
- List of shortlisted candidates will be posted on the Website with interview date.
- Shortlisted candidates will be invited for online interview/technical discussion/personal interaction.
- Those in employment or pursuing Ph.D, must submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer/Ph.D. Supervisor (applies to only outside candidates).
Download the application format here
Keywords: Job Posting, Project Research Scientist, Molecular Biology, Genetics, JNCASR, Bengaluru, Research Position, HIV-1 Pediatric Cohort, ART Discontinuation, Latent Reservoir Properties. JNCASR Non-Medical Project Scientist With Rs. 56,000 pm pay – Apply Now. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook