Govt DRDO-DEBEL Research Associate Job Opening – Apply Now
Govt DRDO-DEBEL Research Associate Job Opening – Apply Now. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:
Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India
CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore — 560093
Fax: 080-25282011 E-mail: [email protected]
Advt No. DEBEL/HRD/JRF & RA/01/2024
Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore, a premier Institute of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), invites applications for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Research Associate (RA) from Indian Nationals. Meritorious, young and motivated researchers who desire to pursue defence-related research in frontier areas are encouraged to apply. Selection will be made on the basis of screening and interview.
Name of the Post: Research Associate (RA)
Subject Code: RA-01
PhD in Biomedical Engineering / Electronics Engineering
ME/MTech in Biomedical Engineering / Medical Electronics Engineering with 3 years of research or design and development experience in industry/Academia, along with at least one research paper in a Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.
Research Experience in EEG, EMG instrumentation development
, analysis, neuromuscular computational model with AI/ML approach, biomechanical musculoskeletal model, and bio-statisticsGeneral Conditions:
- Only candidates possessing the above-mentioned qualifications should apply. All the qualifications acquired should be from recognized Universities/Institutions (approved by AICTE/UGC).
- Tenure: JRF will be initially awarded for a period of 02 (Two) years. This may be upgraded as Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) for a period of one year (3rd Year) and further SRF may again be extended for a period of one more year (4th Year) based on performance. RA Fellowship is for 02 (Two) years only.
- Age Limit: The upper age limit for JRF is maximum 28 years and for RA is 35 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. The upper age limit shall be relaxable for the candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC as per Govt. of India rules. THE CLOSING DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS is 09th September 2024.
- How to apply: After ensuring that you fulfill all the eligibility conditions, Candidates should download and fill the Application Form in the prescribed format enclosed (also available on the ‘what’s new’ section of the website The signed Application Form along with certificates in support of minimum educational qualification, matriculation certificate/birth certificate in support of date of birth, GATE/NET Score card (if applicable), valid as on closing date of application, caste certificate (if applicable) should be scanned in a single PDF file [File name should be: SUBJECT CODE_YOUR NAME_DATE OF EMAIL] and emailed to [email protected], before the closing date. INCOMPLETE/PARTIALLY FILLED APPLICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED.
- Screening of the applications will be carried out by a duly constituted Screening Committee and the shortlisted candidates will be interviewed through Interview as mentioned for which date will be intimated to shortlisted candidates. The candidates should possess an active/valid email ID till the selection process is completed. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification of candidature.
- Selection Procedure:
A. Eligible candidates will be allowed to appear for an interview based on qualifying criteria.
B. GATE paper and subjects of qualifying degree must be related to the subjects/discipline against which the candidate is applying.
C. Working experience in the subject area will be preferred. - The marks obtained in the qualifying exam are to be mentioned in percentage. In case of CGPA/CPI, candidates are requested to convert the CGPA/CPI into percentage as per their university/institute norms. Candidates must submit the supporting documents for converting CGPA/CPI to equivalent percentage (%) from the concerned University.
- The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Laboratory which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof.
- The Director DEBEL, Bengaluru reserves the right to not select any candidate, if suitable candidates are not available, amend/modify/cancel this advertisement and also to cancel the admission/selection at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
- Actual number of vacancies may vary as per Organisational requirement.
- Candidates working in Government Departments / Public sector undertaking/ autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel and will be required to produce NOC at the time of interview.
- Antecedents of candidates will be verified again at the time of joining, if selected. It may be noted that offer of Fellowship does not confer on Fellows any right for absorption in DRDO.
- The selected candidate(s) may be allowed to register for PhD as per extant regulations with any recognized University/Institution during the tenure of fellowship.
- Candidates will be required to produce all the documents (copy of their online submitted application, certificates, marks, etc.) related to age, education, and community certificate (if applicable) in original during verification and submit self-attested photocopies of the same failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Interview.
- Candidates should be in possession of a valid Government issued ID card (Aadhaar, Passport, Driving License, etc.) during entrance at Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) along with two recent passport size photographs at the time of Interview. Candidates shall be allowed entry only through ADE Raman gate and they are requested to reach early for necessary security check formalities at the entry gate. Late comers will not be allowed. Electronic items/mobile phones/pen drives/laptops/CDs are strictly not allowed inside the campus.
- There may be a written test (screening) to shortlist candidates for interview depending on the number of candidates appearing. Also, the interview may continue on the next day and candidates are requested to plan accordingly and make their own arrangements for overnight stay (if required).
- Applicants are advised to monitor the DRDO website for any updates/changes.
- No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for attending the interview in person or for joining, if selected.
Download the application format here
Keywords: Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory, DEBEL, DRDO, Junior Research Fellow, Research Associate, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Indian Nationals. Govt DRDO-DEBEL Research Associate Job Opening – Apply Now. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook