JNU Research Job Biochem – Genetics, Biotech Apply Online
Jawaharlal Nehru University
School of Life Science
New Delhi 110 067
Project: “Elucidating the role of RNA dependent RNA Polymerase 1 in promoting host recovery from geminivirus infection”
A) Research Associate I (One)
Salary: @47000/- per month plus HRA (as per DBT rules and guidelines for RA-I).
Essential Qualifications: Ph. D in Life Sciences / Genetics / Botany/ Plant Pathology / Plant Physiology/ Biochemistry / Biotechnology.
Desirable Qualifications: Research experience in the area of genome editing of plants / transgenic plant development / plant virus interactions / protein-protein interactions with at least 2 publications in peer-reviewed SCI/SCOPUS journals.
Duration: The Project will continue till October 2026. The above-mentioned positions are completely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. Appointed persons will be expected to stay in the lab for the entire period of the project.
General Information
The competent authority may select a candidate in the lower position against the above posts depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Applications (soft copy only) are invited from
suitable candidates to apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, with CV, reprints, and names with complete addresses (including e-mail) of three references on or before November 17, 2023, by e-mail to: [email protected].Click here to view the original notification and apply.
Keywords: JNU School of Life Sciences, Research Associate Recruitment, RNA dependent RNA Polymerase 1, geminivirus infection, Research Associate I, Ph.D in Life Sciences, Genetics, Botany, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, genome editing of plants, transgenic plant development, plant virus interactions, protein-protein interactions, peer-reviewed SCI/SCOPUS journals, temporary position, co-terminus, Selection Committee, application deadline, JNU Research Job Biochem – Genetics, Biotech Apply Online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook