CUET PG Examination City 2023
--Must See--

CUET PG Examination City 2023 Intimation – Check Now!

31 May 2023

Subject: Intimation of Examination City for Common University Entrance Test [CUET (PG) – 2023] scheduled to be held on 05, 06, 07, and 08 June 2023 – Reg.

The National Testing Agency has been mandated by the Ministry of Education and UGC to conduct Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission into Postgraduate Programmes in Central and State Universities and other Institutions / Organizations / Autonomous Colleges.

CUET (PG) is providing a single window opportunity for students seeking admission in any of the Central Universities (CUs) or other participating Institutions / organizations (including State Universities, Deemed and Private Universities) across the Country.

For the Academic Session 2023-24, CUET (PG) – 2023 is being conducted bilingual i.e., in English and Hindi in the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode as per the schedule given at Annexure 1.

The aforesaid examination is proposed to be held in 37 shifts in total. Each shift will be for two hours. The CUET (PG) – 2023 examination will be conducted for 157 subjects for 4,58,774 unique registered candidates and 876908 total candidates. Candidates were given an option for choosing a maximum of

20 Test Papers / subjects. A total of 195 Universities (Central/State/Private and others) are participating in CUET (PG) – 2023.

City Intimation Slip for the examination scheduled on 05, 06, 07, and 08 June 2023 has been hosted on the website today for about 425928 candidates scheduled in 245 cities. The candidates are required to check/download their Examination City Intimation slip of CUET (PG) – 2023 (using their Application No. and Date of Birth) and go through the instructions contained therein as well as in the Information Bulletin.

The Candidates may please note that this is NOT the Admit Card for CUET (PG) – 2023. This is advance information for the allotment of the City where the Examination Centre will be located, to facilitate the candidates. The Admit Card of CUET (PG) – 2023 shall be issued later.

City Intimation Slip for the candidates whose examinations are scheduled on other dates will also be released shortly.

As already intimated in the Information Bulletin of CUET (PG) – 2023 the raw score of each candidate in each subject will be normalised using the percentile method. This will be done separately for those subjects for which examination will be held in multiple shifts.

In case any candidate faces difficulty in downloading/checking the Examination City Intimation Slip for CUET (PG) – 2023, he/she can write an e-mail at [email protected]. Candidates are advised to regularly visit NTA website(s), for the latest updates regarding the examination.

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!