ICMR JRF 2023 Registration – ICMR JRF Application Form 2023
ICMR JRF 2023 Registration – ICMR JRF Application Form 2023. ICMR-JRF Entrance Examination 2023. ICMR JRF Application Forms 2023. ICMR JRF 2023 Form. ICMR JRF 2023 Registrations Open. ICMR JRF 2023 Website. ICMR JRF 2023 Syllabus.
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(Please see the text for details and explanations)
Mode of Examination | Computer Based Test (CBT)/Online |
Duration of Examination | 02 hours (two hours) i.e. 120 minutes |
Date of Examination | Saturday, 8th July, 2023 ( from 09.00 A.M. to 11.00 A.M) |
Number of Shifts | 01 (One) |
Location of Examination Centres | Tentatively 21 cities in India |
Language of Paper | English |
Type of Examination | Objective Type |
Number of Questions | Please see the concerned sections for details |
Marking Scheme | Please see the concerned sections for details |
The ICMR will hold a National level examination on Saturday, July 08, 2023 for determining the eligibility of Indian National candidates for the award of JRF through ICMR. The award of JRF to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding placement in a medical college/hospital/university/national laboratory/institution of higher learning and research as applicable. Fellowship will be initiated from the date of Ph.D.enrolment (generally within one year from the date of issue of JRF award letter) and it will be treated as date of joining, the total duration being five years or submission of Ph.D. thesis (whichever, is earlier)
- A total of 165 Fellowships would be awarded (including EWS category as per Govt. Rules) to work in the field of biomedical sciences with emphasis on Life Sciences including paramedical subject areas like biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, human biology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology and other subjects like nursing, zoology, botany, environmental sciences and veterinary medicine addressing biomedical health research. Agriculture extension/soil sciences, etc. will not be considered. A total of thirty-three (including EWS category as per Govt. Rules) fellowships would be awarded in Social Sciences only in subjects like anthropology, health economics, home sciences, psychology, public health, sociology, social work and statistics.
(I-i)Two separate merit lists, one comprising the candidates qualifying for Life Sciences and the second for those candidates qualifying for Social Sciences, will be made on the basis of their performance in the above exam.
(I-ii) The candidates selected for the JRF programme of ICMR would be permitted to enrol themselves for the Ph.D. programme in subjects of biomedical/health research of any University/Medical college recognized by the UGC/NMC. - Another 100 candidates list may/may not be declared for consideration for positions of JRF under various research projects funded by ICMR (subject to fulfilling the conditions for appointment under the schemes) for the duration of that scheme as per the decision by Competent Authority of ICMR. These 100 additional JRFs if declared would also be permitted to complete Ph.D. while working in the scheme, if enrolled for Ph.D. The validity of this result (if, declared) will be given for two years to find a placement ONLY in ICMR funded projects, subjected to vacancy.
- SC/ST/OBC/PwBD (Persons with Bench-mark Disabilities) and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)applicants in General category will be given special consideration/reservationas per Govt. policy guidelines.
- The final result list would be available on ICMR website: http//icmr.nic.in.
Procedure for applying
Before filling online applications, candidates are advised to go through the guidelines given at website http//pgimer.edu.in or icmr.nic.in. Incomplete applications will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained.
Educational Qualification:
M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent post-graduate (PG)degree(subject areas mentioned in Section 5.1, pg. no. 7) with a minimum of 55% marks for General/EWS candidates and 50% for the OBC/SC/ST and PwBD candidates. As per NMC rules, MBBS is not a PG degree.
A candidate who is appearing/has appeared in the final year (IV/VI Semester whichever is applicable, and final year where Semester system is not there) of M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent post graduate examination during the session (2022-23) can also apply for the exam as RA (Result Awaited). Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given in annexure-I duly certified by the Head of the Department/Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) where he/she is appearing in the final year examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Exam provisionally and shall be considered eligible for JRF only after they submit the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination with requisite percentage. The M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent post graduate degree mark sheet must be submitted to ICMR, latest by 30th September, 2023 otherwise candidature selection will automatically be forfeited
Age Limit
The age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years as on the last date of application (upper age limit relaxable up to five years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST, PwBD and female candidates, three years in the case of OBC category.
- As prescribed by UGC.
- A sample question paper for ICMR JRF Examination is available on the ICMR website.
The Exam will consist of one paper of two hours duration. The paper will consist of two Sections. The Aptitude Section (Section A) will have 50 questions on (i) scientific phenomenon in everyday life; (ii) general knowledge in Sciences; and (iii) common statistics. All these questions would be compulsory with each question carrying 1 mark. The subject Specific Section (Section B & C) would pertain to (B) Life Sciences and (C) Social Sciences. Each area of section B & C would have 100 questions and the candidate will attempt any 75 questions in the predesigned area of Section B or C. In the online Computer-based exam, the system will not allow the candidate to attempt more than 75 questions. Candidates are required to indicate the option for Section B or C in the application form too.
Each question carries one mark. Negative marking @ 0.25 will be made for each of the wrong answer. The questions in both the Sections would appear in English only. The qualifying marks will be 55% obtained in both the Sections (A+B or C) for General & EWS Category and 50% for OBC/ SC/ST and PwBD. The exam will be held in the following streams: (1) Aptitude test (mandatory for all) (2) Life Sciences (3) Social Sciences.
Life Sciences subjects including paramedical subject areas like biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, human biology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology and other subjects like nursing, zoology, botany, environmental sciences and veterinary medicine addressing biomedical health research. Agriculture extension/soil sciences, etc. will not be considered.
The answer keys for the ICMR-JRF examination will be uploaded on ICMR New Delhi, website after three (03) days of the exam. The answer key will contain the right answers of the questions. The candidates can cross check their answers with the answer keys and calculate their probable score well before the declaration of the final result. If the candidate finds any discrepancies/doubts regarding the answers in the examination, then he/she can communicate the same to the Administrative Officer (Academic) through e-mail: [email protected] within 48 hours after uploading the answer keys. Fee of Rs. 500/- per question is payable, if the objection/doubt is found valid/justified then the fee (Rs.500/-per valid objection/question) will be refunded. If objection/doubt found invalid the fee will be forfeited. Revised key after considering the representation will be announced on the ICMR website in the due course of time. ICMR’s decision on the representation/observation shall be final and the result will be declared on the basis of final answer keys.
Candidates qualifying for the award of JRF will receive a fellowship from ICMR.
- The value of the fellowship is Rs. 31,000/- (Rupees Thirty One thousand only) per month.
- The duration of JRF will initially be limited until two years carrying a monthly stipend of Rs. 31,000/- plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as applicable per Govt. rules and an
annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- per annum. The progress of research work
would be evaluated annually through annual progress reports (APR). On completion of two years as a JRF, the monthly stipend of a fellow may be increased to Rs. 35,000/- plus HRA from 3rd year onwards on the basis of assessment of the candidate’s research progress/achievements and upgradation report recommendation as submitted by the Institute’s Assessment Committee. Upon such a recommendation, the fellow will be called as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF). In the event of the Committee not recommending upgradation, the fellow will continue as JRF with a stipend of Rs. 31,000/- per month for the 3rd year or his/her fellowship may be terminated by the ICMR. The duration of SRF may be a maximum duration of three (03) years. Thus, the total tenure as JRF plus SRF shall not exceed 05 (five) years or until the submission of Ph.D. thesis (whichever is earlier). - For further information, please see ICMR-JRF FAQs on ICMR website or contact Dr.
Ginu S. Khan, Sci-C at [email protected] Division of HRD, ICMR Headquarters,
V. RamalingaswamiBhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911, New Delhi-110029.
Joining Time
Selected candidates must join their respective fellowships on the prescribed date as indicated in the award letter issued by ICMR. The selection of those who fail to join by the specified date shall automatically stand cancelled.
- Fee for General/EWS/OBC: Rs. 1500/- +Transaction charges as applicable.
- Fee for SC/ST: Rs. 1200/- +Transaction charges as applicable.
- Fee for PwBD/Transgender: Exempted from payment of fee
- Date for filling in the online application form: 20.05.2023
- Last date for filling of the online application: is 18.06.2023 (Not to be extended in any case)
- Date of Entrance Examination: 08.07.2023 ( 09.00 A.M. to 11.00 A.M.)
All candidates are directed to deposit the above fee through online payment gateway
available at ICMR-JRF 2023 application portal w.e.f.20.05.2023. Payment through UPI may be avoided.
All applicants are advised to read the information brochure and instructions carefully before starting online registration and ensure that no column is left blank. In the event of rejection of the application form, no correspondence/request for reconsideration will be entertained. Applicants are also advised to download and take a print of the Application form. They should retain a copy of the Application form till the award of the fellowship.
Please visit http//icmr.nic.in regularly for the latest notification/ announcement as well as any Addendum/Corrigendum/Latest updates etc. regarding the Entrance Exam.
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Editor’s Note: ICMR JRF 2023 Registration – ICMR JRF Application Form 2023. ICMR JRF 2023 Registration. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook