NABI Multiple Project Vacancies
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NABI Multiple Project Vacancies 2023 For Food Tech, Biotech, Biochem, Life Sciences & More

NABI Multiple Project Vacancies 2023 For Food Tech, Biotech, Biochem, Life Sciences & More. NABI Mohali Jobs 2023. Walk-In-Interview for temporary positions of Research Associate and Junior Research Fellow. NABI requires the following research personnel purely temporarily.

Don’t forget to check out possible interview questions for this job below

This job expires in

-627Days -8Hours -11Minutes -27Seconds

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
(Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
Sector-81, Knowledge City, Manauli P.O, S.A.S. Nagar-140306, Punjab, India.

Advertisement no. NABI/Admin/5(09)/2022-23/ACAD-03

Walk-In-Interview for temporary position of Research Associates, Senior Research Fellow and Junior Research Fellows

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) is an autonomous Institute under the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI aims at catalyzing the transformation of the Agri-food sector in India by being a nodal organization for knowledge generation and translational science leading to value-added products based on Agri-Food biotech innovations for improved household nutritional security. Since its inception in 2010, NABI is involved in research activities for Biofortification, the development of designer crops for improved nutrition, providing sustainable and novel solutions for quality food and nutrition

, and the development of evidence-based functional foods to counter malnutrition. The food and nutritional Biotechnology division at NABI requires the following research personnel purely on a temporary basis.

  1. Project title: Understanding Iron homeostasis in hexaploid wheat. (NABI core)

Senior Research Fellow (One position)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ajay K Pandey, Scientist-F

Sponsoring Agency: (Department of Biotechnology)

Essential Qualifications: –

  1. Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: –
  2. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship), GATE and GPAT
  3. The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.

Qualification prescribed above with two years of research experience.

Duration: – Appointment is for six months only.

Desirable Experience:  The project envisages the functional role of iron transporter involved in its uptake and mobilization in hexaploid wheat. The candidate should be well-versed in high-throughput cloning, protein purification, and various yeast-based assays for assessment of genes functions etc. Basic knowledge of bioinformatics is desirable.

Emoluments: Rs. 35000/- per month plus HRA (As per DST OM No.SR/S9/Z08/2018 dated 30.01.2019)

Age limit: 32 Years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD as per GOI Instructions)

  1. Project title: Production of functional foods and nutraceuticals using microbial resources associated with traditionally fermented foods applying foodomics approache (NABI Core)

Research Associate-I (One position)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Amit Kumar Rai, Scientist-D

Duration for RA position:

The RA fellowship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of 1 year only, and in exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the performance, the committee may recommend the up-gradation of RA Levels.

Job profile:

  1. RA-I will be responsible for development of protein rich fermented food products rich in bioactive peptides, (ii) Development of starter culture for development of functional food products.
  2. RA-I will be responsible for peptide characterisation, LC-MS analysis and structure functional relationship of novel peptides with specific health benefits.
  3. RA-I will be responsible for characterisation of bioactive molecules produced on microbial biotransformation.

Essential qualifications:

PhD in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Life Science/Food Science & Technology/Food Chemistry/Biochemistry with at least one research paper in a science citation indexed (SCI) journal; Candidates who have already submitted their PhD thesis in the above subjects will also be eligible (along with proof of submission), but will be hired at SRF level till they receive their degree. (Eligibility criteria as per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30.01.2019).

Desirable qualifications:

  1. Prior research experience by high-impact peer-reviewed publications.
  2. Experience in the development of fermented foods using defined microbial strains and assessment of functional properties.
  3. Experience in the application of biostatistics and bioinformatics tools for the characterisation of food bioactive molecules and structure-activity relationship analysis.

Emoluments: The RA-I will be hired with the emoluments of Rs 47,000/month+ HRA as per the project.

Age Limit: The age limit of applicants for RA-I will be 40 years as on date of interview. (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/women as per government of India instructions)

  1. Project title: Exploring genetic basis of multiple abiotic stress tolerance mechanism in rice. (NABI Core)

Research Associate-I (One position)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Rajeev Nayan Bahuguna, Scientist-D

Duration: The RA fellowship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of 1 year only, and in exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the performance, the committee may recommend the up-gradation of RA Levels.

Essential Qualification: – PhD in Plant Physiology/ Plant Biotechnology/ Agriculture Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Environmental Science/ Botany/ Biochemistry with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) journal; Candidates who have already submitted their PhD thesis in above subjects will also be eligible (along with proof of submission), but will be hired at SRF level till they receive their degree. (Eligibility criteria as per as per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30.01.2019).

Emoluments and eligibility: – As per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30.01.2019

Desirable Experience:

  1. We seek an enthusiastic scholar interested in crop phenotyping, Omics, high throughput data analysis, stress physiology, stomatal biology and association mapping. Candidates are expected to have a solid foundation in Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology.
  2. Relevant research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Responsibilities: – Recruited RA will work on crop phenotyping, Measurement of Photosynthesis, Respiration, execute and monitor ongoing experiments in field and controlled environments, prepare reports and manuscripts preparation and publications.

Age: 40 years (Relaxation is admissible in the case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions)

Emoluments: Rs. 47000/- per month Plus HRA.

  1. Project title: Genomics and quantitative genetics for the development of disease-resistant crop varieties (NABI CORE)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sivasubramanian R, Scientist-D

Junior Research Fellow (One position)

Essential Qualification: – Post graduate degree in any branch of life sciences /biotechnology or Graduate/Post Graduate in any branch of life sciences or biotechnology selected through a process described through any one of the following

  1. a) Scholars selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR UGC NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.
  2. b) The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IISc,IISER etc.

Duration: The JRF is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of 1 year only, and in exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the performance, the committee may recommend the continuation of the JRF.

Desirable Experience:

  1. We seek an enthusiastic and highly motivated candidate who is interested in genetics, and genomics of crop plants.
  2. Research experience in molecular biology related techniques (including PCR, recombinant DNA cloning techniques, plant transformation).
  3. Research experience in quantitative genetics (GWAS, QTL mapping, and comparative genomics), development of mapping populations, SNP genotyping, and related techniques.
  4. Research experience in plant pathology would be considered a plus.

Responsibilities: Recruited JRF will work on genomics for crop improvement with a focus on disease-resistance, and climate-resilience. Candidate is expected to work on existing projects and also has the flexibility to initiate new projects within the mandate of the lab. Candidate will also help in preparing reports for funding agencies and write manuscripts for publication.

Emoluments: – Rs. 31000/- per month plus HRA (As per DST OM No.SR/S9/Z08/2018 dated 30.01.2019)

Age limit: – 28 years (Relaxation is admissible in the case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions)

5. Project title: Molecular analysis of metabolic pathways in rice and chickpea to improve nutritional value for better health. (NABI Core)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Prafull Salvi, Scientist-C

  1. Research Associate-I (One position)

Essential Qualification: – Ph.D. in any branch of Life Sciences or Plant Biotechnology with at least one peer-reviewed international publication in Science Citation indexed (SCl) journal.

Duration: The RA fellowship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of 1 year only, and in exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, and the performance, the committee may recommend the up-gradation of RA Levels.

Desirable Experience:

  1. Strong molecular and cell biology expertise relevant to the current project.
  2. Practical experiences in plant tissue culture and genome editing.
  3. Relevant research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Responsibilities: Recruited RA will work on genome editing in crop plants, protein-protein interaction, Co-IP, ChIP, plant tissue culture, and preparation of reports and publications.

Emoluments: – Rs. 47000/- per month plus HRA (As per DST OM No.SR/S9/Z08/2018 dated 30.01.2019)

Age limit: – 40 years (Relaxation is admissible in the case of SC/ST/OBC/PD and women candidates as per GOI instructions)

2. JRF (One position)

Essential Qualification:

  1. Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: –
  2. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship), GATE and GPAT
  3. The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.

Duration: The appointment will be initially for one year. Further up-gradation will be on the basis of the submission of a progress report and further assessment.

Desirable Experience:

  1. Prior experience in molecular biology and plant tissue culture.
  2. Experience in protein expression in yeast and the bacterial system.
  3. Experience in protein-protein interaction (Y2H, Co-IP, etc) will be preferred.

Emoluments: – Rs. 31000/- per month plus HRA (As per DST OM No.SR/S9/Z08/2018 dated 30.01.2019)

Age limit: – 28 Years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD as per GOI Instructions)

Application Procedure & Other Conditions

  1. All interested candidates may appear for Walk-In-Interview at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute located at Knowledge city, Sector-81, Mohali – 140306, Punjab on 08.05.2023 at 09:00 A.M. along with the duly filled application form available on the website
  2. Incomplete application forms and applications that are not in proper format may be
    summarily rejected.
  3. The applications should be submitted strictly as per the prescribed format that can be
    downloaded from the NABI website.
  4. Candidates applying for more than one option can give their preference in the same application by ticking multiple options. No need to submit a separate application form for each option.
  5. Candidates should ensure that the information mentioned in the application form is accurate. Once the application form is submitted no further request regarding any changes/ information in the application form will be considered.
  6. The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration at NABI from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM on 08.05.2023.
  7. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates will not be interviewed.
  8. All the candidates are requested to appear for a Walk-In interview with an application form, experience certificates, publications, and original degree certificates and transcripts.
  9. Original mark sheets, certificates, awards/fellowship, etc must be accomplished for
    verification at the time of the interview, and attach one set of attested copies of the documents with the application form.
  10. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
  11. Canvassing in any form or bringing influence, political or otherwise, will lead to
    the disqualification of the candidate(s).
  12. Candidates should strictly adhere to guidelines issued by World Health Organization and
    Centre Govt/State Govt on Covid-19.

Walk-In-Interview at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute located at Knowledge city, Sector-81, Mohali – 140306, Punjab on – 08.05.2023 at 09:00 A.M. 

Download the application format below

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💡 Here are a few possible interview questions for the above job posting and their answers.

👍We hope this helps in giving you a rough idea as to how to prepare for the interview for this specific role. Good luck!

  1. What is your experience with high-throughput cloning and protein purification? Can you describe some of the most complex samples you have worked with? Answer: In my previous research, I have worked on cloning and purifying proteins in E. coli. One of the most complex samples I have worked with was a membrane protein that required a lot of optimization to obtain soluble protein.
  2. What is your knowledge of bioinformatics, and how have you used it in your research? Answer: I have a basic knowledge of bioinformatics, and I have used it to analyze sequencing data to study gene expression changes in response to different conditions. I have also used bioinformatics tools to identify conserved domains in proteins to understand their function.
  3. What is your experience with yeast-based assays for assessing gene function, and how have you optimized these assays for your research? Answer: I have used yeast-based assays to study protein-protein interactions and cellular signaling pathways. I have optimized these assays by testing different expression systems and growth conditions to obtain reliable and reproducible results.
  4. How would you design experiments to test the functional role of iron transporter involved in its uptake and mobilization in hexaploid wheat? Answer: I would start by identifying candidate genes and designing primers to clone them into a yeast expression system. I would then use high-throughput cloning and protein purification techniques to obtain purified protein. I would use yeast-based assays to study the transport and mobilization of iron in response to different conditions.
  5. Can you describe your experience in developing designer crops for improved nutrition, and what techniques did you use to achieve this? Answer: In my previous research, I have used genome editing techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce specific mutations into plant genomes to enhance their nutritional value. I have also used transcriptomics and proteomics to study changes in gene expression and protein abundance in response to different growth conditions.

Note: These are just examples, and the actual questions may vary based on the candidate’s background and experience.

Editor’s Note: NABI Multiple Project Vacancies 2023 For Food Tech, Biotech, Biochem, Life Sciences & More. NABI Multiple Project Vacancies. NABI Multiple Project Vacancies Latest. NABI Multiple Project Vacancies New. NABI Multiple Project Vacancies. Please ensure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.
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