INSA Visiting Scientist Programme 2023-24
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002, INDIA
Applications are invited for the following year from Indian citizens for the awards of INSA Visiting Fellowship for conducting advanced research or undergoing specialized training at Indian Research Institutes/Laboratories.
Exploring advanced research areas at Indian institutes via INSA’s Scientist Programme.The INSA Visiting Scientist Programme involves specialized training in advanced research areas at Indian research institutes and laboratories.
Program Name: ‘INSA-Visiting Scientist Programme’ and the awardee shall be designated ‘INSA Visiting Scientist’.
To further research capabilities in specific techniques/applications or utilizing facilities not available in the home institution. Book writing is not permitted under this programme.
Number of Awards:
The number of INSA-Visiting Scientist positions to be awarded each year will be a maximum of 120 human months.
Details of Awards
These Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to the scientists/faculty for
furtherance of their research and/or research capabilities for carrying out collaborative research, undergoing training in specific techniques, or utilizing facilities not available in their own institutions. The Fellowship will be for a minimum period of one month to a maximum of 6 months in a laboratory or research
The travel expenditure from parent to the visiting institute will be reimbursed on production of ticket as per the entitlement of the Visiting Scientist from FY 2023-24 as per central govt. TA rules.
Financial Commitment
During the fellowship period, awardees will be paid a consolidated amount up to Rs.30,000/- per month to cover expenses related to boarding, lodging, and incidental etc. The travel expenditure from parent to the visiting institute will be reimbursed separately on the production of tickets as per the entitlement of the Visiting Scientist from FY 2023-24 as per the central govt. TA rules.
The visiting position shall be availed to a scientist for a minimum period of one month to a maximum of six months in a laboratory or a research institution in a location in India.
Mode of Selection:
Applications in the prescribed format will be invited through open advertisement every year (November/December) and selection will be made during March/April.
Application Process:
- The applicants would be required to provide a concise account of their plan of work/ study and a CV highlighting their achievements. It would be desirable that the applicant should have approached the host institution and the scientist concerned to ascertain their concurrence for her/his visit.
- The applicant should be a Scientist/Faculty in a University, an affiliated College, a Research institution or an R&D Centre in India. Applicants should not have availed INSA Visiting Scientist Programme in the last one year.
- Candidates should apply online on the prescribed application form available on the Academy website. The decision of the Academy will be communicated during April/May of the following year.
The last date for Submitting the Online Application form is 1st May 2023