VAIBHAV Fellowships for Indian Diaspora – A DST Initiative
VAIBHAV Fellowships for Indian Diaspora – A DST Initiative. Interested NRI, PIO and OCI citizens currently living abroad are encouraged to apply for these fellowships when the call for applications are made. All of the details on the same are mentioned below
The VAIBHAV Fellowship aims at improving the research ecosystem of India’s Higher Educational and Scientific Institutions by facilitating academic and research collaborations between Indian Institutions and the best institutions in the world through the mobility of faculty/researchers from overseas institutions to India.
Eligibility: (for Scientists)
- The applicant should be a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), currently living abroad.
- The applicant must have obtained Ph.D/M.D/M.S degree from a recognized University.
- Applicant must be a researcher engaged in an overseas academic / research / industrial organization with a proven track record of research & development working in the top500 QS World University Ranking.
- Plan to pursue research work for a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 2 months a year in a research institution / academic institution in India, spread over 3 years.
- Applicants can submit their proposals only once in a calendar year.
Eligibility: (for Institutions)
- Higher Educational Institutions / Universities ranked in the top 200 in NIRF overall rankings and having NAAC ‘A” grade (3.0 and above) and scientific institutes.
Nature & Duration of Support:
- The fellowship is tenable only in India and can be implemented in any of the recognized academic institutions, national laboratories and other recognized R&D institutions. The host institution should provide the necessary administrative and infrastructural support
- The fellowship is for 1-2 months each year for a period of 3 years.
The fellows will be entitled to receive the grants as given below:
- Fellowship @ USD 5000 (in equivalent Indian currency)
- International Travel from a place of their institute to their place of work in India in business class
- Accommodation in 3 or 4-star hotel
- Contingency Rs 1,00,000 per year
- Domestic Travel for academic purposes up to two stations in a year
The host institute will get Rs 10 lakh per year for hosting the scientist and providing office/lab accommodation and facilitation for various infrastructure support,
Selection & Mode of Application
- The call for applications for VAIBHAV Fellowship will be notified through DST website
- Applications would be invited twice in a year, ending on 31st July and 31st January.
- The application form along with a research proposal highlighting the objectives of the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online.
- The applicant must identify an Indian Institution/University/Research Laboratory for carrying out his research.
- The selection will be based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee that will be constituted by the DST.
Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:
- Bio-data of Applicant
- Age Proof Certificate
- Qualification Certificate
- Undertaking Certificate by the applicant and NOC from their parent institute
- Endorsement Certificate from Host Institute
- Plagiarism undertaking
Termination of the Fellowship
- If any fellow wishes to terminate the fellowship, he/she shall inform DST. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of the PI. The institute will also arrange for the submission of the documents mentioned above.
- DST reserves the right to terminate the Fellowship at any stage if it is convinced that appropriate progress is not being made or the grant has not been utilized properly.
Contact Details:
For more details, the following may be contacted:
- Shri S K VarshneyAdvisor and Head
International Cooperation
Technology Bhawan
Department of Science and
New Delhi-110016Email: [email protected]. - Shri Sujit BanerjeeScientist-F
International Cooperation
Technology Bhawan
Department of Science and
New Delhi-110016Email: [email protected]. - Dr. Charu AgarwalScientist-C
Cooperation Division
Technology Bhawan
Department of Science and
New Delhi-110016Email: [email protected].
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Editor’s Note: VAIBHAV Fellowships for Indian Diaspora – A DST Initiative. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook