NISER Bioinformatician Recruitment – MSc Candidates Can Apply
NISER Bioinformatician Recruitment – MSc Candidates Can Apply. National Institute of Science Education and Research Odisha Bioinformatician Job. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below
This job expires in
(An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Jatni, Khurda, Odisha – 752050
Research & Development Section
Advertisement No.: NISER / R&D-242 / BL2201 / 51 / 2022-23
Applications from Indian nationals are invited for one temporary position of Bioinformatician under the project entitled “To identify metabolic biomarkers for microbiome for early detection of a) Type-2 Diabetes (T2D), b) Obesity, c) Stress (anxiety & depression, SAD), and d) Neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) & Longitudinal Study of Impact of Probiotics” in the School of Biological Sciences, NISER Bhubaneswar funded by Axilor Ventures Private Limited.
Name of the Post – Bioinformatician
No. of Posts – 01
Age – 35 years as of Feb 10, 2023, age relaxation to entitled categories per GOI rules.
Tenure – The above position is purely temporary for three months or completion of the project, whichever is earlier
and strictly co-terminus with the project and not leading to any Ph.D. degree in NISER. It would, therefore, not confer any right/ claim, implicit or explicit, for consideration/ absorption against any NISER post.How to Apply –
Shortlisted candidates will be informed and called for the interview; details of the interview will only be communicated to the eligible short-listed candidates. They need to email their application (enclosed) along with their detailed CV (Biodata), scanned copies of relevant certificates, at least two letters of recommendation stating the skills and expertise of the candidate, and the proforma (given on pages 2-3 of this document) to [email protected], by Feb 10, 2023 as a single document. Please put “Bioinformatician” in the subject line of the email. For any relevant queries, please contact Prof. Palok Aich by email above.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing in the interview or joining the position.
Monthly Emoluments – ₹25,000/- pm plus HRA as per rules
QUALIFICATION – Candidate with a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics/data science or equivalent to be working in NISER at Jatni, Khurda, Odisha.
Preference will be given to the candidate with
- Interests in applying their knowledge to high-impact industrial research.
- Interests in solving advanced biological problems and networking is required.
- Hands-on experience and advanced level skills on python, and/or R coding is required, knowledge and expertise in CSS is desirable
- Experience in text mining, database handling and generation is a must for this position
- Knowledge in handling and dealing with data for correlation and regression would be a plus
- Interests in crunching a lot of data and being able to make quick prototypes.
The Aich Lab ( focuses on understanding the role of the intestinal microbiome on the gut-adipocyte-brain axis. For this industry-funded project, we plan to establish host metabolome markers to identify individuals’ metagenome profiles. The work would also involve the identification of novel probiotics and their prophylactic or therapeutic roles. Knowledge of essential bioinformatics would be a plus. People with experience and interest in these areas with a strong desire for innovative research are preferred. The job involves but not limited to a) collection of clinical samples under the supervision of Clinical collaborators from AIIMS Bhubaneswar, b) processing of samples for downstream experiments and analysis.
Check the notification and download the application format below
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