ICMR-NIIH Research Jobs
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ICMR-NIIH Research Jobs For MSc, PhD Candidates – Apply Online

ICMR-NIIH Research Jobs For MSc, PhD Candidates – Apply Online. MSc, PhD Applied Biology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Bioinformatics SRF & RA Jobs. Senior Research Fellow Jobs at ICMR-NIIH. ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology SRF Job. Check the details below.

This job expires in

-728Days -4Hours -11Minutes -21Seconds

ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology
Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
13th Floor, New Building, KEM Hospital Campus, Parel, Mumbai-400012



Applications are invited on or before 15th February 2023 up to 5.00 p.m. from eligible candidates for the following vacancies to be filled at ICMR-NIIH, Mumbai. The application can be sent on the given link https://niih.org.in/projectappli/. Applications received after the due date will not be considered under any circumstances.

Post I

  1. Under the project: ICMR-Extramural project “ Development of Indigenous Reagent Red Cell panels for Identification and Characterization of Blood Group Alloantibodies in North East India” at ICMR-NIIH, Mumbai.

Name of the post: Research Associate

No. of Posts: 01 (One Post)

Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years.

Duration: Upto Feb, 2024.

Emoluments: 47000+ 27% HRA

Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Applied Biology/Biotechnology/Biochemistry/ Microbiology/OR M.Sc. with 3 years

post-M.Sc. research experience in molecular biology.

Desirable Qualification: Experience in Molecular Biology Techniques & Bioinformatics and NGS.

Post II

2. Under the project: ICMR-Extramural project “Centre of Excellence for advanced research Immunohaematology and transfusion medicine and create a National rare donor registry ” at ICMR-NIIH, Mumbai.

Name of the post: SRF

No. of Posts: 2 (Two Posts)

Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 years.

Duration: Up to August, 2024.

Emoluments: 35000/-+ HRA 27%

Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Applied Biology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Bioinformatics with 2 years of research experience.

Desirable Qualification: Experience in Molecular Biology Techniques & Bioinformatics and NGS.


  1. Candidates meeting the age criteria and possessing the required qualifications experience, etc. can fill out the Application Form through the link https://niih.org.in/projectappli/ up to 15th February 2023 up to 5.00 p.m. after the link will be disabled automatically.
  2. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for Video Call/Video-Conferencing facilities for online Interviews. The link will be sent to the shortlisted candidates for online Interviews.
  3. Selected candidates will be intimated by email /phone & have to bring all the documents as mentioned above in the Original for verification at the time of appointment.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The above positions are on a temporary contract basis.
  2. The Director & Appointing Authority has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.
  3. Age, qualifications, etc will be reckoned on the date of the Written Test/ Interview.
  4. The appointment can be terminated with one month’s notice from either side without assigning any reason.
  5. Since the posts are temporary; the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointment at NIIH or continuation of his/ her services in any other project.
  6. Other allowances like CCA, LTC, Medical Claims and PF are not applicable.
  7. The recruited project staff is eligible for leave as per project recruitment rules and will have to give an undertaking before joining.
  8. At the time of joining duty, the candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualifications (from SSC onwards), Experience, Aadhaar Card, Community and PH certificates (if applicable), and passport-size photograph along with one set of photocopies of the certificates duly attested (can be self-attested) for verification.
  9. The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on a contract basis.
  10. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification.


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Editor’s Note: ICMR-NIIH Research Jobs For MSc, PhD Candidates – Apply Online. Please ensure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest in the industry. Follow us on our social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!