DBT Call For Letters of Intent on Cancer Disease Biology, Applications Invited
DBT Call For Letters of Intent on Cancer Disease Biology, Applications Invited. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below.
Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science and Technology
Government of India
Call for Letters of Intent (LoIs) on ‘Cancer Disease Biology’
Background: Cancer disease is a major public health concern in India. India sees an incidence of more than 1 million new cases of cancer every year, a number that is likely to increase given the increasing age of Indian population and lifestyle changes. Cancer is enormously complex and highly adaptable; many subtypes of the disease have distinct clinical features and susceptibilities to therapy. Many cancers are still not diagnosed until they are at advanced stages and some resist most attempts at treatment.
Department of Biotechnology have been at the forefront of funding cancer research in India. With an aim to make a Cancer Free India by 2047, and to further research and development (R&D) in this direction, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India invites Letters of Intent (LoIs) on ‘Cancer Disease Biology Research’ with the following challenges:
- Identify and quantify cancer risk factors in the Indian population to better understand regional
variations, enabling new approaches to cancer prevention - Identify affordable approaches/screening tools to improve the early detection of cancers
- Generate affordable and effective therapies and outcomes against cancer using small
molecules - Understand the mechanism of cancer development
- Develop affordable AI tools/computational methods to reduce the cost of cancer care
Format for Letter of Intent (LoI):
a) Title of the Proposal:
b) Details of Institutions & Investigators Involved in the project
c) Aims and Objectives of the Proposal – clearly defining the unmet need being addressed
d) Specific Biological/ Technological Questions in the Context of the Unmet Need & its
e) Current State of the Proposed Research in the Indian and International context
f) Novelty of the Proposal
g) Expected Outcomes & their Potential Applications in the Indian context
h) Scope of Development of Resources to be Made Available for the Larger Scientific
Community (if applicable)
i) Brief CV of the Investigators (with details of 5-6 most relevant publications, patents etc.)
j) Tentative Institution-wise Budget (please also mention budget break-up for Recurring &
Non-Recurring heads)
The LoI should be signed by all the PI(s)/Co-PI(s) and forwarded by the Executive Head of the proposed host institution(s).
Eligibility: Scientist(s)/Clinician(s)/Researcher(s)/Academician(s) with sound scientific/ clinical and technical backgrounds and relevant publications working in regular capacity in recognized Research Institutions/Medical Colleges/Academic Institutions/ Universities desirous of undertaking research activities as enumerated above can submit LoIs against this Call. For non-government institutions, DSIR recognition as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) is a must. The host institution should undertake the overall responsibility of implementing the project including following relevant statutory requirements/norms/guidelines/procedures.
LoI Format & Mode of Submission:
Interested researchers should submit letter of intent in the above format duly forwarded by the executive head of the institution through email as one consolidated file both pdf & word file formats to Dr. Sandhya R. Shenoy, Scientist ‘F’, DBT, New Delhi (Email ID:
[email protected]).
Font: Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing and not more than six (6) pages. LoIs that exceed the page limit will be disqualified.
Incomplete or wrongly filled LoIs which lack essential information will be summarily rejected. LoIs received after the last date of submission will not be considered.
One hard copy of the LoI in the above-mentioned format should also be sent via Speed Post to Dr. Sandhya R. Shenoy, Director, Room # 606, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
PIs of the shortlisted LoIs will be invited to submit full proposal for a period of three years through DBT eProMIS (Electronic Project Management Information System) under the Program ‘Cancer Disease Biology’ and will be reviewed and evaluated as per the extant DBT norms, Govt. of India.
Contact for further information:
Dr. Sandhya R. Shenoy, Scientist ‘F’/Director, DBT, New Delhi (Email ID: [email protected]; Tel.: +91-11-24367192)
Last Date for Submission: 15th March 2023.
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