PhD Biological Sciences
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PhD Biological Sciences, Biophysics, Comp Bio Research Associate Recruitment

PhD Biological Sciences, Biophysics, Comp Bio Research Associate Recruitment. RA Vacancy for PhD candidates. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below


The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune is a premier institute dedicated to research and teaching in the basic sciences. It was established in 2006 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed Ministry of Education in August 2020). In 2012, IISER Pune was declared an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament.

Institute invites applications from Indian nationals for the following post purely on temporary and contractual basis under the funded project:

Name of the Post

– Research Associate

No. of Posts – 01 (One)

Name of the Project – “Understanding mechanobiological basis of the evolutionary diversity in spindles dynamics of nematodes”

Funding Agency – Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR)

Tenure of the appointment – Up to January 31, 2023

How to Apply

  • Interested candidates should send the application by email in the prescribed format
    available below advertisement by email (convert into PDF Format) addressed to [email protected] on or before October 10, 2022. Please mention “Research Associate and Advt. No.70/2022” in the subject line of the email.
  • A list of shortlisted candidates for the selection process with date, time and other details will be put up on the institute website below this advertisement and candidates will be informed by e-mail only.
  • The following will be collected and verified at an appropriate stage:
    a) Photocopies of relevant certificates and other testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experiences etc.
    b) Recent passport-size colour photograph.

General Information/Details about the post

  1. The appointment is purely temporary and will terminate automatically without any notice or compensation on the termination of the project.
  2. The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment/absorption in the Funding Agency or in IISER Pune.
  3. The appointment of the applicant will be governed by the terms and conditions of the funding agency particularly applicable to the said project.
  4. The prescribed date for determining the upper age limit, educational qualifications or experience shall be the last date for submitting applications.
  5. The prescribed educational qualification should have been obtained from recognized Universities / Institutions.
  6. The prescribed educational qualification/s are the bare minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for an interview. Where the number of applications received in response to this advertisement is large, it may not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates. Based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee, the Project Investigator may restrict the number of candidates to be called for the interview to a reasonable limit after taking into consideration minimum educational qualifications and experience over and above the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the applicants, to mention all the educational qualifications and experience in the relevant field at the time of applying.
  7. Age relaxation commensurate with the educational qualification/s and/or experience/s of the applicant may be considered for candidates having qualifications and experience higher than the advertised with the prior approval of the competent authority.
  8. In case, a selected candidate does not join or resigns after joining the post, waitlisted
    candidate/s may be offered the position.
  9. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing for the interview.
  10. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
  11. Bringing any influence, political, or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification for the post applied for.

Minimum Educational Qualification – Ph.D. in Biophysics / Computational Biology / Computational Physics / Biological Sciences or related areas.

Preference – Candidates having the following will be preferred –

  • Programming skills in Python, C/C++ and MATLAB.
  • Prior experience in scientific computing using Monte Carlo or stochastic methods.
  • Protein-protein and protein-membrane interaction simulations experience.
  • Strong background and research experience.
  • At least five research publications in peer-reviewed research articles.
  • Advanced knowledge of physics particle and molecular simulations.
  • Experience with protein-membrane interaction simulations.
  • Coarse-grained simulations.
  • Experience in mathematical modelling & molecular dynamics simulations.

Consolidated emoluments – Rs. 47,000/- + 24% House Rent Allowance

Click here to download the application format

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!