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Unemployment After College Degree – The Great University Scam of India

What is the real cost of your degree? Is it just the fees that you have paid or is it something else? In this video let’s analyze how you can save your career from being a disaster which is happening frequently with youngsters today.

How to save your career from disaster?

Often times the harsh reality that hits us in the face is how underqualified we are despite our degrees. There is a glaring gap between the university and industry. We need to bridge this gap in order to succeed at the industry level.

The Truth behind College Degrees

  • Your University or college charges you a bomb
  • Your degree alone cannot fetch you a high paying job
  • The skills you acquire at college are outdated
  • Your degree can leave you jobless even after the degree.

Why discuss this topic today?

  • In the absence of long term vision and the right mentors, students make mistakes.
  • We want to help you achieve success in your career.

What’s at stake?

Your career, your life and your earning capacity are at stake

Your Focus? Is usually to score well in the university and

college exams, but you realize how much of a misfit you are when you attend interviews. Don’t place all value just on marks but on knowledge as well

The good news

You have ample time during your degree to prepare for post-degree life. Take some time out of your schedule to prepare yourself for post-grad life.

The bad news

  • Your colleges and universities never tell you the truth about post-college life.
  • They keep you engaged in practicals, internals, externals, theory, viva, semester exams, final exams etc.

Fact check – Reality check

Knowledge is important but the most important is applicator knowledge

What to do while you are still in college?

Go beyond the edge of your degree to become cutting edge. Learn new skills sets like

  • Public speaking and communication skills
  • Technical skills based certification courses
  • Time management & productivity skills
  • Technical skills based internship
  • Hands-on training
  • Industry oriented training programmes
  • Publish papers

What not to do while not in degree?

  • Only focusing on college and university exams
  • Focusing on high marks and not on practical skills
  • Limiting your ability and capacity to the university syllabus

How Biotecnika can help you?

Biotecnika offers many skill enhancement courses and programs such as

  • Certification courses starting at Rs. 999
  • Internship Programs with Scholarships to talented students
  • Hands-on training
  • CSIR-NET & GATE Coaching
  • NEET Coaching
  • Career Enhancement & Guidance courses
  • eBooks Library & Much More

Important Links

Hope this eye-opening video on Unemployment After College Degree – The Great University Scam of India gave you the boost you needed to get your life in gear.

For more such informational videos – stay tuned to Biotecnika!

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!