Panjab University Student Internship
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Panjab University Student Internship With Stipend Opportunity, Applications Invited

Panjab University Student Internship With Stipend Opportunity, Applications Invited. 2 Month Student Internship With Stipend at Panjab University. Panjab University Student Internship 2022. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below


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(Established Under the Panjab University act of VII 1947-enacted by the Govt. of India)

Student Internship for two months

Dr. Santosh Kumar Upadhyay, Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator, Department of Botany requires the following personnel purely on an internship basis for two months as a part of Scientific Social Responsibility under SERB, India sponsored research proposal entitled “Functional Characterization of TaMSL-5D Gene of Bread Wheat”, file number CRG/2021/000040.” with following terms and conditions –

Position Available – One, Student Intern

Duration – Two months from the date of commencement of training. (Preferred Month of the start of the internship is the second week of June 2022).

Essential Qualification – Students pursuing postgraduate in Science (Botany, Biotechnology or related fields).

Stipend – Rs. 5000/- per month Fixed

Application Procedure

  1. All interested candidates may appear for Walk-In-Interview at the Department of Botany, Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh on 01.06.2022 at 11:30 am, along with the duly filled application form available below.
  2. Incomplete application forms and applications that are not in proper format may be summarily rejected.
  3. Candidates should ensure that information mentioned in the application form is accurate. Once the application form is submitted no further request regarding any changes/ information in the application form will be considered.
  4. The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration at Department from 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM on 01.06.2022.
  5. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates will not be interviewed.
  6. All the candidates are requested to appear for Walk-In-interview with the application form, experience certificates, publications (if any) and original degree certificates and transcripts.
  7. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
  8. Canvassing in any form or bringing influence, political or otherwise, will lead to disqualification of the candidate(s).
  9. Candidates should strictly adhere to guidelines issued by World Health Organization and Centre Govt/State Govt on Covid-19

Click here for the notification and download the application format

Editor’s Note: Panjab University Student Internship With Stipend Opportunity, Applications Invited. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


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